Bugotu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
AN.QATO Ato Sago Palm; thatch (Ivs)
OC.ATU Atu Go away, go forth (Ivs)
OC.FAAGOTA Vagoda Hunt for shellfish on the reef (Ivs)
MP.FALE Vathe/nga House (Ivs)
AN.FANO.1 Vano Go, come (Ivs)
OC.FEKA-FEKA Vevega Defecate, excrement (Ivs)
MP.FIRI.1 Viri Twisted, tangled (Ivs)
MP.FITI.1A Pidi Spring, rebound (Ivs)
AN.FITU Vitu Seven (Ivs)
AN.FONU.1 Vonu To be full (Ivs)
AN.FONU.2 Vognu Turtle (Ray)
EO.FUSU Pusi Smite, beat, hit, slap Phonologically Irregular (Ivs)
AN.FUTI.2 Vudi Plantain, banana (Ivs)
PN.KAO-KAO Gaogaro-gna Ribs (Ivs)
AN.KASO.1 Gaho Rafter (Ivs)
AN.KILI.2 Nggiri Rub, saw, with motion to and fro (Ivs)
OC.KOLO.1 Kolo Pool. lake (Ivs)
AN.KOTI.1 Kokoju Clip the hair short (Ivs)
AN.QILO Ulo Maggot (Ivs)
AN.LAGO.1 Thango A fly (Ivs)
AN.RAKU Ngga/nggaru/ Scratch (Ivs) (Ray)
AN.RANU.A Thanu To bale, a baler (Ivs)
MP.LASO.A Thaho To castrate (Ivs)
OC.LOO Tho/tho Ant (Ivs)
OC.LUA.2 Lu/lua/ Vomit (Ivs)
EO.LULU.1A Duru Owl (Ivs)
AN.MAQOHA Ma/moha Cooked (Ivs)
MP.MEA.1A Mela Red (Ivs)
PN.MURI.1B Buli/ti-gna Rear, back (Ivs)
MP.NAMU.2A Gnamu Mosquito (Ivs)
MP.POO.1A Bo/ngi Night (Ivs)
MP.SAQA.1 Sa Forbid, taboo mark forbidding entrance to a place (Ivs)
CP.SEQE.1 Cheche Grasshopper (Ivs)
MP.SUKI.A Suki Pierce, impale, prick (Ivs)
MP.SULU.1A Chuchuru Prick, stick into (Ivs)
OC.TAFE Tave To flow (Ivs)
AN.TAGI.A Tangi Cry, cry aloud, lament, wail (Ivs)
OC.TAPU Tabu Sacred, forbidden, holu (Ivs)
NP.TASI.1 Tafi One Problematic (Ivs)
AN.TAQUFUFU Tao Ridge, saddle of mountain (Ivs)
FJ.TEKE.3 Kethe-gna Vagina Problematic (Ivs)
OC.TUA-KANA Toga-gna Elder sibling samesex (Ivs)
AN.TURI Tu/turu/-gna Knee (Ivs)
AN.TULU.1 Tudu Drip, a drop (Ivs)
AN.TUSU.A Tuhu Point with the finger (Ivs)
MP.QUUQUU Urio Coconut Crab (Birgus latro) Problematic (Ivs)
AN.UA.1 Ula-gna Tendon, vein (Ivs)
AN.QUFI.1 Uvi Yam (Ivs)
AN.QUHA Uha Rain (Ivs)
AN.QURA Ura Crawfish (Ivs)

54 entries found