Protoform: FITI.1B [NP] Climb, go up, rise, appear (esp. of heavenly bodies)
Description: | Climb, go up, rise, appear (esp. of heavenly bodies) |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to NP: Nuclear Polynesian |
Notes: |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
Anuta | Piti | Risen (?) | (Fbg) |
Easter Island | Hiti | Rise, appear at dawn | (Chl) |
Hawaiian | Hiki | Arise, appear, reach a place, come | (Pki) |
Hawaiian | Laa hiki | Rising sun | (Pki) |
Kapingamarangi | Hiti | Climb from one height to another, as from tree to tree | (Ebt) |
Mangareva | ʔIti | Shine, of the sun. Se lever (astres); rayon (soleil, étoile); être arrivé au sommet d'une montagne | (Rch) |
Marquesas | Fiti (MQS), hiti (MQN) | Monter, aller du coté de la montagne. Sortir de terre, d'une plaie. Rise, of the sun (Bgs) | (Lch) |
Marquesas | Mamaʔi hiti (MQN) | Ganglion, swollen gland | (Chf) |
Marquesas | Féde | To go up from seaward | (Crk) |
New Zealand Maori | Whiti-kia | Shine (of the sun only) | (Bgs) |
New Zealand Maori | Raa whiti | Sunrise, east | (Wms) |
Nuguria | Hiti (pl. h/hiti) | Cross (over), come over, go across, pass over; get lost | (Dvl) |
Nukuoro | Hidi | Get up from sitting position | (Crl) |
Penrhyn | Hiti | Rise | (Sta) |
Pukapuka | Witi | To climb on, get into | (Bge) |
Raʔivavae | Hiti | To rise, as the sun, moon, stars; to shine upon, as the light off the sun, moon, stars | (Stn) |
Rarotongan | ʔIti | Rise, shine (of sun or moon) | (Bse) |
Rennellese | Hiti | Emerge as a fish from the water, or the sun | (Ebt) |
Tahitian | Hiti | Se lever (lune, soleil, étoioes) | (Lmt) |
Takuu | Hiti | Risen (of sun) | (Mle) |
Tikopia | Fiti | Rise, (e.g. of moon), sprout | (Fth) |
Tuamotu | Hiti | Appear; rise, as the sun, moon, stars | (Stn) |
Vaeakau-Taumako | Vihi, visi | Rise (of sun), originate | (Hvn) |
West Futuna | Fiji (pl. h/fiji) | Go up, ascend | (Dty) |
24 entries found
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