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4460 Results matching "sa" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
West Futuna PN.KULA.1B Sara kura Parrot. Vini palmarum (loriquet des palmes) (Rve).
West Futuna PN.PUKU.2 Fa/sa/puku/a Fermer le poing
East Uvea MP.FULU.2 Fulu/fulu Faire sa toilette, ne pas se laver en entier, juste le visage et les bras
East Uvea PN.FAKA-TUPU.B Fakatupu Faire naitre, donner naissance, créer...produire, être cause de....
West Futuna NP.KAMO.2 Kem/kemu S'approcher sans fair du bruit; attraper
West Futuna OC.KOFU.2 Kofu/kofu A species of spider that makes a large, fine web which appears to be a misty film (This spider is sacred and embodies an important spirit.) Toile d'araignée (Rve).
West Futuna OC.KOHO Ko tane Sailfish
East Uvea SO.TUQU-TA Tuʔuta Brusquement, sans réflexion, inconsidéremment, à l'improviste Uncertain Semantic Connection
Samoan FJ.SAU.5 Sau A present of cooked food
Hawaiian FJ.SAU.5 (Ha)hau To lay before; to offer as a sacrifice or prayer
Rarotongan NP.QALA-QALA Araara Say, talk, speak
Samoan NP.TOO.1B Faʔa/too/saga Midwife, birth attendant
Samoan PN.LOMI Lomi/lomi Style of massage
Samoan PN.MILI Mili/mili Style of massage
Samoan PN.SUQA.A Sua/a/sami Sea water
Samoan AN.TUKI.A Tuʔi/tuʔi Style of massage
New Zealand Maori PN.QAMO-GA Amonga (= amoranga) The heart of one clain in battle, or other sacred food for conciliating an atua Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tahitian PN.QAMO-GA Amoa The name of a certain feast, when prayers were made, and certain ceremonies used, for the purpose of removing various restrictions in regard to the children of the chiefs and others, who before the performance of the amoa were reckoned sacred Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tikopia NP.MANU.1C Manu Kite, manu raurau "leafy creature"...made of sago leaves...
Tongan PN.SUMU.3 Humu A dark patch of nebulosity near the Southern Cross (Makemson 1941), presumably the Coal-Sack.
East Futuna PN.SUMU.3 Sumu Tache noire dans la Voie Lactée. The Coal-Sack (Jmr)
Hawaiian PN.SUMU.3 Humu The star Altair, in Aquila, said to have been used for navigation from Hawai'i to Tahiti
Takuu PN.SUMU.3 Simu Two four-star constellations in the southern sky ..., said to resemble a triggerfish...One appears to be the Southern Cross
Samoan PN.TAKULUA Tau-lua-alofi, Taulua-tua-fanua A pair of stars in Ursa Major (Stair 1898)
East Uvea CP.MASALO.A Mahalo(pe) Peut-être. sans doute
East Futuna CP.MASALO.A Masalo/salo Soupçonner; se douter de; soupçon
Tongan PN.AFE.2 Afe A thousand
Tongan OC.ASI Ahi Sandal wood
Tongan PN.QASI Ahi-ahi To try, essay, endeavour; an essay or endeavour
Tongan OC.QANU.3 Anoo Saliva; to spit
Tongan TO.PE-HEE Pehee Like this, like that; such, thus; to say, to think...
Tongan TO.PE-HEE Behe So, in this manner, alike; to signify, to give another to understand; to relate, to say; to resolve or determine; to show or exhibit
Niue TO.PE-HEE Pehee To be like, to resemble; to say (like this, direct speech)
Niue TO.PE-HEE Pehe To say
Tongan PN.KAAIGA.B Cainga, Kyinga. A relation; a kin; one of the same party or interest. A relation or kinsman.
Tongan FJ.KALIA Calia A double sailing canoe
Tongan PN.KANAGA Kananga Quip, jibe; common saying, or slang word or expression
Tongan PN.KANAGA Kanaga Parole à double sens, mauvaise plaisanterie
Tongan PN.KAPA.1 Capa/chia To assault, to besiege
Samoan PN.KAATOA-GA Atoaga Property given on occasion of a death; property given to one who saves another in war; property given to redeem the life of a prisoner of war Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tongan PN.QAROFA.B Chiod/ófa A term of friendly salutation..; also a term of pity, as, poor fellow!
Tongan AN.KOTI.1 Cochi To cut with scissars; to cut the hair of the head
Tongan TO.KUU.3 Kuu Stump of little finger after the finger has been cut off as a sacrifice (Obs.)
Tongan PN.KOTE Cote Gibberish, jargon, chattering of birds; the speech of foreigners [including Fijians but not Samoans]
Tongan PN.WALE.2 Vale, valea. Cow-vale. Ky-vale. Mad, insane, foolish, crazy, delirious; ignorant. A pack of fools. Greedy, gluttonous.
Tongan PN.NOFO-A Nofoʔa Riding-saddle (formerly a seat of any kind)
Tongan PN.FATU.1C Fatoo To fold or wrap up; furl (sail); a bale
Tongan PN.FEKAU.A Feców To bid, command, order; a message, an order
Tongan FJ.KITA.2A Fe/kita To congrete, to salute, to hug
Rennellese PN.FAI-QUMU Haiʔumu Oven, stove, saucepan, kitchen; to make an oven