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4460 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Luangiua EC.FAKA-SANI Asaŋi Tie two coconuts together for carrying
Luangiua EC.KAVITI.1 Aviki Sand crab, 4", white
Luangiua PN.FAA-.4 Haa- Causative
Luangiua NP.SAPA Haa/sapa Look out [of] side of eye
Luangiua EO.SULA Haa/sula. Haʔasula (Sar). Approach
Takuu FJ.KOFE.A (Sa)kohe Shrub (Miscanthus floridulus), a swamp-growing indigenous bamboo...
Mangareva PN.LOLE.1 Rore Revenir sur sa parole; retourner au milieu d'une promenade Uncertain Semantic Connection
Sikaiana NP.MASALO.B Masalo To be surprised
Takuu PN.MISA Misa (of reef at water level, etc.) Create turbulence in the water; (of water) turbulent, as when disturbed by a stone breaking the surface
Takuu MP.MAQULI Mouri The spirit of a person, existing in recognisable human form both before and after death
Pukapuka PN.MEQA.B Mea To do, act (may refer to any action according to context: to tell, to say, to preoceed, to intend to, etc.)
Hawaiian PN.MEQA.B Mea To say; to bother, disturb
Tuvalu OC.TANIFA Taanifa Lizardfish (Saurida gracilis)
Tuvalu PN.TAQOKETE.A Takete Sibling of the same sex (= taina).
Tuvalu PN.TATAU.2 (Ta)tau Proper, necessary; compulsory, must
Tuvalu PN.TERE.A Tele To sail
Tuvalu PN.TEU.1 Teu Keep safe; broom; bouquet
Tuvalu PN.TEU.1 Teu Clean up, sweep, organize a room, tidy up; a broom; to dress up smartly, to decorate, to make pretty; decoration, vase of flowers; to keep safe, look after (Jackson)
Tuvalu OC.WALU.2 Valu (Gymnosarda unicolor)
Tuvalu XW.VAVAE.* Vavae Milkweed (Asclepius curassavica)
Tuvalu NP.SAWANE Savane, havane Type of fish: moonlighter
Tuvalu NP.FAKA-TELE Fakatele Sail (v)
Tuvalu PN.TAI-TAI Taitai/a To be covered with salt water, to smell of salt water, salty
Tuvalu FJ.QASA A/asa Move quickly, wade, go through bush
Rarotongan PN.MEQA.B Mea Used with wide range of meanings, almost as a pro-verb: do, make. Do something, bring something, be about to do something, say, tell, think, wish
New Zealand Maori PN.MEQA.B Mea Do, deal with; cause, make; say; intend, wish
Moriori PN.MEQA.B Me Say, recite; desire (to)
Takuu PN.GAO-HAQA Naoa Period when flotsam arrives (approximately December - May); cluster of floating logs on the ocean; guts of humans, turtles and pigs...
Takuu AN.QONE One Sandspit, sand bar, sandy place on the reef (obs.); sandy flat area where the spirits of each clan reside
Tongan PN.QOTAI ʔOtai Fruit salad
Takuu PN.PATA.3 P/pata (of sand) Coarse; (of rain) having drops large enough to indent the skin.
Takuu EP.POTI.2 Poo/poki Marine creature: sand bug, mole crab Problematic
Takuu FJ.PUKE.1A Puke Membrane of sand which the puiari and uu crabs make to cover the entrance to their holes
Sikaiana PN.PUSAKI Pusaki To blow out air Uncertain Semantic Connection
Takuu PN.PUTO Puto That part of a net or sail that balloons outward from the wind or water; (of a sail or a fishing net) to balloon outwards
Sikaiana PN.LIFU L/lihu Sad, grieving, worried, tired
Sikaiana PN.LIFU Lihu/tia Emotionally saddened, upset; sadness, grief, sorrow
Takuu FJ.LIKA Rika (of a pet animal or bird, etc.) Partially wild, not fully domesticated; (of a person) habitually disappear during the day and return home only at night
Takuu PN.KAI-HAQA.A Kaisaa (of people) Greedy, selfish; (of rats) to eat everything in sight Problematic
Takuu PN.SAA.2 S/saa (of something normally covered by water) Emerge, appear above the surface; (of one’s bones) protrude obviously, be clearly visible
Sikaiana PN.SAA.2 Saa Come into view, appear, be visible
Takuu NP.SAE.3 Sae (of frightening spirits such as mouri or tipua) Appear frequently; (of the spirit of a dead person) fly overhead
Takuu PN.SAQELE Saere Walk, go
Takuu MP.SAFE.2 Sahe Single half-hitch knot; to lash pieces of timber together, as on a canoe or house
Takuu PN.SASAWE S/sahe Flying fish (Cypselurus spp.) Phonologically Irregular
Takuu CC.SAKE.2 Sake, ssaka Lift one’s laplap to expose one’s buttocks as an act of provocation, expose oneself
Takuu MP.KILA.2 Saa/kila Look or glance once out of the corner of one’s eye
Sikaiana MP.KILA.2 Sa/kila To glance
Takuu NP.SAAKILI.2 Saakiri, saekiri Curse, swear
Sikaiana NP.SAAKILI.2 Sakili/kili Talk dirty, swear using restricted words with sexual meanings