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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuvalu PN.LONA Loonaa To have food stuck in windpipe, to choke
Tuvalu PN.WALE-A.A Valea Stupid, ignorant, uneducated. Foolish, irresponsible (Rby).
Tuvalu PN.TOKIA Tookia To be damp, cold, wet from dew
Tuvalu XW.SO-LOFA Soolofa To be flattened
Tuvalu PN.NUNU Nunu To scrape the fruit of the vaatia [arrowroot]
Mangareva PN.OO.2 ʔOo Exclamation pour appeler et pour répondre
Marquesas PN.QAA-POO Epoo Bientot, dans un instant, tout à l'heure; attendez un peu
New Zealand Maori CE.KOO-IWI Kooiwi Bone; corpse; person, self...
Tuamotu CE.KOO-IWI Kooivi The bare stem of a leaf; the nerve of a leaf; the root, the heart of a matter...
Hawaiian CE.KOO-IWI ʔOoiwi Physique, appearance; to appear; self; own
Marquesas TA.PAA-TOO-TOO.* Pakoko. Paakookoo (Mtu). Frapper à la porte; knock on the door Borrowed
Hawaiian NP.LAGA.1E Laanai Porch, veranda, booth, shed
Marquesas CE.KAWEKA Kaveka (MQN) Sterne fuligineuse, oiseau de la famille des laridés. Sooty tern (Sterna fuscata) [Nukuhiva Dialect] (Atl).
Marquesas MP.TIA.1A Tia/tia Arbuste de la famille des sapindacées; bois solide utilisé pour les battoirs à tapa, les ko'u'i'ima ou frotteurs pour allumer le feu, et les tiges fixent le balancier de la pirogue aux bras appelés kiato. Bâtons croisés qui soutiennent la traverse sur le balancier; crossed beams which support the boom (Atl).
Marquesas PN.POKO.2 Ti/poko (MQN), ti/poʔo (MQS). To/poʔo (Hiva Oa) (Atl). Creuser; faire des coches, des entailles avec un instrument tranchant. Creuser (une pirogue); hollow out (a canoe) [Northwest Marquesan Dialect]. Entailler (le bois); notch (wood). (Atl).
Samoan PN.TO-TOLO Totolo Crawl, creep; move along in a crouching or stooping posture (out of respect for the distinguished company present)
Marquesas MP.WAO.A Vaaoo Fond d'une vallée Problematic
Marquesas EP.PAKA.1B Pa/paka (MQN), paʔa/paʔa (MQS) Remnants of food. Restants (qui collent au plat) (Atl).
Marquesas PN.TAOTAO Kokooʔama Poisson trompette Phonologically Irregular
West Futuna PN.LITO.2 Jiro Shoot, bud (n); to bud
Rarotongan CE.TAGO.C Pooiri tango/tango Pitch dark(ness), benighted ignorance
Hawaiian CE.KAE ʔAe Sap wrung from seaweed or leaves of plants such as taro; liquid remaining after dregs have settled, as of *pia* (arrowroot starch); saliva, drooling of the mouth
Marquesas NP.POGA.3 Niho pona (MQS), niho moka (MQN) Molaire, molar tooth
Tuamotu NP.POGA.3 Niho poŋa Molaire, molar tooth
Tahitian EP.PORO.2 Poro The heel, or elbow; the handle of a tool, such as a knife or chisel; the end of a ridge pole
Tuamotu EP.PORO.2 Poro The rounded end of a house; a corner; the butt, end of a stick; the fleshy pad on the bottom of the heel of the foot; elbow; the buttocks; bend, curve
Tuamotu MQ.HOUPO Haupo, hooupo Heart (of man or beast)
Marquesas EP.TAFUQA Tohua vaevae Plante du pied, sole of foot (FHV). Le dessous des pieds (Dln 1904).
Marquesas AN.KATI Kati (MQN) Etouffé par la nourriture, étranglé (par une arête); choke (on food, a fish-bone) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas NP.FIFI.3 Hihi kotaʔa (MQN), hihi ʔotaʔa (Hiva Oa) Chair de poule, goose flesh
Marquesas CE.KAA-TARA Hihi kotaʔa (MQN), hihi ʔotaʔa (Hiva Oa) Chair de poule, goose flesh
Marquesas PN.MAALUU.1A Moʔu(u). Frais, fresh. Cool.
Tuamotu MQ.KUKINA Kuukina To give one crunching sound, as food in the mouth; to crunch, as gravel, shale, underfoot or beneath a keel
Hawaiian CE.KOONINI.2 ʔOonini A slight breeze, puff of wind; to gasp for breath, blow softly, blink Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu CE.KOONINI.2 Koonini The sexual act/experience
New Zealand Maori CE.KOONINI.2 Koonini Fruit of Fuchsia excorticata Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuamotu MQ.TAKEO Takeo Poisoning; an illness due to poisoning; poisonous, deadly, causing death (e.g. food)
Tahitian TA.MA-KOKI Maoi To be bent under, as the leg or foot in falling suddenly
Tongan PN.FAKA-KITE Fakakite To loom ahead, to appear to be approaching (in time, not space); to presage, augur, suggest, or be an omen of
Hawaiian PN.FAKA-KITE Hooʔike To show, exhibit, display, tell, reveal...
Marquesas FJ.KALO.3 Ka/kaʔo (MQS) Evider (une noix de coco); hollow out (a coconut). Entailler (le bois); notch (wood).
Hawaiian CE.KOO-REGA ʔOolena The turmeric (Curcuma domestica), a kind of ginger...; yellow
Tuamotu CE.KOO-REGA Kooreŋa(reŋa) Yellowish; straw-coloured...
Hawaiian MQ.FAKA-TOSI (Haʔa)(ko)koohi To strain, especially as in childbirth; to travail
Tuamotu MQ.FAKA-TOSI Fakatotohi To let blood, bleed Problematic
Hawaiian EP.TAFU.B Kahu/kahu To offer food and prayers to a god, or to the spirit of a deified person
Marquesas SO.PAKAKAU.* Pekeheu, keheu (haʔe), peheu faʔe (Fatu Hiva) Abri provisoire, temporary shelter. Appentis, lean-to roof.
Marquesas NP.LAGA.1E Rarai Galerie; projecting roof Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas PN.KALU.B Kaʔu/kaʔu Particule, particle. Miettes, crumbs. Copeaux de bois, wood shavings.
Marquesas CE.TII-KARO Tikaʔo (MQN) Attraper les poissons à la main dans les trous de roches; catch fish with the hand in holes in rocks. Entailler (le bois); notch (wood).