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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Penrhyn AN.KAPI.A Kapi/kapi Kind of shellfish growing on pearl shells; kind of shellfish, shells thick, hard to remove from rock; oyster sp., Spondylus varius
East Futuna PN.KAPI.B Kapi(kapi) Petite cale en bois
Anuta CO.KAPIA Kapia Lime for chewing with betel nut
Tikopia CO.KAPIA Kapia Lime, used with Betel nut, in hair bleaching, and as an alkali to turn (Morinda citrifolia) dye crimson; Bottle gourd used as a lime container
Rarotongan TA.KAAPIKI Kaapiki Name, summon, invite
Marquesas CE.KAAPITI.1 Kaapiti. Kapiti (Lch) (Atl). Package, bundle, bolt (of cloth). Paquet, ballot, pièce d'étoffe, mise en rouleau (Lch). Coupon (de tissu), remnant (of material) (Atl).
Rarotongan CE.KAAPITI.1 Kaapiti Join, unite, connect ; put or come together
Pukapuka CE.KAAPITI.1 Kaputi/nga A group of people or things close together, a cluster Phonologically Irregular
Tuamotu CE.KAAPITI.1 Kaapiti Bring together, unite, put side by side
East Uvea FJ.KAPO.1 Kapo Saisir vite un art, un métier
Mangareva MP.KAPU.1A Kapu Vase, glass. Vase, verre, assiette (feuille qui sert d'assiette); auge, récipient; puiser (Rch).
Tikopia MP.KAPU.1A Kapu (?) Leaf of Alpinia sp. laid at bottom of tumeric filter funnel
Mangareva CE.KAPU.1B Kapu vavae Plante des pieds. Sole of foot (Atl).
Rarotongan CE.KAPU.1B Kapu Palm of hand, instep of foot
Hawaiian CE.KAAPUA ʔAapua Handle, as of a laulau food package; shank knob of a fish hook; twisted top of a paper sack that may serve as handle
Marquesas CC.KAPU-A.* Kapua (MQN), ʔapua (MQS) Cime des chaînes des montagnes. Crête de montagne (Dln). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan PN.KAA-PUI Kaapui Surround, encompass, encircle; cover completely, envelop, enshroud
East Uvea MP.KASI.1 Kahi Some asaphidae and tellinadae (I)
New Zealand Maori MP.KASI.1 Kaa/kahi/ Freshwater mussel
Mangareva MP.KASI.1 Ka/kaʔi Lobster sp.
Penrhyn MP.KASI.1 Kasi (Asaphis violacea) ; k.clam, Pacific asaphis (Asaphis violacens); small shellfish of various kinds; shell scraper, hand grater
Tahitian MP.KASI.1 ʔAhi Palourde (coquillage comestible) (Asaphis tahitensis)
Hawaiian PN.KASI.2 ʔAhi Tuna (especially yellow-finned, Neothunnus macropterus)
Bugotu AN.KASO.1 Gaho Rafter
East Futuna AN.KASO.1 Kaso Rafter
East Uvea AN.KASO.1 Kaho Perche servant de chevron, latte
Hawaiian AN.KASO.1 ʔAho Rafter
Kwara'ae AN.KASO.1 ʔAto Rafter
New Zealand Maori AN.KASO.1 Kaho Batten laid horizontally on rafters to carry the thatch
Mota AN.KASO.1 Gaso A rafter
Nggela AN.KASO.1 Gaho A rafter
Nukuoro AN.KASO.1 Gaso Roof thatch rafters
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.KASO.1 Kau/kau/ii Rafter from corner to ridgepole in house Phonologically Irregular
Pukapuka AN.KASO.1 Kayo Small house rafter on which the sinnet is wrapped
Rapa AN.KASO.1 Kaʔo Rafter of house
Rarotongan AN.KASO.1 Kaʔo Rafter of traditional house, to which the thatch is tied
Rennellese AN.KASO.1 Kaso Vertical rafters of a house
Roviana AN.KASO.1 Gaso-na Rafter
Samoan AN.KASO.1 ʔAso Rafter
Tahitian AN.KASO.1 ʔAho Chevron (dans une charpente)
Tokelau AN.KASO.1 Kaho Lightweight rafter or rib of a house
Tongan AN.KASO.1 Kaho/ki Rafter; spoke of wheel; rib of umbrella
Tuamotu AN.KASO.1 Kaho Rafter
Pukapuka PN.KASO-KASO.1 Ivi kayokayo Rib; spinous process in vertebrae
East Uvea PN.KASOKASO.2 Kahokaho Sorte d'igname
Rennellese PN.KASOKASO.2 Kasokaso Kind of cultivated yam similar to matapoko
Marquesas PN.KATA.1 ʔAta (MQS), Kata (MQN) Rire; ris; plaisanterie
Tokelau PN.KATA.1 Kata Laugh, laughter
East Uvea MP.KATA.2 Kata Petite branche de kava pour planter
Fijian MP.KATA.2 Kasa The petiole stem, pedicule of a leaf, flower or fruit; stalks or small branches of some plant