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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Futuna PN.FEGU Fegu Blow nose. Souffler fortement par le nez
Tahitian PN.FEGU Feʔu(feʔu) Sanglot, sangloter
Tahitian EC.PUU.5 Puu feʔe Tête d'une pieuvre
Hawaiian EC.PUU.5 Puu heʔe Octopus head; figurative term for small fontanel
East Uvea PN.FE-QI-TI.* Feisi Copulate
Rennellese PN.FE-QI-TI.* Heʔiti(ʔaki) Copulate (of two people)
Samoan PN.FE-QI-TI.* Feiti Copulate
West Futuna PN.FE-QI-TI.* Feitji Copulate. Avoir des rapports sexuels (Rve).
Bugotu OC.FEKA-FEKA Vevega Defecate, excrement
Fijian OC.FEKA-FEKA Veka Defecate
Rarotongan OC.FEKA-FEKA Ekaeka Membranous substance that surrounds the intestines
Rennellese OC.FEKA-FEKA Hekaheka To be smeared, filth-littered
Waya OC.FEKA-FEKA Ve/veke/ Defecate
Tokelau NP.FEEKAU Fekau Faeces, stool (polite term)
Niue PN.FEKE Feke Ornated octopus (Polypus ornatus)...
Samoan PN.FEKE-FEKE Feʔefeʔe Warty (of limbs affected by filariasis). Swelling associated with filariasis (McP).
East Uvea PN.FEKIQI Fekiʔi Criailler, trépigner, tenir tête à, raisonner Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.FEKIKI Wheekiki Quarrel, tease, annoy; amuse
Pukapuka PN.FEKIKI Wekiki To be equal in some attribute Problematic
East Futuna NP.FE-KITE Fekite Meet one another. Apparaître chacun d'un côté (Mfr).
East Uvea NP.FE-KITE Fekite Apparaitre
Niue NP.FE-KITE Fekite/aki To see one another
New Zealand Maori NP.FE-KITE Wheekite See dimly; dazzled; dimness, haze Problematic
Moriori NP.FE-KITE Hokite(nga) Meeting and greeting
Samoan NP.FE-KITE Feʔite/ʔiteaʔi See indistinctly (as at twilight)
Tikopia NP.FE-KITE Fekite See each other, meet
Tongan NP.FE-KITE Fekite/ʔaki Appear to or be in sight of one another; see or come across one another from time to time
West Uvea NP.FE-KITE Fekite Au revoir
Marquesas PN.FELA He/heʔa (MQN), fe/feʔa (MQS) Ecarter fort les jambes
Mangareva PN.FELA ʔEra/ʔera Open arms wide (I). Gesticulation des mains; être étendu, déployé (Rch).
Samoan PN.FELA Fela Everted , pull down lower eyelid
East Futuna FU.FELAU Felau S'entretenir de causer
Rennellese FU.FELAU Hegau Care for, feed, attend to
Anuta PN.FE-LAAWE-QI Perave Meet, encounter
East Uvea PN.FE-LAAWE-QI Felaaveʔi Se rencontre, se visiter, s'entretenir
Pukapuka PN.FE-LAAWE-QI Welaavei Meet up with, encounter
Rarotongan PN.FE-LAAWE-QI ʔAaraavei Meet, come face to face with, encounter
Rennellese PN.FE-LAAWE-QI Bilaabei Meet, encounter Problematic
Tikopia PN.FE-LAAWE-QI Ferave/aki Catch in one another, intertwine, tangle
Hawaiian CE.FEREI.* Helei Pull down eyelid as gesture of contempt
Penrhyn CE.FEREI.* Herei Expose eyeball; show backside as gesture of contempt
Anuta EO.FELO.1 Pe/pero Light-coloured hair. Lightish brown (used to describe the color of hair which has just started to be bleached with lime) (Fbg).
East Futuna PN.FENA Fena Décrépi, très ridé (terme ancien) Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.FENA Whena Firm, steady
Marquesas PN.FENA Hena Solide, ferme, solidement, fortement
Rarotongan PN.FENA Ena Distended, swollen, bloated
Mangareva CE.AA-KUA-NEI Kunei Bientôt, en peu de temps
Kapingamarangi NP.FENUU.* Henuu Placenta, afterbirth
Fijian NP.FENUQU.A* Venu/ki Fibres of coconut husk beaten ready for twisting into sennit; an ingrowing eyelash Problematic
Marquesas NP.FENUQU.A* Henu (MQN), fenu (MQS) Lanière; toron d'une corde; bandelette, bande. Lanières ou bandes pour natte, cordons (Dln).