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4899 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Emae FJ.KAPA-TIKO Ika batia Snapper (Lethrinus chrysostomus) Problematic
Anuta PN.KAPE.1 Kape/ngatara Plant: (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
Easter Island PN.KAPE.1 Kape Probably (Alocasia)
East Futuna PN.KAPE.1 Kape (Alocasia)
East Uvea PN.KAPE.1 Kape (Alocasia indica); taro de Samoa (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
Hawaiian PN.KAPE.1 ʔApe (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
Emae PN.KAPE.1 Kape Plant (alocasia sp.)
Marquesas PN.KAPE.1 Kape (MQN), ʔape (MQS) (Arum rumphi). Espèce de taro à grandes feuilles, de la famille des aracées (Lch). (Alocasia macrorrhiza) (Atl).
Mangareva PN.KAPE.1 Kape (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
Niue PN.KAPE.1 Kape Giant taro (Alocasia macrorrhiza)...
Penrhyn PN.KAPE.1 Kape Giant taro
Rarotongan PN.KAPE.1 Kape (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
Rennellese PN.KAPE.1 Kape (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
Rotuman PN.KAPE.1 ʔApe/a A giant taro
Samoan PN.KAPE.1 ʔApe (Alocasia sp
Tahitian PN.KAPE.1 ʔApe (Alocasia macrorrhiza). Plante à larges feuilles ressemblant au taro (Colocasia macrorrhisa) (Lmt).
Tikopia PN.KAPE.1 Kape (Alocasia macrorrhiza
Tongan PN.KAPE.1 Kape (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
Tuamotu PN.KAPE.1 Kape (Alocasia macrorrhiza)
West Uvea PN.KAPE.1 Kape Taro géant (Alocasia macrorhiza)
Rennellese AN.KAPI.A Kapi/tia Caught, stuck, enmeshed, as a snake in a tight place
Nukuoro AN.KAPI.A Gabi/dia Held firmly (by something not part of the human body
Samoan AN.KAPI.A Apiapi Patch a canoe with bamboo
Anuta CO.KAPIA Kapia Lime for chewing with betel nut
Vaeakau-Taumako CO.KAPIA Kapia Lime
Rennellese CO.KAPIA Kapia Lime container made of coconut shell
Tikopia CO.KAPIA Kapia Lime, used with Betel nut, in hair bleaching, and as an alkali to turn (Morinda citrifolia) dye crimson; Bottle gourd used as a lime container
Marquesas CE.KAAPITI.1 Kaapiti. Kapiti (Lch) (Atl). Package, bundle, bolt (of cloth). Paquet, ballot, pièce d'étoffe, mise en rouleau (Lch). Coupon (de tissu), remnant (of material) (Atl).
Tikopia MP.KAPU.1A Kapu (?) Leaf of Alpinia sp. laid at bottom of tumeric filter funnel
Hawaiian PN.KASI.2 ʔAhi Tuna (especially yellow-finned, Neothunnus macropterus)
Tahitian PN.KASIKASI Ahiahi A wound; scars of a warrior; bruises
Tokelau PN.KASOA Kahoa Necklace; shank of a pearl shell lure used as a ceremonial presentation
Fijian MP.KATA.2 Gata Gleichenia linearis Problematic
Rarotongan MP.KATA.2 Kata Plant cutting, especially of kumara or manioc
Pukapuka SO.KATA.3 Kata/kata A deep-sea fish (Epinephelus miliaris)
Tokelau SO.KATA.3 Kata Large size of Caranx melampygus and C sexfasciatus
Mangareva NP.KAU-QALIKI Koueriki Arbre, espèce de badamier (Terminalia catappa) (Combrétacées)
Tongan XW.KAATAKI Kaataki Bear pain or discomfort without complaining or retaliation; to endure, put up with
New Zealand Maori CE.KATAU.* Katau Right (not left) (Eastern dialects)
Kapingamarangi AN.KATI Gadi/gadia Prickle as from bugs crawling on one's skin
Hawaiian CE.KATOTO ʔAkoko Endemic shrubs and small trees (Euphorbia spp.)
Niue PN.QATIU Atiu A cucumber-like plant (Cucumis anguria)
Niue NP.KATULI Katule Plants with an edible root (Amaranthus viridis), pigweed and (Boerhavia diffusa) Phonologically Irregular
Niue NP.KATULI Kaatule A plant, a plantation weed (Boerhavia diffusa) occasionally used as a herb Phonologically Irregular
Samoan NP.KATULI Ufi/atuli/ A weed . (Boerhavia spp.)
New Zealand Maori EO.KAU.1 Kau-(r)ia Swim
Rotuman EO.KAU.1 Kau To wade, especially on the rocks Borrowed
Tupuaki NP.KAU-QALIKI Aurii Broussonetia papyrifera Problematic
New Zealand Maori CK.KAUERE Kauere The eastern dialects' name for the puuriri, a large forest tree
Rarotongan CK.KAUERE Auere A small indigenous tree (Grevia grevata) ? Borrowed