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7404 Results matching "aa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Niuafo'ou MP.MA-FANA Maafana Warm
Nukuoro MP.MA-FANA Maahana Hot (plural concord form)
Pukapuka MP.MA-FANA Maayana Warm Problematic
Rennellese MP.MA-FANA Maahana Offering of cooked food for the gods [Rennellese Dialect]
Samoan MP.MA-FANA Maafanafana Warm
Sikaiana MP.MA-FANA Maahana Warm (of liquid)
Tahitian MP.MA-FANA Maahana/hana Chaud (sans être brûlant); soleil; jour...
Tokelau MP.MA-FANA Maafana/fana Be warm
Tongan MP.MA-FANA Maafana Warmth; warm (of country, time, day); pleasantly warm
Samoan PN.MAFATUA Maafatua Sneeze (v)
Tokelau PN.MAFATUA Maafatua To sneeze
East Futuna NP.MAAFE Maafe Obéir, écouter docilement
Hawaiian NP.MAAFE Maahe Grow indistinct, fade out
Emae NP.MAAFE Maafe Droop
New Zealand Maori NP.MAAFE Maawhe Faded, abated, subsided
Nukuoro NP.MAAFE Maahe Decrease in strength, growth-rate
Hawaiian PN.MA-FELA Maahelahela Clearly showing as grain of wood Problematic
Tahitian PN.MA-FELA Maafera Violer une femme
Samoan NP.MAFINE Maafine Woman, girl
Anuta PN.MA-FOA-ATA Mapoaata Pre-dawn period when people start to stir
East Futuna PN.MA-FOA-ATA Maafoʔata Daybreak
East Uvea PN.MA-FOA-ATA Maafoataa Aurore, aube, pointe de jour
Emae PN.MA-FOA-ATA Maafoata Dawn, before sunrise
Hawaiian PN.MAAFOA Maahoe Trees (Alectryon macrococcum), (A.mahoe)
New Zealand Maori PN.MAAFOA Maahoe A tree (Melicytus ramiflorus)
Samoan PN.MAAFOA Maafoa A tree (Canarium sp.) Problematic
New Zealand Maori PN.MA-FOHI Maahoe Double back the eyelid as practised by children
Hawaiian PN.MA-FOLA Maahola Spread out
Penrhyn PN.MA-FOLA Maahora Sandy or rocky beach with no vegetation, especially with no coconut trees Uncertain Semantic Connection
Pukapuka PN.MA-FOLA Maawola/wola Spread out
Sikaiana PN.MA-FOLA Maahola To be flattened; to be smooth, without wrinkles; to be true or insightful, of speech
Tahitian PN.MA-FOLA Maahora Cour, place publique
Hawaiian PN.MA-FOLE.1 Maahole To bruise, skin, scrape, as a flesh wound; to injure, as the feelings
Hawaiian EC.MAAFUU Maahuu Homosexual of either sex, hermaphrodite
New Zealand Maori EC.MAAFUU Maahuu Not fierce (of a fire), not hurried (of a journey)
Tahitian EC.MAAFUU Maahuu Homme travesti, homme qui traditionnellement vit à la manière d'une femme, en a les occupations; homosexuel (sense moderne)
Tuamotu EC.MAAFUU Maahuu Hermaphrodite; dolt, simpleton
Hawaiian NP.MA-QAFU.1 Maahu To steam, exude vapour
New Zealand Maori NP.MA-QAFU.1 Maahu Steamy
Samoan NP.MA-QAFU.1 Maafu Emit odour (good or bad)
Tuamotu NP.MA-QAFU.1 Maahu Steam, water vapour, mist
Emae CP.MAQAFU.2 Magarafu o kaaiga, magarafu o kaamali Lesser and greater Magellan Clouds Problematic
New Zealand Maori CP.MAQAFU.2 Maahu-tonga Possibly the southern cross
Pukapuka CP.MAQAFU.2 Maau-tonga, Maau-tokelau The Magellan Clouds.
New Zealand Maori EO.MAFUIKE Mahuika Deity from whom fire was obtained by Maaui-tikitiki
Tokelau EO.MAFUIKE Maafuie Earthquake Problematic
Fijian PN.MA-FULI Maavule Sprained, of a joint Problematic
Tuamotu PN.MA-FUTA Maahuta Rise (of sun/moon), spring/dart/rise into flight
Takuu PN.MATA-A-QUHA Mataaua Raindrop
Rennellese PN.MATA-A-QUHA Mataa ʔua Raindrop