Tokelau entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.MATA-LIKI.A Mataliliki Fine, not coarse; (of net) have small mesh; (of grater) fine-toothed (Sma)
EO.MATA-LIKI.B Mataliki The constellation of Pleiades (Sma)
PN.MATA-QA-MUQA Matamua/mua Be cheeky, saucy Uncertain Semantic Connection (Sma)
CE.MATA-POOURI Matapoouli Have poor eyesight Problematic (Sma)
PN.MATA-TOQA Matatoa Be brave, look fearless (Sma)
PN.MATAQU.1 Matau Fish-hook (traditional) (Sma)
CP.MAA-TAU Maatau Note, observe; visualise; count; observation, judgement (Sma)
AN.MATE.1A Mate Die, be dead (of animals and plants; of humans in joking or disrespectful way); (of engine) stop; (of people in game) be out (Sma)
PN.MATIWA Mativa Be poor; poverty (Sma)
PN.MATE.1B Mate Be paralysed (of body part) (Sma)
PN.MATE.1D Mate (of fire, lights) Go out (Sma)
RO.MATU Matu Silver Sand-eater (Gerres sp.) (Sma)
AN.MATUQA.A Matua Be grown-up, be an adult; (of people) be old; (of fruit, crops, etc.) be matured, be ready (for picking) (Sma)
PN.MAQUGA Mauga Mountain (Sma)
EO.MAUII Maui Left-handed (Sma)
PN.MAA-UNU Maunu Be detached (from place), come loose (out of place) (Sma)
PN.MELE.1 Mele Throw away, discard, reject (Sma)
NP.MELE.2 Melemele The star Antares in the constellation Scorpio (Sma)
PN.MIGI Migi/migi Curly, frizzy (hair) (Sma)
NP.MIGOI. (Migo)migoi Wriggle; writhe, twist the body about (in pain); budge, move slightly (in discomfort) (Sma)
PN.MILI (Mi(li))mili Rub; massage (Sma)
MP.MIMI Mimi Urine; urinate, pass urine (Sma)
OC.MITI.3A Miti Suck; sip; puff (pipe); absorb (Sma)
PN.MOQO Moo Preposition: for (Sma)
PN.MOGAMOGA Mogamoga Cockroach (Sma)
MP.MOHE Moe Sleep, be asleep (Sma)
PN.MOLE.1 Mole (of people and things) Be none remaining, nothing remaining; (of stomach) empty; faint, swoon (Sma)
PN.MOLE.2 Mo/mole Slippery (Sma)
NP.MOOLII Moolii Lamp (in general) (Sma)
PN.MO-MOHE Momoe Sleep (pl.); sleep together, have sexual intercourse (of man and woman) (Sma)
PN.MOTO.1 Moto Punch, strike someone with the fist (Sma)
PN.MOTO.2A Moto (of fruit and vegetables) Green, unripe (Sma)
OC.MOTU.A Motu Be broken, break (of long things such as a stick or rope, also of connection, agreement, etc.); paid off (of accounts) (Sma)
OC.MOTU.B Motu Island, islet (Sma)
MP.MUU.2 Muu Tropical Porgie (Monotaxis grandoculis) (Sma)
PN.MUQA.B Mua Politeness particle, with emphatic effect, which generally follows the verb (Sma)
MP.MURI.1A Muli (of a contest of speed) Be beaten, be last (Sma)
PN.MURI.1B Muli Bottom (of basket, box etc.); base, bottom (of timber, pole, etc.); head, blunt end (of nail, pencil, etc.); bottom, posterior (of people) (vulgar) (Sma)
PN.MULU.1 Mulu/mulu Wash one's hands and face (Sma)
PN.MULU.1 Mu/mulu Wipe (one's face) with hands (The involuntary action of clearing one's eyes when one wakes from sleep) (Sma)
PN.MULU.2 Mulu Meddle, interfere; masturbate; talk about someone behind his back (Sma)
EO.MU-MUNI Mumuni Hide, conceal (Sma)
FJ.MUNUA Munua Large bass or grouper, about a metre long when fully grown (Epinephelus sp.) (Sma)
PN.MUSU.1 Muhu Refuse (v) (Sma)
PN.MUSU.1 Muhu/muhu Whisper (Sma)
PN.NA.3 Na/e Verbal particle indicating a continuous activity or state in the past (Sma)
PN.NAQA.1 Naa (of young children) Stop crying (Sma)
MP.NAMU.2A Namu Mosquito (Sma)
NP.NANEA Nanea (of food) Plentiful, enough to go round; also applied to food such as fish which have a high proportion of edible material in them (Sma)
PN.NAO Nao Kill (clam) by cutting off the tough cord which anchors it to the coral; extract the flesh (of a clam) by cutting off the cord which holds the two sides of the shell together; a special implement used for this (Sma)

2175 entries found