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4445 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan MP.AWA Ava Channel, passage
Sikaiana MP.AWA Ava Passage
Takuu MP.AWA Ava Deep passage in reef, channel
Tongan MP.AWA Ava Passage, opening. A cove, crevice, creek; a hole; a gap; a streight (Mar).
Tahitian MP.QAWA Ava Fish called white salmon (Chanos chanos). Poisson de la famille des Chanidae (Chanos chanos), quand il est adulte (Lmt).
Tahitian MP.QAWA Ava/ava Sand goby (Eleotriodes strigata)
Tokelau MP.QAWA Ava Milkfish, Salmon Herring (Chanos chanos)
Tupuaki MP.QAWA Ava/ava Milkfish or Salmon Herring (Chanos chanos)
East Futuna XW.QAAWAGA.B ʔAavaga Illness, often associated with a dream of a sexual nature and believed to have a spiritual rather than a physical cause. Symptoms may include irrational behaviour. Treatment includes massage with bad-smelling herbs inimical to spirits
Niue XW.QAAWAGA.B Avanga Irregular liaison (from Samoan). Sexual connection (Tgr). Borrowed
Luangiua PN.QAW-ATU Vaku. Au aku (Sar). Give, present
Tahitian PN.QELO Ero A kind of sauce. Se dit du mitihue quand les morceaux de coco ont suffisament trempé dans l’eau fermentée et se désagrègent (Lmt).
Tahitian OC.QEPA Epa A small enclosure sacred to the infant king; also an enclosure for the use of dancers
Rennellese PN.QETE-QETE ʔEte/ʔaki Be under strict taboo, sacred, not promiscuous
East Futuna PN.EWE.1 Eve/eve Débris; saletés occasionnées par un travail; objets personnels usagés
New Zealand Maori PN.EWE.1 Ewe Rough surface of sawn wood
Fijian PN.FAA-.4 Vaa- Causative (occurs before g-, k-, q- and in western dialects)
Hawaiian PN.FAA-.4 Haa- Causative
Kapingamarangi PN.FAA-.4 Haa- Causative
New Zealand Maori PN.FAA-.4 Whaa- A non-productive causative prefix
Rarotongan PN.FAA-.4 ʔAa- Often causative in meaning
Rennellese PN.FAA-.4 Haa- Allomorph of baa- causative prefix
Tahitian PN.FAA-.4 Faa- Causative prefix
Tikopia PN.FAA-.4 Faa- Causative
Tuamotu PN.FAA-.4 Haa- Causative prefix
Tuamotu PN.FAA-.4 Faa- Causative (poetic variant)
West Uvea AN.FAQA.1 Fa Feuille entière de niu; feuille d'autres arbres sans branches feuillues
Mota AN.FAFA.2 Vava To say
Vaeakau-Taumako SO.FAFA.3 Haha Rope to steer sail with. Stay ropes tied onto wooden arms of sail (Lch). Sheet (to control sail) (Gge).
Pukapuka SO.FAFA.3 Wawa Sheet of main sail
Sikaiana SO.FAFA.3 Aha The sail guide rope
Tikopia SO.FAFA.3 Fafa Rope stays and sheet of sailing canoe
Marquesas PN.FAA-FAA Haha (MQN), fafa (MQS) Feel with hands. Tâtonner, chercher en tatonnant; tâter de, essayer; sonder. Tâter avec la main (Atl).
Tokelau PN.FAA-FAA Faafaa Feel with hands or feet, grope; massage
West Uvea PN.FAA-FAA Faafaa(kia) Tâtonner, chercher sans voir
Kapingamarangi MP.FAGA.1A Hanga The free edge of the sail
Luangiua MP.FAGA.1A Haaŋa Back of sail
Takuu MP.FAGA.1A Fana Leech of sail
Samoan NP.FAGA-LOA Faga-loa A bay in Western Samoa
New Zealand Maori NP.FAGO Whango Having nasal sound
Tuamotu NP.FAGO Faŋo Nasal speech impediment, nasal obstruction
Nuguria OC.FAI.2A Fai Lassen, verursachen
Mangareva PN.PULE.2 Aiga/pure Fête où les jeunes gens montraient leur beauté physique; consacrer une maison (avec une fête)
East Futuna NP.FAQI Fai/laulau Religious festival, rite . sacrifice, immolation Problematic
East Uvea NP.FAQI Fai laulau Sacrifice paien Problematic
Hawaiian NP.FAQI Hai Offering, sacrifice; to offer, sacrifice
Mangareva NP.FAQI ʔAi/ʔai Présage, augure, conjecture; signe, mesure quelconque, mètre; châtiment, correction
Rennellese NP.FAQI Haʔi/tunga Sacred house in cult grounds or other house used for worship Problematic
Emae SO.FAQI-AVA Feiava Passage, channel in reef
West Futuna SO.FAQI-AVA Feiava (WFU), fiava (ANI) Bay, harbour, anchorage, passage through reef