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16729 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas PN.MOTO.1 Moto Boxer a coups de pieds, a coups de poing. Cogner, frapper sur; donner des coups de tête à la manière du bélier (Lch).
East Futuna PN.MOTO.2A Moto Vert; immature; pas mur
East Uvea PN.MOTO.2A Moto Bourgeon; non épanoui (fleur); non mur, non parvenu à la maturité, encore vert
Mangaia CE.KOO-MOTO Koomoto Coconut maturation stage: half-ripe, containing more flesh than water...
Rotuman PN.MOTO.2A Moto Immature, small and green (fruit); immature and soft (wood) Borrowed
Samoan PN.MOTO.2A Moto Unripe, not mature. Unripe, green (fruit & vegetables) (Mnr)
Tahitian PN.MOTO.2A Moto Hard or unfermented breadfruit put in a pit of mahi
Takuu PN.MOTO.2A Moto (Of fruit) Immature, green, unripe
Tikopia PN.MOTO.2A Moto Unripe, still maturing, of fruit etc.
Mangareva CE.MOO-TORO.* Motoro/toro One who glides in or steals in at night; a shameful crime. Crime honteux; voleur qui se faufile dans une maison pendant la nuit
Mangareva CE.MOO-TORO.* Mootoro A bastard. Enfant naturel dont la conception n'est connue qu'après le mariage de la mère; forniquer
Tahitian CE.MOO-TORO.* Motoro To make use of some means to awake and entice a person out of house, in the night, for base purposes
Tuamotu CE.MOO-TORO.* Motoro Secretly seek out the bed of a woman to win consent to sexual intercourse
Anuta OC.MOTU.B Motu Small island...
Takuu OC.MOTU.B Motu Island within an atoll; naturally occurring circular mound for planting taro, bananas etc.; small clearing of dry land in garden area
Hawaiian NP.MUU.3 Muu Silent; to shut the lips and make no sound
Nukuoro NP.MUU.3 Muu/muu kaiaa Remain silent (in order to hide a misdeed)
Tahitian NP.MUU.3 Mû/mû To make a confused noise, as of a number of persons talking together
New Zealand Maori OC.MUQA.A Mua Space or place in front; earlier period; restricted or tapu part of marae, i.e. in front of meeting-house
Samoan OC.MUQA.A Luma In front of, forward Problematic
West Uvea OC.MUQA.A Moa [mwa] Adverbe marquant une priorité temporelle ou spatiale: avant, auparavant, d'abord, devant (se place avant ou après le verbe qu'il modifie); être devant (v) Phonologically Irregular
Emae PN.MUQA.B Mua Particle making a command or proposal more polite
Tongan PN.MUQA.B Muʔa Please; with your permission; if I may
Tuamotu PN.MUQA-KI Muaakia Thoroughly chewed, masticated (as food pre-chewed for feeding to small children) Borrowed
West Futuna PN.MUQA-KI Mok/age Precede, go first, go ahead of; first (adj,adv). Marcher devant, précéder (Rve). Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna NP.MUU-FEKE Muufeke Calmar (mollusque céphalopode)
Niue PN.MUKA.1A Muka Stalk or growing tip used for replanting (mainly of taro); monetary interest, profit
Sikaiana PN.MUKA.1A Muko Shoot growing from sprouted coconut {kamatuu}
Tongan PN.MUKA.1A Muko/muka (To have) many leaf-buds or young leaves
Penrhyn NP.MUKA.1B (Niimata) muko/muko Maturation stage of coconut fruit (still has edible husk, no flesh inside)
Pukapuka NP.MUKA.1B Muko/muko Nearly mature coconut; tender shoot of coconut palm
East Uvea SO.MULE.2 Mule Frotter, masturber
Pukapuka SO.MULE.2 Maa/mule/mule Slippery
Samoan SO.MULE.2 Mumule Odor feminae; odor maris before tefe Problematic
Takuu PN.MURI.1B Muri- Part, remainder, end
Ifira-Mele PN.MURI.1C Funu/mui Young woman (between puberty and marriage) Borrowed Phonologically Irregular
Niue PN.MURI.1C Mui To be immature, green, unripe
Tokelau PN.MURI.1C Fafine /muli/ Young married woman
Tongan PN.MURI.1C Mui Young, immature, only partly grown or developed (as yet); applied to animals, birds, tree, plant, fruit, but not to human beings, except in the compound finemui "young woman"
East Futuna PN.MULU.1 Mulu/ki Oter le poil, râcler la peau, nettoyer, essuyer avec la main, effeuiller, égrainer
East Uvea PN.MULU.1 Mulu Masturbate
Kapingamarangi PN.MULU.1 Mmulu Massage
Niue PN.MULU.1 Mulu Rub, massage; take off a cover or sheath
Pukapuka PN.MULU.1 Wakamaa/mulu/ To rub
Penrhyn PN.MURU Muru/muru Singe (of food animals)
Mangareva CE.MUUNAA Muna Maladie de la peau, dartre farineuse; maladie de la derrière envoyée par les dieux pour avoir fait ses nécéssités près de la demeure
Tahitian PN.MUSU.1 Muhu Noise, the din of talking; to make a noise or din
East Futuna MP.MUTU.2 Mutu Fish sp., small
Rennellese MP.MUTU.2 Mutu Kind of small fish caught in nets and on the reef
Rotuman MP.MUTU.2 Mutu Small, dark-grey fish Borrowed