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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
East Uvea PN.FINA-GALO Finegalo Volonte, vouloir, intention
Nukuoro PN.FINA-GALO Hinangalo/malie Feel happy, contented, at peace with the world
Tahitian PN.FINA-GALO Hinaʔaro Désir; désirer, vouloir, convoiter
West Futuna PN.FINA-GALO Finagaro Will, wish, intention
Niue TO.QAFINE Te/afine, ti/afine, te/fine, he/afine; fine/fine. Afine, fe/afine (McE) Armpit
New Zealand Maori OC.FINE Hine Term of address to young woman
Nukumanu AN.QURA Te Ula. Ura (Sar). Name of a constellation. Star in the Milky Way, below Canis Major (Sar).
Rarotongan OC.FINE ‘Ine Dear, darling; an affectionate term of address to women (wife, sweetheart, daughter, old friend, young girl, but not used by brother to sister)
Tahitian NP.FIO Hio A whistle, or the native flute; to whistle; to blow, as a person out of breath
Rennellese AN.FISO.1 Bulo Be turbulent (as water) . Borrowed
West Futuna AN.FISO.1 Fiso Foam, bubbles on a surface as boiling water; to boil, foam (as breaking waves), bubble up
Samoan OC.FISO.2 Fiso Large reed sp. (Erianthus maximus) (stems contain sugar, were chewed by children)
New Zealand Maori OC.FITA.1 Whi/whita/ Fasten, lash
Niue PN.FIITAQA.A Fitaa Definitely; sn emphatic affirmative, yes indeed, definitely yes. To already have done something (Sph). Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Futuna FJ.FITA.2 Fi/fita Presser quelqu'un; augmenter (vent); se dépenser, fatiguer, donner de la peine
Tongan PN.FIITAQA.A Fite/fitaʔa To labour, toil
Samoan PN.FIITAQA.A Fitaa Difficult; courageous; a steep place
Tikopia PN.FIITAQA.B Fitaa Sated, fed up
Rotuman PN.FIITAQA.A Fitaʔa Bestow labour on, to give care or attention to Borrowed
Mangareva MP.FITI.1A ʔIti Jump, start. Sauter (puces); changer brusquement de sujet, la manière de parler; venir sur l'entrefaite, survenir (se dit des pensées qui survennient à l'esprit)
Tahitian MP.FITI.1A Hiti/mahuta Sursauter, tressaillir
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.FITI.1B Vihi, visi Rise (of sun), originate
Rennellese NP.FITI.1B Hiti Emerge as a fish from the water, or the sun
Fijian PN.FITI.2 Viti Traditional place name (in western islands)
Tikopia PN.FITI.2 Fiti Name for Melanesian Islands to immediate north and south of Tikopia
Tongan CO.FITI-FITI-KIA Fisifisihinaa Be going grey or white Problematic
Rarotongan PN.FII-TIKI ʔIitiki-a, -ʔia, -na Tie on around or up, tie a knot, bind, tether
New Zealand Maori TA.FII-TOI Whiitau Flax fibre prepared for weaving by removing outer skin [Eastern Maori Dialect] (Bgs.)
Moriori AN.FITU Te/whitu Seven
East Uvea PN.FIU Fiu Rassasie, degoute; las; saoul
New Zealand Maori PN.FIU Whiu Satiated, satisfied
Mangareva PN.FIU ʔIu Satiated (I). Céder, condescendre, obéir à des remontrances; se corriger Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan PN.FIU Fiu Satiated, satisfied
Tuamotu PN.FIU Hiu Satiated, satisfied
Fijian FJ.FOO.1 Voo Minnow-like, fresh- and saltwater fish spp
Tongan PN.FE-HAGA-I Feangai (of houses, properties) Be opposite, face each other; (of persons) be frequently or constantly in each other's company Phonologically Irregular
Marquesas PN.FOO.2A Ho Masser, massage, frictionner ave la main, frotter. Lécher, se lécher (Lch).
Mangareva PN.FOO.2A ʔOo Presser avec les doigts un mal, une blessure; tenir dans ses mains les pieds d'un nouveau-né pour le redresser
Tongan PN.FE-HAGA-I Fehangai, fehangaaki To face each other, or be opposite each other
Rennellese PN.FOO.2A Hoo To mix, as water with resin for tattooing
Samoan PN.FOO.2A Fo/foo Give medical treatment; masseur. Generic term for all types of healer; treatment (McP).
Tongan MP.FULU.1 Fulu Hair on the privates
East Futuna PN.FOA.B Foa Make a path. Dégager (une route) (Mfr).
Tahitian TA.FOA.C Hoa Maux de tête persistants comme ceux qu’occasionne la sinusite
Rotuman NP.FOQAGA.* Foa Grater Problematic
Tongan TO.LIOGI Liongi To go into mourning (esp. for neice or nephew) by complete neglect of one's hair and then cutting it very short
East Uvea PN.FOFOGA Fofoga Tete, visage (en parlant de Dieu, du roi ou d'un chef). Visage, face, tête, figure, yeux (resp.) (Rch).
Samoan PN.FOFOGA Fofoga Honorific/polite term for face, eyes, mouth, head
Tongan PN.FOFOGA Fofonga Honorific/polite term for face, eyes, mouth, head, ears
Mangareva EP.FOFONU.* ʔOʔonu Deep. Profond; mer montante, marée haute.