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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Hawaiian CE.MA-WESE Mawehe Open, loose, separate, undone
Takuu SO.KAIPEA.* Kaipea Generic name for crabs. Constellation: four stars within Cancer....
Marquesas TA.KAI-PUNU Kai-pupuni Qui mange en cachette, non généreux Problematic
Pukapuka PN.KAI-SAU Kai-yau One who repeatedly imposes on a household not his own for his meals ; eat taboo food from a lover
Marquesas CE.KAI-UU Kaiu Petit d'un animal, petiti cochon qui tette encore, cochon de lait. Petit, small (pour les personnes et les choses) [Northwest Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Ifira-Mele OC.KAKA.1A Mu/kaka Clothlike fibrous material enclosing base of Coconut palm fronds
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.KAKA.1A Kaka Old and strong betelnut Problematic
Tahitian OC.KAKA.1A Aa The fibrous substance that grows on the cocoa nut tree; the husk or covering on the young branches of the breadfruit tree; the integuments inclosing the sugar-cane, bamboo, hoi, &c.; the scarf on the skin of a new born infant or other young animals; the skin inside of animals to which the fat about the kidneys adheres; a sieve, or strainer, such as is used for the pia or arrowroot
Tokelau OC.KAKA.1A Kaka Coarse, fibrous material at base of coconut fronds
Marquesas MQ.KAKA.1B Kaka Sac, poche. Gousse; enveloppe calcaire du homard, de l'écrevisse, de la chevrette, des crabes; bogue, enveloppe de fruit, de la fleur du cocotier (Lch). Sac, bag [Northwest Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Marquesas CE.GASU.1 Ka/kahu (MQN), na/nahu (MQS). Ke/kahu (MQN), ne/nahu (MQS) (Dln). Couper avec les dents, mordre; picoter. Cut with teeth (Atl).
New Zealand Maori ??.KAKA.2 Kaka Flutter Problematic
Penrhyn NP.QARO-FI-LAGI Arorangè Foreign lands; white man
Tongan OC.KAAKAA.1A Kakaa Red-breasted Musk Parrot (Prosopeia tabuensis)
Tuamotu OC.KAAKAA.1A Kaakaa Chatter loudly, screech, as birds
Tahitian CE.KAA-KAFU ʔAʔahu Etoffe, vetement
Easter Island NP.KAKAI.2 Aʔamu Gossipy, tale-bearing; anecdote, fable, story Borrowed
Ifira-Mele NP.KAKAI.2 Kkai Traditional storytelling and singing
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.KAKAI.2 Lala/khai/na Tell a traditional story
Tahitian NP.KAKAI.2 ʔAʔai Conte, histoire, légende
Tahitian NP.KAKAI.2 ʔAʔamu Conte, histoire, légende Problematic
West Uvea NP.KAKAI.2 Kakai-ina Conte; raconter
West Futuna NP.KAKAI.2 Hkai Story, tale, legend; to tell tales
Mangaia CK.KAAKAA.1B Ka(a)kaa/ia White Tern (Gygis alba)
Penrhyn CK.KAAKAA.1B Kaakaa/ia White tern (Gygis alba)
Rarotongan CK.KAAKAA.1B Kaakaa/ia White tern (Gygis alba)
Easter Island PN.KAKALA-LUU Kakararuu (Torax orthopterus) (like a cockroach)
New Zealand Maori PN.KAKALA-LUU Kekereruu Stinkroach (Platyzoster novaeseelandiae)
New Zealand Maori PN.KAKALA-LUU Kekerenguu Stinkroach (Platyzoster novaeseelandiae)
East Futuna PN.KAKAMIKA Kakamika Plante odoriférante, utilisée pour faire des colliers (Ageratum conyzoides)
East Uvea PN.KAKAMIKA Kakamika Nom d`une plante odoriferante (? Ageratum) ; fleur
Mangaia PN.KAKAMIKA Kamika A weed with small yellow flowers and pointed leaves used in scenting oils
Tahitian PN.O O Possessif, devant un complément de nom, exprime la possession forte
New Zealand Maori PN.KA-KANO.1 Kakano Texture, grain, in wood, greenstone etc.; colour; berry, small fruit
East Futuna PN.TOE-GA Toega/a Restes à jeter, non réutilisables
Tongan PN.KA-KANO.1 Kakano Flesh, contents or substance
Rarotongan PN.KA-KAU.2 Kakau Stem, stalk, handle
Tahitian TA.KAKU.2 Paa/ʔaʔu Râteau; ratisser, effleurer, épousseter, enlever les toiles d'araignée, écumer
Tahitian PN.KA-KAU.2 ʔAaʔau Manche d’un outil; anse pour tenir un objet; pétiole de feuille, pédoncule de fleur, de fruit
Tongan PN.KA-KAU.2 Kakau Temporary handle; something tied/fixed on to hold by
East Futuna PN.KAKE Kake Monter, grimper
Hawaiian PN.KAKE ʔAʔe Step over
Marquesas PN.KAKE Kake Aller, monter dans la vallée
Marquesas PN.KAKE ʔAʔe Porter Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva PN.KAKE Kake Ecueil, roche à fleur d'eau; toucher à un écueil; successeur, suivre, suivant, qui vient après; arrivée par bande des poissons de la haute mer sur le rivage pour y déposer leurs oeufs. Following, that which comes after; a successor; a reef, a rock level with the water; awash; the arrival of shoals of fish on the high tide to deposit their spawn at low tide; to strike on an ocean reef (Tgr). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Nuguria PN.KAKE Kagei te lagau Klettern (auf einen Baum)
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.KAKE Kake, khake Arrive, climb, land at, enter (a house)
Rapa PN.KAKE Kake To ascend; steep incline
Tahitian PN.KAKE ʔAʔe Monter, escalader
West Uvea PN.KAKE Kake Monter (du bas en haut)