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16733 Results matching "ma" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangaia CK.POO-RAGI Porangi Demented, mad
Tongan PN.POLATA Polata Trunk, main stem of plantain or banana plant
Nggela EO.POLI.A Mboli/lo Very fat (of a woman)
Tahitian NP.POLI.B Pori The bulk, or size, as that of a man, or a tree; certain persons of both sexes, but chiefly women, who pampered their bodies to become fat and fair
New Zealand Maori CE.PORI Pori People, dependants [South Island Dialect]
Pukapuka OC.POLO.1 Polo A plant (Hedyotis romanzoffiensis)
Rapa OC.POLO.1 Po/poro Herb with small red berry
Rotuman OC.POLO.1 Poro Plant with edible leaves, inedible fruit like cherry tomatoes
Nukuoro PN.PORO.1 Bolo Make a will; according to
Luangiua PN.PORO.1 Polo Parent teaching child manners; advice
Sikaiana PN.PORO.1 Polo/polo To promise, to make a commitment; (often) to marry
Tikopia PN.PORO.1 Poro Command; issue formal invitation
Hawaiian PN.PORO-QAKI Poloʔai Summon, command to appear, invite, proclaim publicly
Kapingamarangi PN.PORO-QAKI Poro(w)aki Will; make a will, order, make an engagement
Marquesas PN.PORO-QAKI Poʔoaʔi, poʔohaki, poʔoʔaki Engager à, inviter à, commander de, solliciter à, porter à
Niue PN.PORO-QAKI Poaki, puaki Issue a command, send word, send a message
Tahitian PN.PORO-QAKI Poroʔi Message; informer; commande, faire une commande; demander, faire venir, appeler
Tikopia PN.PORO-QAKI Poroaki Command; issue formal invitation
Mangareva CE.POORORI Porori Breadfruit which is smaller than the others Problematic
Tuamotu CE.POO-RUTU Porutu Repel or check by a sign of the hand, as an unwelcome advance or displeasing remark; to trim down the edge of a strake or plank Problematic
Marquesas PN.PONA Pona Noeud; (counting unit of four breadfruit). Noeud, maille (Lch). Nouer (Atl).
Mangareva PN.PONA Pona Knot. Petit pierre qu'on peut lancer à la main; nouer, faire joindre les bouts d'une chaîne
Niue PN.PONA Pona Knot; to tie a knot; small food item (plant or animal); (of tree) begin to bear fruit
Tahitian TR.POO-NAO Poonao Dé de couturière; cadenas; pelote (de ficelle...); boîte (d'allumettes) (poonao maati)
East Uvea PN.PONE Pone Generic term for some species of Acanthurus, smallest growth stage
Takuu MP.PONO.1 Pon/tau Large log on which mahaurani spirits drifted to Takuu, allegedly from Kiribati, in the mythical era Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.POPO.1 Popo Old (of things, mainly clothes, not living beings)
Mangareva AN.POO-POO.A Popo Claquer des mains; soigner le *kupega* (filet de pêche) Phonologically Irregular
Rennellese AN.POO-POO.A Poopoo Pat, press down, flatten out; beat hard, so as to flatten or smash
Tahitian AN.POO-POO.A Poopoo Applaudir, frapper des mains
Easter Island NP.POO-POO.B Poʔpó Ball, globe; make little balls of paper, clay etc. Phonologically Irregular
Hawaiian NP.POO-POO.B Poopoo Ball, round mass, wad; to shape or was up into a ball or bundle
New Zealand Maori NP.POO-POO.B Po(p)o/i Knead, make into balls, of food etc.
Marquesas NP.POO-POO.B Poopoo (i). Popo (Lch). Faire des boules; morceau de pâte ou autre chose semblable lorsqu'on la ramasse pour en faire un tout. Boule (Lch).
Luangiua NP.POO-POO.B Poopoo Make into balls by throwing from hand to hand
Luangiua NP.POO-POO.B Po/i Rounded, make into a ball Phonologically Irregular
Mangareva CE.POHE Poʔe/poʔe Cligner des yeux par faiblesse, par maladie; avoir les yeux enfoncé par suite de maladie Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian CE.POHE Pohe Mort, mourir; éprouver la maladie, la faim, le sommeil, un besoin naturel, de la frayeur
New Zealand Maori CP.POSO Poho Chest, stomach
New Zealand Maori NP.POTA Pota Fragment, small portion; few, small, little Problematic
Tahitian NP.POTA Pota Chou; jeunes feuilles de taro et de taruaa qui, cuites à la manière des épinards, donnent le faafaa
Rarotongan EP.POO-TAKA Pootaka Hoop made from coconut leaflet; roll, spin, twirl
New Zealand Maori EP.POTI.2 Poti/poti Sandhopper (Talorchestia quoyana), a small crustacean; a large moth
Tuamotu EP.POTI.2 Poti/poti Any small cockroach
Tuamotu EP.POTI.2 Po/poti Small black variety of Cockroach
Marquesas CE.POOTIKI.A Pokiti, poiti. Petit enfant, jeune enfant, marmot, se dit des deux sexes; enfant, garçon. Child.
Kapingamarangi OC.POTO.1 Bodo Small, diminutive
Rotuman OC.POTO.1 Pofo Tiny; lump, small projection
Samoan CP.POTO.2 Poto Clever, smart, intelligent
Niue PN.POTU.1 Potu Traditional floor mat; end, corner; berth, cabin (of passenger ships)