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61303 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas PN.MA-KAKA Makákka Affronting, troublesome, vexatious, provoking
Marquesas PN.MAKI Máke A blotch in the skin, a sore
Marquesas OC.MAGOO Máko (NKH), máno A species of shark
Marquesas PN.MAROO Máou Thirsty
Marquesas OC.MATAGI Màtáke, màtáne The wind or the air
Marquesas AN.MATAKU Màtáo Fear, afraid
Ifira-Mele CE.MATA-KAINAGA Màtíná A party, people, subjects, mankind
Marquesas CP.MASALO.A Mátta/matáo A thought; to think Problematic
Marquesas EP.MATA-POO Mattapó Blind
Marquesas AN.MATE.1A Mátte To die, kill; dead; ill, hurt, sick
Marquesas PN.MATE.1E Ti matte A smooth sea
Marquesas PN.MATUKU.A Matúgu A shag, a sea bird
Marquesas EP.MAQITAKI Meitáke, meitárre, meití Good, pleasant, beautiful
Mangareva MQ.MERIE Merie Etre profane, ne pas être tabouisé;profanation; être miséricordieux, généreux; avoir pitié de quelqu'un
Marquesas MQ.MERIE Méieei Common in opposition to sacred
Marquesas PN.MOKOPUNA Mobúna A grand child
Marquesas CE.MOORII Moé A daughter, a girl
Marquesas MP.MOHE Móe To sleep; to be still; to remain
Marquesas CP.MOKO.2 Mógo To make a collection
Marquesas ??.MOKA.2 Móka Poor (in flesh), lean
Marquesas CE.MOKE Móke Hid, or lost in the woods
Marquesas MP.MOO-MONA Momóna Savoury, luscious; fat, full-fleshed
Marquesas PN.MAGA-MAGA.A Mónnamónna A limb; bough of a tree
Marquesas EC.MAGA-MAGA.B Mónnamónna, mokkamokka (NKH) A limb, finger, toe, bough of a tree
Marquesas OC.MAATOLU Móto Thick; *ma* in a rough state
Marquesas OC.MOTU.B Mótu An island, a rock or stone standing alone
Marquesas PN.MAQU.1 Mou To proceed in discourse; to hold fast; to be steady; to contain; to fit in
Marquesas CE.MAU Mou A pair
Marquesas PN.MAUNU Moúnu Bait of every kind -- for fish, rats &c.
Marquesas CE.MUTU.1C Mútu Silent, to be silent
Marquesas PN.EE-NAA Ëínná There, or there it is
Marquesas NP.NAA.1 Mi/ná That way
Marquesas OC.-GA A postfix added to verbs and adjectives to convert them to substantives
Marquesas SO.GAA-TAI Kapai (MQN), tapai, napai (MQS) Du côté de la mer (non loin de la personne qui parle), vers la mer Problematic
Marquesas SO.GAA-TAI Nápbi, tapbí (NKH) Adjacent, in the neighbourhood Problematic
Tuamotu CE.PAE.1B A/pae A side; the whole region on one side; the outside, space around
Tahitian CE.PAE.1B Raa/pae Locatif: dehors
Marquesas NP.EE-NEI Ëínnei Here, here it is
Marquesas NP.NEI Mi/nei This way
Marquesas AN.HAFA.A Ei/há nei What now?
Marquesas NP.QAA-I-LAA-NEI Einéiei A compliment used by a person taking leave, the reply to which is *ai*, often followed by *uppaue* Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas NP.NITI Ni/niti Rabougri, chétif; étroit; fraction d'empan; petit reste d'une chose, rétaille; coudée
Marquesas NP.NITI Niti Resserré, étroit, rétréci
Marquesas NP.NITI Ne/néte A fractional part of a fathom or span
Marquesas EP.GAARARA Kokká (NKH), nenná The large house-lizard
Marquesas PN.LINO Néno. Neʔno, neʔno (Rbs). To braid or plait Problematic
Marquesas PN.GATAE Nettáe A large tree bearing red flowers
Mangareva MQ.NIU.2 Niu Toupie; tourner (se dit de qc. qui tourne sur elle-même)
Marquesas MQ.NIU.2 Niú Toupie
Marquesas MQ.NIU.2 Néu A whipping top