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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Ifira-Mele AN.MAQOHA Moa Cooked
Moriori AN.MAQOHA Mo(o)uu Cooked Phonologically Irregular
Nggela AN.MAQOHA M/moha Cooked
Nguna AN.MAQOHA Maaso Cooked
Nukuoro AN.MAQOHA M/moa Cooked
Penrhyn AN.MAQOHA Maoa Cooked
Pukapuka AN.MAQOHA Maaoa Well cooked
Rarotongan AN.MAQOHA Maoa Fully cooked
Rotuman AN.MAQOHA Ma/mosa Well-cooked
Sikaiana AN.MAQOHA Moa (pl. mmoa) Cooked
Tahitian AN.MAQOHA Maoa To be sufficiently baked, applied to food; ripe, applied to breadfruit
Takuu AN.MAQOHA Moa (of food) Sufficiently cooked, done
Easter Island PN.MAQOLI Maʔori Name of the native land of Hotu Matu`a and of his people who migrated, following a cataclysm on the continent of Hioa, to the island; expert, wise, intelligent; tangata maori rongorongo, literate person (who knows how to read the inscriptions of the kohau motu); maori-ika, surgeon [dead body-expert]; maori-hare, house-builder (Egt). (Of manual training) dexterity, handy, industry, artisan; (Of mental training), erudite, finesse, cleverness; (the resultant) memorable, renowned, of good reputation; tagata maori, carpenter; rima maori, left (sic) hand; tae maori incompetent; maori ke, judicious, sly; maori ke avai, adroit (Chl). Skilled, old (Fts)
Moriori PN.MAQOLI Moori/ori Indigenous people of the Chatham Islands
Niue PN.MAQOLI Mooli Be true, sure
Niue PN.MAQOLI Faka/mooli To witness, give evidence, confirm; to tell the truth, be sincere
Rarotongan PN.MAQOLI Moori Indigenous
Anuta PN.MAQONI.* Mooni True, as opposed to a lie Problematic
Tongan PN.MAQONI.* Faka/moʔoni To give evidence, to bear witness, to produce or afford evidence or proof of the truth of
Niue OC.MAQOTA Maota, moota Tree (Dysoxylum richii)
Niue OC.MAQOTA Moota, maota Tree (Dysoxylum forsteri)
Rennellese OC.MAQOTA Maʔota Kind of tree valuable for house timbers, Amoora
Takuu OC.MAQOTA Maota Tree sp. with hard, red, wood, food for making planks, that drifts to Takuu
Samoan PN.MA-PELU Mapelu Bent, stooped
Fijian FJ.MAPO Mabo Soft and spongy when kept too long (of taro)
Rennellese FJ.MAPO Mapo Mealy and delicious (of taro and other foods)
West Futuna FJ.MAPO Mapo Tasty (of root crops)
East Futuna PN.MAA-PUNA Mapuna Emerge (after being submerged), surface; spurt out (as blood or water); start up from sleep; take off (of a plane); explode, fly into pieces
New Zealand Maori PN.MAA-PUNA Maapuna Well up, form a pool
Moriori NP.MASAGA.2 Mehanga Noose; ensnare
Tokelau NP.MASAGA.2 Mahaga Noose for catching sharks
Moriori MP.MASAKI Ao/meheki Behave foolishly Problematic
Fijian FJ.MASALA Macala Be clear, intelligible, understood
Rarotongan PN.MASAME Maʔami A spreading hardwood tree (? Glochidion sp.)
Anuta PN.MAASINA Maaina Moon, month; snail operculum Problematic
Easter Island PN.MAASINA Maahina Moon, month
East Futuna PN.MAASINA Maasina Moon, month
East Uvea PN.MAASINA Maahina Moon
Hawaiian PN.MAASINA Mahina Moon
Kapingamarangi PN.MAASINA Mahina Moon
Kapingamarangi PN.MAASINA Maahina Bright, light of the moon
Emae PN.MAASINA Maasina Moon
New Zealand Maori PN.MAASINA Maahina Moon
Marquesas PN.MAASINA Mahina, Ma(a)hina (MQS) (Atl). Moon. Lune, mois (Lch).
Nuguria PN.MAASINA Masina Moon
Niue PN.MAASINA Mahina Moon, month; button
Nukuoro PN.MAASINA Maa-sina Moon
Luangiua PN.MAASINA Maasiŋa Reflection of light, moonlight
Pukapuka PN.MAASINA Maaina, maayina (arch.) Moon
Rapa PN.MAASINA Maʔina The moon