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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tikopia PN.MA-WETE Mavete Untie, loosen ; untied
Rarotongan FJ.ME.2 Me Verbal particle denoting subjective and operative moods
New Zealand Maori CE.ME.3 Me With (denoting concomitance or cooccurrence in time; often to be rendered by 'and')
Luangiua TA.PAA-FATA Poohaka Beam over door Problematic
Niue PN.OLO.2 K/ol/olo To coo Phonologically Irregular
Niue CP.FUQAGA Fuaga Grinding stone, tool sharpener; flint
Kapingamarangi PN.MENE Mene Satiated with food Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan PN.MENE Koo/mene/ Contract, draw back, shrink
Moriori TA.MESO Meho-nui An extinct bird, larger than a goose and flightless
Rarotongan PN.MIGI Mingi Bent, curved, crooked
Mangareva PN.MIGO Migo/migo A fold, a wrinkle; to be wrinkled; stunted; not joined close, not smooth, equal, said of tissues and cloth
Samoan NP.MIGOI. Migo/migoi Wriggle about, of the %afato|, a wood-eating grub
New Zealand Maori TA.MIRA Mira tuatini A cutting instrument formed by setting a row of shark teeth in a wooden holder
New Zealand Maori PN.MILI Miri Rub, stroke, wipe; smear; twist strands of dressed flax by rubbing them on the thigh; soothe...
Tuamotu PN.MILI Miri Rub, stroke with fingers, smooth out; smear, anoint with oil
Easter Island EO.MILO.1 Miro Board, rod, stake, stick; tree; timber, wood; club, staff. Ship (archaic) (Wbr).
Vaeakau-Taumako EO.MILO.1 Milo Big tree with small fruits that are not edible, its wood is very useful for making paddles, handle of axes, etc., its leaves are used as custom medicine. Tree sp., wood used for making parts of outriggers (Lch).
Kapingamarangi NP.MILO.2B Mira Make a whirlpool
Mangaia CE.MIRU Miru A goddess in 'Avaiki who cooks all the deceased people in her oven...
Luangiua EC.MIO.1B Mio Whirlpool
Sikaiana EC.MIO.1B Mio/mio Whirlpool
Samoan OC.MITI.2 Miti Cuckoo Shrike or trillers (Lalage spp.)
Penrhyn PN.MOQO Moo For
Pukapuka PN.MOQO Moo Possessive marks possession not yet realised
Samoan PN.MOQO Moo For
Kapingamarangi NP.MOA.3 Moo/moo The jagged piece of the canoe added at the bow and stern
Rotuman NP.MOA.3 Moa Upright toothlike projections at or near the ends of certain types of canoe Problematic
Tikopia PN.MOA.4A Moa Banana fruit on stem in formative stage; wooden spinning top
Tikopia NP.MOA.4B Moa Wooden spinning top
Kapingamarangi SO.MOA.5 Moo Ancient ceremony involving sexual play within the group
Kapingamarangi SO.MOA.5 Dagi/moo Labia majora
Rarotongan CK.MOARI Mooari Swing
Nukuoro OC.MOA-MOA Moomoa Fish sp
Tahitian OC.MOA-MOA Moomoa tara Poisson vache (Lactoria cornuta)
Takuu OC.MOA-MOA Moomoa Boxfish spp.
Tokelau OC.MOA-MOA Moomoa Boxfish (Ostracion sp.)
Tongan OC.MOA-MOA Moo/moa/ Cowfish
Tuamotu OC.MOA-MOA Mo/mooa/ Fish sp
Tuamotu OC.MOA-MOA Moomoa Poisson coffre ponctué
Tokelau PN.MOANA Moana Deep sea (especially outside the lagoon
Tongan MP.MOHE Mohe Sleep; roost (of fowls)
East Uvea PN.MOHE-GA Moega loo Lieu rempli de fourmis
Rarotongan PN.MOHE-GA Moenga Mat, esp. a sleeping mat made from smooth-edged pandanus leaves
Tongan PN.MOHE-TORO Mohetoo Habitually visiting a woman at night for immoral purposes
Rarotongan CK.MOI.1 Mooi Call to pigs
Tahitian MP.PUNA Pape hoo/puna Source, trou d'eau, mare, flaque
Tahitian MP.PUNA Puna Prolific, as a female; some particular haunt of fish, where the fishermen go to look for them Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Uvea PN.MO-QI Moo (ʔi) Morceau, pièce, lambeau (de)
Pukapuka PN.MO-QI Moo Small bit of. Ni moo mea, a little bit of it
Tikopia PN.MO-QI Moi/moi Particle, as of food, earth etc.