Tongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
MP.QATULE ʔOtule Horse mackerel (Trachurus), (Selar crumenophthalmus) (Hpr) (Gty)
AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus) (Cwd)
PN.AQU Aʔu To arrive; to reach or extend to (Cwd)
PN.QAU.2 ʔAu- Remove unwanted portion of something -- strip, scale, husk, etc. (in compounds) (Cwd)
MP.QAUA.1 ʔAua Mullet sp. (Hpr)
PN.QAUA.2 ʔOua Negative in prohibitions, or after ke, etc. (Cwd)
PN.QAUEE Uee Interjection expressing surprise (Cwd)
PN.QAU-HULU ʔAuhulu Rid a tree or plant of its dry leaves (Cwd)
NP.QAU-KAI ʔAukai Go without food, fast (Cwd)
SO.QAU-KAU Au Current, stream; ooze out (of pus) Problematic (Cwd)
PN.QAU-KAWA ʔAukava/ʔi Catch fish with help of fish poison (Cwd)
PN.QAU-MAI ʔOmai, ʔomi Bring give or send or lend (to me or us) (Cwd)
PN.QAU-MAI Omi. Omý. To bring, to fetch. To bring hither. (Mar)
AN.QONE One(-one) Sand; also gunpowder (Mar)
PN.AQU-MOHE Ma/aʔumohe/ Fast asleep (Cwd)
MP.AWA Ava Passage, opening. A cove, crevice, creek; a hole; a gap; a streight (Mar). (Cwd)
MP.QAWA ʔAva Fish sp (Cwd)
XW.QAAWAGA.B ʔAavanga Sickness caused (or believed to be caused) by a fa`ahikehe or tevolo. Be fascinated or infatuated by, or strongly attracted to a girl (or a boy) as if enchanted or bewitched Borrowed Problematic (Cwd)
XW.QAAWAGA.B ʔAavangaa To develop a terrible craze for, as if bewitched; to be infatuated Borrowed Problematic (Cwd)
XW.QAAWAGA.B ʔAavangaʔia To be sick with an `aavanga Borrowed Problematic (Cwd)
PN.QAW-ATU ʔOatu, ʔatu Take, send, give, lend (away) (Cwd)
PN.AWE.A Ave/ave (Psilotum sp.) with filament-like leaves Problematic (Cwd)
PN.QAWE ʔAve Take (away), remove, convey, send (away) (Cwd)
XW.QAAVE-A ʔAavea Carried away, as by a spook; distracted (Cwd)
OC.E.1A ʔE Future tense-aspect marker (Cwd)
PN.E.2 ʔE Agent marker (Cwd)
PN.EQA.A Eʔa Show v., exposed, to be (Cwd)
XW.EFE Efe Sediment from coconut oil; refuse of kava after pounding and straining (Cwd)
AN.EFU.1 Efu Dust (Cwd)
XW.EFU.2 Efu Fine mat used for corpse to rest on (Cwd)
PN.QELO ʔElo, ʔeho Stinking, putrid, to be (Cwd)
PN.QEMI ʔEmi Wriggle, move, jerk, fidget (Cwd)
PN.QEMO ʔEmo Lick (Cwd)
PN.QENE ʔEne Tickle, touch so as to tickle (Cwd)
AN.-NI E/ni This, these, now (Cwd)
OC.QEPA ʔEpa Mats given to bride (Cwd)
OC.QEPA ʔEpa Sit, stand or walk with the face turned upwards (Cwd)
OC.QEPA ʔE/ʔepa/ Lie face upward, of a corpse (Cwd)
PN.QETE-QETE ʔEte(ʔete) Walk on toe, heel, edge of foot (as when sore) (Cwd)
MP.QETI ʔEsi Husk/strip with teeth (with reference to green coconuT) (Cwd)
PN.QEWA ʔEva Go for a walk, go away for a change (Cwd)
PN.EWE.1 Eve(eve) Ragged or torn or worn out, tattered, in tatters, esp. of a mat; ragged mat or piece of it, tatter (Cwd)
AN.FAA.1 Faa Four (Cwd)
MP.FAA.2 Faa Hoarse (Cwd)
PN.MA-FASI Mafahi Split (vi); split (n), fissure, piece split off (Cwd)
PN.FAQA.3 Faa To burst or split open (sep. of something containing liquid); (of river) to overflow, be in flood (Cwd)
AN.FAQA.1 Faʔa Lower portion of leaf stalk (Cwd)
XW.FAQA.2 Faʔa Habituative particle (Cwd)
PN.FAQEA Faʔee Mother (Cwd)
PN.FAQELE Faaʔele Give birth to (Cwd)

4323 entries found