Tuvalu entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.KATOA | Katoa | All, the full complement | (Rby) |
NP.KATULI | Katuli | Portulaca varieties, (Pilea microphylla) | (Rby) |
PN.KAU.2B | Kau | Be a member of a group, team, crew | (Rby) |
AN.KAU.3 | Kau | Stick | (Rby) |
PN.KAU.4 | Kau | Handle; stalk | (Rby) |
PN.KAU.6 | Kau/aku | I, first exclusive person singular clitic pronoun | (Bsr) |
PN.KAU.7 | Kau | Be a member of a group, team, crew etc (Ranby) to join, associate with, to attend, to be included in an activity (Jackson) | (Rby) |
OC.KAU-QAHE | Kauvae | Chin | (Rby) |
EC.KAU-GUTU | Kaugutu | Edge of box etc.; rim of cup, bowl, etc. | (Rby) |
OC.KAU-KAU | Kaukau | Have a bath | (Rby) |
NP.KAUPAPA | Kaupapa | Reef; flat area of rock | (Rby) |
PN.KAU-WAKA | Kauvaka | Crew | (Rby) |
OC.KAWA.1A | Kava | Plant sp. (Piper methysticum) | (Rby) |
NP.KAWA.1B | Ka/kava | Feeling in mouth when thirsty; sour | (Rby) |
CP.KAWA.3 | Kava/liki | Small to medium-sized fish sp. | (Rby) |
MP.KAWE.2A | Kave | To take (Jackson) | (Rby) |
MP.KAWE.2A | Ka/kave/ | Carry | (Rby) |
NP.KAWE.4 | Kave | Sibling | (Rby) |
PN.KAWE-GA | Avega | load, responsibility (Jackson) Problematic | (Rby) |
PN.KAWEI | Kavei | Cords used to fasten to tree the stick upon which one stands while picking nuts | (Rby) |
SO.KAVEI | Kavei | Tentacle | (Rby) |
NO.MO-QISI | Mookalihi | A few Problematic | (Rby) |
OC.KAWIKI | Kaviki | Seashore crab sp | (Rby) |
EO.KE | Ke | So that, in order to | (Rby) |
PN.KEE.1 | Kee | Second person singular clitic pronoun | (Bsr) |
PN.KEA.1 | Kea | Thrush | (Rby) |
OC.KEA.2 | Kea | Small turtle; person with small head | (Rby) |
PN.KEFU | Kefu | Fawn-coloured insect | (Rby) |
PN.KEFU | Kefu/kefu | Light (of any colour) | (Rby) |
CP.KELE.A | Kele | Soil | (Rby) |
PN.KELE-MUTU | Kelemutu | Earthworm | (Rby) |
OC.KELI | Keli | Dig | (Rby) |
MP.KEMO | Kemo | Blink (of eye), twinkle (of light) | (Rby) |
PN.KENA.1B | Kena | Blue-faced booby (Sula dactylatra) | (Clk) |
PN.KENU | Kenu | Dig | (Rby) |
EO.KESE | Kehe | Different, be different | (Rby) |
EO.KETE.A | Kete | Basket | (Rby) |
PN.KETU.2 | Ketu | Hop | (Rby) |
PN.KEU.1 | Keu | Push one's way | (Rby) |
PN.KEU.1 | Keu/keu | Try hard | (Rby) |
MP.KIE.A | Kie | Pandanus variety | (Rby) |
PN.KIE.B | Kie | Plaited waist-band; fine mat | (Rby) |
PN.KIKII | Kikii | Sound of a trapped bird, of crying baby with no breath left, of skidding car | (Rby) |
EO.KI-KITE | Kite | One who can foretell fishing prospects from weather signs | (Rby) |
PN.KIKO.B | Kiko | Vagina | (Rby) |
PN.KILA.1 | Ki/kila | Bald | (Rby) |
SO.KIMOA | Kimoa | Rat | (Rby) |
EO.KITA.1 | Kita | I (depreciatory); indefinite personal pronoun 'one' | (Rby) |
NP.KIU.2 | Kiu | Innumerable | (Rby) |
SO.KIVA | Kiva | Superincise, circumcise | (Rby) |
1928 entries found