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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Hawaiian PN.KUMI.1 ʔUmi Ten, tenth
New Zealand Maori PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathom measure
Mangareva PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathoms. Longueur de dix brasses (mesure)
Niue PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathoms
Penrhyn PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathoms
Pukapuka PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathoms
Rarotongan PN.KUMI.1 ʔUmi A ten (of cards) . Problematic
Rennellese PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathoms
Tikopia PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathoms
Tuamotu PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathom measure
Nukuoro PN.KUMI.2 Gumi Calculate, figure out Problematic
Rennellese MP.KUMI.3A Kumi/kumi Knead, press compactly, massage, clench; control, regulate, pacify
Tahitian MP.KUMI.3A ʔU/ʔumi Presser, tenir serré (le bras, le cou...), peser sur
Takuu MP.KUMI.3A K/kumi Squeeze, pinch the nose (e.g. while underwater), clench the fist, express liquid
Marquesas NP.KUMI.3B Kukumi (MQN), ʔuʔumi (MQS) Tuer, assassiner, mettre à mort; assommer, rosser de coups; étouffer; éteindre. Tuer (un animal); kill (an animal). Eteindre, put out (fire) [Northwest Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Rarotongan NP.KUMI.3B Kukumi Strangulate
Tahitian NP.KUMI.3B ʔUʔumi i te ʔarapoʔa Etrangler
East Uvea AN.KUMI-KUMI Kumukumu Menton; sorte de mousse qui pousse sur le bois mort.
Rapa AN.KUMI-KUMI Kumikumi Beard and moustache; a moss or arboreal parasite
Fijian MP.KUMU.2 Kumu Place money in the mouth of a favourite at a dance
Mangareva FJ.KUNE Kune Concevoir, devenir enceinte (se dit aussi des animaux). Conceive, become pregnant (of women or animals) (Tgr).
Rennellese FJ.KUNE Kune Menstruate Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian FJ.KUNE Unê/nê To be satiated; bloated out with fatness Phonologically Irregular
New Zealand Maori NP.KUPA Kupa Prostrated, exhausted
Rennellese NP.KUPA Kupa Concentrate on something, do constantly, be occupied with Uncertain Semantic Connection
Rarotongan CE.KUPE Kupe/kupe Act of bowing as in making a bow of courtesy
Tuamotu CE.KUPE Kupe Circumnavigate a land; surround, encompass Problematic
New Zealand Maori OC.KUPEGA Kupenga Net (generic term)
Nuguria OC.KUPEGA Kupena Fish net; womb (kupena te tama)
Tongan PN.KUPETI Kupesi Stencil-like contrivance used in making patterns on tapa cloth
Tuvalu EO.KITA.1 Kita I (depreciatory); indefinite personal pronoun 'one'
Tuvalu RO.KOLILI Kolili Bird sp. (Arenaria interpres)
Tuvalu EO.KONA.4 Ko/kona/ Bitter, sour
Tuvalu PN.KOTE Kote Speak English ; to nag, scold
Tuvalu PN.KUA.1 Koa Present, continuous tense marker (Niutao) ; inceptive (Nanumea) ; ? perfect
Tuvalu EO.KUMETE Kumete Wooden bowl
Tuvalu PN.KUMI.1 Kumi Ten fathoms of line
Easter Island PN.KUPU.1A Kupu Texto (de un libro, de una canción, etc.)
Hawaiian PN.KUPU.1A Hoo/ʔupu/ʔupu To recall to someone else, remind; to terrify someone by repeating an unpleasant impending event, especially that one is to be the victim of sorcery; to harp on impending doom
Niue PN.KUPU.1A Kupu Word, expression (a single unit of spoken or written language); verse (of Bible)
Rennellese PN.KUPU.1A Kupu Word, verse, utterance
Pukapuka PN.KUPU.2 Kupu Numerical prefix for counting plaited objects
Samoan PN.KUPU.2 ʔUpu Interval between nodes of bamboo or sugar-cane
West Uvea PN.KUPU.2 Puku Espace entre deux noeuds de bambou/canne à sucre; intervale entre deux choses Phonologically Irregular
East Futuna FJ.KUTA Kutu Plantes (Eleocharis)
Rarotongan TR.KUTE Kute/kute Scarlet. Aitutaki dialect
Rarotongan TR.KUTE ʔUte Red . Problematic
Tahitian TR.KUTE ʔUteʔute Couleur rouge; rouge; devenir rouge
Marquesas AN.KUTU.1 Kutu (MQN), ʔutu (MQS) Pou de tête
West Uvea AN.KUTU.1 Kutu Insecte parasite du corps ou de la tête de l'homme: pou de tête; morpion, pou du corps, puce [Heo Dialect]