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61263 Results matching "i" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Rarotongan MP.QATUA Atua Deity, god
Rennellese MP.QATUA ʔAtua God, spirit, deity, worship
Samoan MP.QATUA Atua Deity
Tahitian MP.QATUA Atua God, the general name for a Deity
Tikopia MP.QATUA Atua Supernatural being or object; spirit; ghost; goblin; god
Tokelau MP.QATUA Atua God, supreme being
Tongan MP.QATUA ʔOtua Deity
Tuamotu MP.QATUA Atua Deity
West Futuna MP.QATUA Atua Ghost, spirit (Te-Atua 'God')
West Uvea MP.QATUA Atua Dieu
Easter Island EP.ATUA Atua 13th night of lunar cycle
Hawaiian EP.ATUA Akua Name of the fourteenth night of the full moon
New Zealand Maori EP.ATUA Atua(-mate-o-Hotu) The moon on the fifteenth day
Mangareva EP.ATUA Etua La 15ième nuit de la lune (Buck)
Nukuoro SO.ATUA-LOA Manu-roa The centipede Problematic
Samoan SO.ATUA-LOA Atualoa Centipede
Easter Island MP.QATULE ʔAture A tuna-like fish
East Futuna MP.QATULE ʔAtule Fish sp. (Trachurops)
East Uvea MP.QATULE ʔAtule A fish (Selar crumenophthalmus)
Hawaiian MP.QATULE Akule Trachurops crumenophthalmus (scud fish)
Kapingamarangi MP.QATULE Adule Fish sp
Emae MP.QATULE Ature Various fish spp.
New Zealand Maori MP.QATULE Ature/re Highly prized fish sp Problematic
Mangaia MP.QATULE Ature Big-eye Scad (Selar crumenophthalmus)
Marquesas MP.QATULE Etuʔe. Etue (Lch). Poisson. Chinchard, poisson de la famille des carangidés (Lch). Chinchard (Selar crumenophthalmus) (Bct).
Niue MP.QATULE Atule Big-eye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus)
Penrhyn MP.QATULE Ature Bigeye scad (Selar crumenophthalmus)
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.QATULE Atule Mackerel fish (scad)
Pukapuka MP.QATULE Atule A fish (Selar crumenophthalmus)
Rapa MP.QATULE K/ature A fish
Rarotongan MP.QATULE Ature A fish, Big-eyed Scad, (Trachurops crumenophthalmus)
Rotuman MP.QATULE Afule Fish sp
Tahitian MP.QATULE Ature Poisson de la famille des Carangidae (Selar crumenophthalmus) quand sa taille est la petite...
Takuu MP.QATULE Ature/akau Fish sp.
Tikopia MP.QATULE Ature Silver scad (Selar crumenophthalmus)
Tokelau MP.QATULE Atule Silver Scad (Selar crumenophthalmus)
Tuamotu MP.QATULE Ature Fish sp
West Uvea MP.QATULE Atule Poisson: maquereau, Scombridé
Anuta AN.AU.1 Au I, me
Easter Island AN.AU.1 Au I, me
East Futuna AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
East Uvea AN.AU.1 ʔAu Pron. pers.: Je, moi
Fijian AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Hawaiian AN.AU.1 (W)au First person singular pronoun (Focus)
Kapingamarangi AN.AU.1 Au I, me
Emae AN.AU.1 Ko/u First person singular independent pronoun
New Zealand Maori AN.AU.1 Au First person singular pronoun
New Zealand Maori AN.AU.1 Ah/au/ First person singular pronoun
Ifira-Mele AN.AU.1 Av/au I, me
Mangaia AN.AU.1 Au I, me