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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Marquesas MP.KATA.2 Kata Pédoncle, pétiole, petites branches, tige de plantes. Queue (des fruits, feuilles); stalk (Atl).
Tahitian MP.KATA.2 ʔAta Tige de l’igname, de la vanille, du manioc, de la patate; bouture de ces plantes ou du taro
Nukumanu AN.QUGA Una Constellation: part of Taurus Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tikopia SO.KATA.3 Kata General category of large sea fish
East Futuna OC.KATAFA.A Katafa Frigate bird
Fijian OC.KATAFA.A Kasaqa Frigate-bird
Kapingamarangi OC.KATAFA.A Gadaha Frigate bird
Nukuoro OC.KATAFA.A Gadaha Great frigate-bird, fregata minor
Luangiua OC.KATAFA.A ʔAkaha Frigate bird (Bayliss-Smith)
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.KATAFA.A Karaha Black frigate bird
Rennellese OC.KATAFA.A Kataha Frigate-bird, fregata ariel ariel
Rotuman OC.KATAFA.A ʔAfaha Frigate-bird
Samoan OC.KATAFA.A ʔAatafa Frigate-bird (Fregata minor)
Sikaiana OC.KATAFA.A Kataha Frigate Bird
Takuu OC.KATAFA.A Katafa Frigate bird
Tokelau OC.KATAFA.A Katafa Frigate bird (Fregata spp.)
West Uvea OC.KATAFA.A Katafa Oiseau de mer: frégate
East Futuna PN.KATAFA.B Katafa Une plante a longues feuilles
Mangareva MQ.KETAHA.* Kataʔa Nom d'une plante Problematic
Mangareva NP.KAU-QALIKI Koueriki Arbre, espèce de badamier (Terminalia catappa) (Combrétacées)
East Futuna XW.KAATAKI Kaataki Supporter, patienter, ̂tre tolérant (intransitif)
Mangareva CE.KATAMU Katamu Remuer les lèvres pour inviter quelqu'un à venir près de soi. Move the lips as if in speaking to a person so that he may come close (Tgr).
Rarotongan CE.KATAMU Kaatamu/tamu, kaamutamuta Move lips, mutter
Marquesas CE.KAA-TASI A tahi á. Âtahi (Mtu). Alors, aussitot, dès ce moment. Dès lors, dès ce moment, ensuite (Lch). Then (Mtu).
New Zealand Maori CE.KATAU.* Katau Right (not left) (Eastern dialects)
Anuta OC.KATEA Paai /katea/ Starboard side of canoe, opposite to outrigger side
East Uvea OC.KATEA Katea Hull of canoe
Fijian OC.KATEA Kataa Canoe side opposite outrigger
Hawaiian OC.KATEA ʔAakea Starboard, outer hull of double canoe
Emae OC.KATEA A/katea/ Side of canoe opposite outrigger
Emae OC.KATEA Katea Perches horizontales
New Zealand Maori OC.KATEA Katea Crosspieces used as ribs to strengthen canoe, ? thwarts
Ifira-Mele OC.KATEA Katea Side of canoe opposite outrigger
Mota OC.KATEA Gatae Side of canoe opposite outrigger
Marquesas OC.KATEA Kete(ʔ)a Canoe side opposite outrigger. Côté opposé au balancier de la pirogue (Lch).
Nuguria OC.KATEA Katea Right hand ; rechte Bootsseite
Nukuoro OC.KATEA Gadea Side of boat opposite to outrigger
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.KATEA Katea Deck on a canoe. The side of a canoe opposite the outrigger (Lch). Leeward platform (Gge).
Pukapuka OC.KATEA Katea Starboard side of a canoe
Rarotongan OC.KATEA Katea Open side of canoe starboard
Rennellese OC.KATEA Katea Side of canoe without outrigger
Rotuman OC.KATEA Katea The canoe proper as distinguished from the outrigger . Borrowed
Samoan OC.KATEA Atea Lee, hull side of canoe
Samoan OC.KATEA A/atea/ Clear, free from obstruction
Sikaiana OC.KATEA Katea Open side of canoe
Tahitian OC.KATEA ʔAtea Tribord, sur les pirogues, le côté opposé au balancier
Takuu OC.KATEA Katea Side of a canoe away from the outrigger. Canoe proper (as opposed to the outrigger side) (Hwd).
Tikopia OC.KATEA Katea Starboard side of canoe, opposite to outrigger side
Tokelau OC.KATEA Katea Side of canoe opposite to outrigger
Tongan OC.KATEA Katea Hull of canoe