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981 Results matching "utu" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tuamotu TA.GUTU-FARE ŋutu/aa/fare A family, home, home circle (ANA, VHI)
Tikopia CP.TUKU-TUKU Tukutuku Spider sp.
Tahitian CP.TUKU-TUKU Tuutuu A sort of spider
Marquesas PN.PATI.1 Biddekái To clap the hands, held flat, intermediately between the strokes with hollow hands, called *butu*
Ifira-Mele PN.POO.1B Poo- Prefix to numerals: in (so many) days, (so many) days from now (in the future): pootoru, three days from now
Marquesas CE.TUTU.2 Tutu Espèce d'arbuste (Ceanothus asiaticus)
Marquesas MP.MURI.1A Co mu ey Autumn
Marquesas MQ.KIRI-GUTU Kiíkutu (MQN), kiínutu Lèvres; museau; groin; bec
Mangareva MQ.KIRI-GUTU Kirikiri gutu Lèvre
Kapingamarangi PN.KATAFA.B Rau/kataha Nephrolepis hirsutula [fern sp.] or Asplenium nidus
Kapingamarangi FJ.PUTU-KI Putu Look after, as a ruler and his land; feed, nourish, care for; hold a celebration in honor of, fete Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas AN.TUTU.3 Tutu Battre l'étoffe
New Zealand Maori CE.KIA.1B Kia (To mark the relation between the subject and some future time or event): when, until...
Rapa MQ.KIRI-GUTU Kirinutu (-ngutu?) Palate Problematic
New Zealand Maori MQ.KIRI-GUTU Kiringutu Discuss continuously with sinister meaning Uncertain Semantic Connection
Marquesas MQ.KO-TUTO Kotutu/tútu (tu koekóe) I feel inward pleasure, I am pleased
East Uvea OC.KOKOO Gutu-koko Langue trompeuse; hâbleur
Tongan XW.MATI.2 Masi Partially dry (= mesimasi), but applied only to paper-mulberry bark (*tutu*).
East Uvea PN.MOMI Gutu momi Qui n'a pas de dents
East Uvea PN.QARO.B ʔAo/ʔao ʔi gutu Le palais de la bouche Borrowed
Tongan PN.QOPO ʔOpo/tanga Several layers of beaten paper-mulberry bark (*tutu*) laid together for further beating (in the process of making tapa cloth).
East Futuna XW.SEPO.B Sepo Mets futunien à base de papayes mûres cuite dans du lait de coco
Tuvalu CP.TUTU.4 Tutu Set alight
Tuvalu OC.QUTU.1 Utu Fill vessel with liquids
Tuvalu OC.QUTU.3 Utu Aprion virescens
Tuvalu FJ.UTUA Utua That part of shore visible at low tide
Tuvalu PN.UTU-POTO Utupoto Tie-beam
Tuvalu PN.QAA-.2 Aa- Future time marker
Tuvalu EC.KAFUSU.* Kafutu Type of tree
Tuvalu NP.PEI Pei To tell the future from cards or by other means of divination Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tuvalu OC.PUTU.1 Faka/putu Gather up fruit, shellfish, etc.; put in bundles