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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
West Uvea PN.FIA-FIA Fiafia Etre content, joyeux; plaisir, joie
Easter Island NP.FIFI.2A Hihi Knotted
Hawaiian NP.FIFI.2A Hihi Entangle, creep, spread, intertwine
Nuguria PN.FAKA-SELE Hakahere/here Care about; step-relative
Tahitian NP.FIFI.2A Fifi Compliqué, embrouillé, difficile, dangereux; chaîne. Entangled, enslaved, intricate; to be involved in difficulties; a chain (Dvs).
New Zealand Maori NP.FIFI.2B Whiwhi Fat covering the intestines
Samoan NP.FIFI.2B Fifi Small intestine
Tokelau NP.FIFI.2B Fifi Small intestine
Easter Island NP.FIFI.3 Hihi Eyebrow ; antennae, feelers, eyebrow. Edge (Wbr).
New Zealand Maori NP.FIFI.3 Hihi Feelers, tentacles, any long, slender appendage
Marquesas NP.FIFI.3 Hihi Antenne, tentacule, filament; moustaches de certains animaux, tels que chats, rats
Tahitian NP.FIFI.3 Hihi Cils, antennes
Tongan FJ.FII-FII Fiifii Enclose fish in plaited coconut leaf
East Uvea OC.FIGOTA Figota Terme générique pour les mollusques; coquillage, coquille
Tokelau OC.FIGOTA Fiigota General term for shellfish; the empty shell of a shellfish
Tahitian AN.FIHA.A Hia Mot interrogatif de dénombrement: combien?
West Uvea AN.FIHA.A Fia Interrogatif quantitatif: combien?
Niue AN.RANO A/ano Disagreeable, unpleasant (of taste) [ex. water] Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan PN.KEHO.1 Keo/keo Sharp-pointed, fine pointed; sharp point (of needle)
Takuu PN.FAKA-SELE Tama hakasere Institutionalized indulgence for a particular child, who was not permitted to undertake manual labour; spoilt child
Mangareva NP.PESE.1 Peʔi Nom d'un chant accompagné d'une marche en cadence; chanter ainsi Phonologically Irregular
Tikopia OC.FISI Fisi/fisi Tangled up, difficult, irritated
Tuamotu NP.FIFI.2A Hihi To be entangled...involved in difficulties...involved, intricate, hard (work)...
New Zealand Maori PN.FIHU Whiu/nga The plaited border of a cloak
Tikopia PN.FIHU Fiu Edge of kie pandanus mat, plaited in
Tongan PN.FIHU Fihu To turn edges of a mat over to plait them in and so finish the mat off; a kind of fine mat, white and very soft
Fijian AN.FILI.1 Vili Pick up scattered things
Rennellese AN.FILI.1 Higi Choose, select, vote
Hawaiian PN.FILI.2 Hili Turn, deviate
Tokelau FJ.FILI.3 Fiiligaa Persistence in anything undertaken
Mangareva CP.FILI.4 ʔIri Plaisanterie; plaisanter, faire des farces Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue CP.FILI.4 Fii Enemy, hated one, enmity, hatred
East Futuna EO.FILI.5 Fili Nom d'un oiseau ; sorte de petit pigeon verdâtre
Pukapuka EO.FILI.5 Wili Large seabird species; perh. Crested Tern (Sterna bergii)
Rennellese EO.FILI.5 Higi Pink-spotted fruit dove
Bugotu MP.FIRI.1 Viri Twisted, tangled
West Uvea MP.FIRI.1 Fili-a Natter, tresser
Tuamotu CE.FIRIGA Hiringa May or July, according to two distinct counting systems
Hawaiian EO.FILO Hilo Twist, braid, spin; twisted, braided
Tuamotu EP.FIRO.3 Hiro To move to and fro, twist, as the tail of a fish when spawning; to swirl, as an eddy of water; to whirl, circle, as wind
Tahitian EP.FIRO.2 Hiro/hiti Second night after first appearance of the moon
Pukapuka PN.FIRO.1 Wilo To mix, include someone unrelated ; change village membership; a person who has changed to membership in the given village
Samoan PN.FIRO.1 Filo Mix, associate with
Sikaiana PN.FIRO.1 Hilo To mix or intermingle
West Uvea PN.FIRO.1 Filo/filo De différentes sortes, mélangé
West Futuna PN.FIRO.1 Firo To intermingle, especially to sit mingling with one another
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.FILOA Hiloa A fish about 30 cm. long, white and gray. Common food fish (Lch).
Samoan NP.FILOA Filoa-ʔapamuumuu Orange-spotted Emperor (Lethrinus kallopterus) (Am. Sam. Bottomfishes)
Nukumanu EC.FINA.1 Hina Adulterer
Sikaiana EC.FINA.1 Hina Adulterer