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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu NP.LUU-KAU.* U/rukau Food prepared for a sick person on the first day he/she stays in the elder’s house Uncertain Semantic Connection
Sikaiana SO.USO.3 Uso An extended blood relationship Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu FJ.UTUA Utua A tidal flat between the islands and in the lagoon offshore from Nukutoa, partially uncovered by low tide; Te Utua is also a location on Takuu Island
Takuu AN.WAQE Vae Foot, leg (of person, animal, stool, etc.) thigh, lap; shank of a fishhook
Sikaiana AN.FANA.1 V/vana To spear fish with a rubber sling, to shoot a bow and arrow Phonologically Irregular
Sikaiana NP.WASI Vasi Cut off the root {uli} of taro {haahaa} in preparation for cooking and replanting
Takuu NP.WEKU.1 Veku (of cooked food) Shred; wring (one’s hands) with sand to remove an unpleasant smell; rinse (of clothes, but not the body)
Pukapuka CE.WALE-A.B Valea Enjoy, get supreme pleasure or satisfaction (particularly from abundant food or from sex)
Tongan PN.QAFIO ʔAfio (of king or queen) To sit, to be present, to live (dwell, reside), or to look; Majesty
Pukapuka AN.FONU.1 Woo/wonu High tide
Pukapuka OC.GAO.1 Ngao Molar tooth
Pukapuka CE.KOTI-GA Kootinga Boundary line
Pukapuka PN.MAASINA Maayina Moon (archaic)
Pukapuka NP.MITA Waka/mita/mita Intrude, act foolishly, try to be funny during serious business. Show off (Sby).
Pukapuka PN.MUKA.1A Muko Shoot of a plant
Pukapuka EP.NO Noo Belonging to, of, from
Pukapuka PN.OO.1 Woo Tiny reef fish on which bonito feed, Caesio spp.
Tahitian PN.MUKA.1A Muo/o Taro shoots used for planting Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu PN.MUKA.1A Muko/ko The young shoot of a plant Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka CE.POO-RUTU Poolutu/lutu To rain heavily
Luangiua PN.POLA-POLA Polapola Big bags for oven food
Kapingamarangi SO.FAFA.3 Haha Slack rope on the boom sheet
Rennellese PN.QATIU ʔAatiu A rare vine, Cucumis melo L. (fruits eaten raw or cooked)
Anuta XO.IKA-TAPU Ika tapu A kind of fish reaching perhaps five pounds; very hard fighter and very good to eat; with navy blue and gold markings (pompano?)
Luangiua PN.TANU-TANU Ma/kangukangu Fish sp. (sandy bottom, lagoon, silver-brown, pink fins)
Luangiua RO.MATU Maku Small, all-silver fish sp. (lagoon, shallow sandy shore)
Luangiua EC.SOKE Soʔe Fish sp. (smooth silver 'angel fish')
Pukapuka EC.SOKE Yoke mangoo Young shark
Pukapuka PN.SOLO-GA Yoolonga Patrilineage, thought of as "moving" towards the cemetery
Pukapuka PN.TUQU-RUA-POO Tuuluaapoo Middle of the night
Rotuman XW.GUTU-LEI Mutlei Bird sp., booby
Samoan PN.TALO-TALO Lau/talotalo Crinum asiaticum, Monsoon Lily, Spider Lily
Marquesas CE.POO-TAGOTAGO Potako (MQN), potano (MQS). Pootako (MQN) (Atl). Ténèbres, nuit obscur, sombre. Noir, ténébreux (Dln).
Easter Island PN.FAKA-QATU.B Hakaatu/ŋa Omen; temptation; proof, test
Nukuoro PN.TUPU.B Dubu Exceed the amount required; too (eg. many)
Takuu SO.TUPU.D Tipu/tipu Resemble, look like; assume the form of something, emerge as; manner, form, style, character, resemblance
Tongan PN.TA-PUNI Taapuni To shut or close (door, window, book, box, bottle, mail etc.); to block (a path or doorway) by standing in it
Tongan PN.QANU-FEA Faka/anufea To cool down or keep cool by placing in water
Tikopia PN.QANU-FEA Sau/anufeea Chill; coolness; cold
Hawaiian PN.QANU-FEA Anuhea Cool, soft fragrance, as of upland forests; sweetness; to be cool, fragrant and sweet
Luangiua PN.KOWI.A Hai/ovi Internal sores on foot
Tongan PN.MAALOOLOO.B Maalooloo To rest
East Uvea PN.MAALOOLOO.B Maalooloo Etre en bonne santé, se bien porter, se remettre, se rétablir, se reposer
Niue PN.MAALOOLOO.B Maloloo. Maloolo (McE). To recover from illness
East Futuna PN.MAALOOLOO.B Maalooloo Aller mieux; se sentir mieux; se reposer; être en vacances
Tokelau PN.MAALOOLOO.B Maalooloo Rest, stop (the work for the day); be well, be healthy
Samoan PN.MAALOOLOO.B Maalooloo To rest; to be recovered from sickness, to be well
Luangiua PN.MAALOOLOO.B Ha/maloolo/a Rest, stop work
Sikaiana PN.MAALOOLOO.B Haka/malooloo To take a rest, to take a vacation, a holiday
Kapingamarangi PN.MAALOOLOO.B Haga/molooloo To rest