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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan PN.GATALA Gatala-puleuli Spotted Grouper (Epinephelus maculatus) (Am. Sam. Bottomfishes)
New Zealand Maori PN.GATALI Ngatari Shake, vibrate
New Zealand Maori PN.GATALI Ngateri Shake, vibrate
Tuamotu PN.GATALI ŋaatari Shake, shiver, vibrate violently
Samoan NP.GA-TASI Gatasi (Run, walk, etc.) level with, abreast, in step
Samoan NP.GA-TASI Gaatasitasi United
East Uvea PN.GATATA Gatata Tinter, resonner
Pukapuka PN.GATATA Ngaatata/tata To make rustling, pattering noise (as of rain, trees)
Tokelau PN.GATATA Gatata Be torn; a tearing noise
Tongan PN.GATATA Ngatata Rattle, jingle, clink or clatter
East Futuna PN.GATETE Gateetee Move about, be mobile (as water in a bottle)
New Zealand Maori PN.GATETE Ngatete Crackle, move
Samoan PN.GATETE Gatete Shake, tremble
Tahitian PN.GATETE ʔAtete Tintement, bruit de ferraille; tinter, faire ces bruits (se dit des objets qui se heurtent les uns les autres)
Tahitian PN.GATETE Atete To rattle or tinkle; to chatter as the teeth through cold
Tikopia PN.GATETE Ngatete Rattle
Tongan PN.GATETE Ngatete(tete) Tremble, shiver, quake
Tuamotu PN.GATETE ŋatete Tinkle, jingle, rustle
East Futuna PN.QATI.3 Ati/ga Mur; tas de pierres construit par les femmes à la marée descendante pour emprisonner le poisson
East Futuna PN.GAQATI Gaʔati Toutes sortes de contenantes vide
East Uvea PN.GAQATI Gaʔasi Toute sorte de contenant vide
Waya FU.GATO.* Gado Stammer, stutter; speak with a glottal sound... Problematic
Rennellese FU.GATO.* Ngato Finished, ended, stopped, completed
Marquesas PN.GATOLO.1 Katoʔo. Átoo (1ŋ04). Se trainer, s'approcher tout doucement, marcher sur la pointe des pieds pour n'être pas entendu; aller, marcher avec peine, en se trainant; aller épier en marchant sur la pointe des pieds
Tongan PN.GATOLO.1 Ngatolo Move or creep along silently or stealthily
Penrhyn NP.GATOLO.2 Ngatoro To shake, sound, vibrate
East Uvea PN.GATU.1 Gatu Espece d'etoffe faite avec l'ecorce de l'arbuste appele hiapo
New Zealand Maori EP.GATU.2 Ngatu Lower part of stem of Bulrush (Typha angustifolia)
Easter Island CE.GATU.3 ŋatu Compress, crush, knead; oppress, press ; to feel of, to pinch, to throttle with the hands, to touch, to press ; apretar, aprensar aigo; Henar un hoyo (saco, canasto etc.), apretendo las cosas que ses meten adentro. Knead, crush, press (Wbr).
Mangareva CE.GATU.3 Gatu Etre dispersé; travailler la terre (se dit de plusieuers personnes Problematic
Easter Island OC.GAU ŋau To bite
New Zealand Maori OC.GAU Ngau-a Gnaw, bite
Penrhyn OC.GAU Ngau Eat, chew, masticate
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.GAU Gu/sia Bite
Rennellese OC.GAU Ngau Chew, as pandanus, sugar-cane, betel nut; bite
Takuu OC.GAU Nau Chew (e.g. sugarcane or pandanus fruit) so as to suck the juice; (of food) difficult to swallow because it is too tough to bite through
Tikopia OC.GAU Ngau Bite, chew; take in teeth
East Futuna PN.GA-UE Gaue/ue Bouger; se dégourdir les jambes. Agité doucement, branlé délicatement, en douceur (Gzl).
Hawaiian PN.GA-UE Nau(w)e, naau(w)e/u(w)e Move, shake, tremble; quake, as the earth; vibrate; loose and insecure, as a tooth; revolving, as hips in a hula
Marquesas PN.GA-UE Keue (MQN), neue (MQS). Kaue/ue (MQN) (Atl). Remuer, branler, s'agiter, vibrer, secouer. Bouger, move (Atl).
Tahitian PN.GASUE ʔAahue/hue Inquiétude, énervement; être en état de tension nerveuse
Mangareva PN.GA-UE Gaue Réussir à porter, à lever un fardeau Uncertain Semantic Connection
Penrhyn PN.GA-UE Ngaue Be moved, dislocated, moving
Tahitian PN.GA-UE ʔAue Tumulte, tapage
Marquesas PN.GAAWARI Navai (MQS), kavai (MQN) Delicate, slender, pliable. Ployer, courber, rendre flexible.
Samoan PN.GEQE Gee/gee Very fat ; term of ridicule appled to very fat people
Hawaiian NP.GEGE Nene Fretting, teasing or nagging for something
Tuamotu NP.GEGE ŋeŋe Tired, exhausted feeling
New Zealand Maori CE.GERE Ngere Passed over, not served, disappointed, having failed of one's object
Tahitian CE.GERE ʔEre Ne pas avoir, ne pas obtenir quelque chose, manquer de