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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Tokelau AN.LATA.1 Lata Tame; used to, familiar with
Tokelau CE.REFU.3 Lefu/lefu Name of a heavenly body associated with the traditional Tokelau month Vainoa (late August-early September) -- possibly the Magellanic clouds Problematic
Tokelau PN.LIGO-LIGO Ligoligo Insect which makes a soft, high pitched sound, especially in the evening (probably cricket)
Tokelau NP.LOA.2 Loa Immediately, at once (post-verbal particle)
Tokelau CP.LOLI Loli A small species of black sea-cucumber (beche-de-mer, Holothuria sp.)
Tokelau NP.LUA-KI Luaki/na (of an illness) Relapse, become worse after a partial recovery Uncertain Semantic Connection
Tokelau PN.LUMA Luma Disgrace, shame, humiliation
Tokelau EO.MATA-LIKI.B Mataliki The constellation of Pleiades
Tokelau NP.NANEA Nanea (of food) Plentiful, enough to go round; also applied to food such as fish which have a high proportion of edible material in them
Tokelau PN.NAO Nao Kill (clam) by cutting off the tough cord which anchors it to the coral; extract the flesh (of a clam) by cutting off the cord which holds the two sides of the shell together; a special implement used for this
Waya OC.QAOA (Y)a(y)awa Tree spp., Ficus pritchardii and F.tinctoria
Waya MP.PIA.1 (Y)abia Arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides); starch...
Waya RO.AKA.B (Y)aka Creeper: Pueraria lobata...
Tokelau AN.TALI.1 Tali Await (in special context of keeping watch for schools of fish...)
East Futuna SO.PAPA.2 Papa Poisson: "priacanthe sanglante" (Priacanthus cruentatus)
Tokelau OC.TAQO.2A Tao/mia Be caught under something
Tokelau PN.TIQAKI Tiaki Throw away, discard, get rid of; leave, abandon
Tokelau PN.TIALE Tiale/tiale The shrub, Gardenia, which has fragrant flowers
Tokelau MP.TIO.2 Tio Mollusc (Vermetus sp.); hard coral-like material or shell of the mollusc, found in brain coral....
Tokelau PN.QULU-TUKI Ulutuki A giant grouper which can grow up to three metres long
Tokelau OC.WELI.1 Veli A small greyish species of sea cucumber (Holothuria sp.)
Pukapuka PN.HAFA.B W/aiaa Why? Problematic
Pukapuka PN.FAKA-QETEQETE Wakaete/ngia To draw back, retreat
Pukapuka SO.FUA-QI-TINO Wuai-vaka Coffin. Dead body in canoe section for burial (Sby). Problematic
Pukapuka NP.GA-TASI Peia ngatai All at once, immediately Phonologically Irregular
West Uvea PN.MIO.1A Mioi/a Tordre; hacher (viande)
Kapingamarangi PN.TAMA.1B Dama Small or miniature
Pukapuka NP.LEMO.2 Lemo/yia Oily, slippery, hence pleasant tasting
Pukapuka OC.MISI.B Mii/kia Smack the lips in admiration
Pukapuka FJ.PAAPAA Au/paa Sling-jaw Wrasse (Epibulus insidiator)
Pukapuka OC.MAKO.3 Tau/mako/mako Plant sp., Achyranthes velutina. Polynesian Chaff-flower (Sby).
East Uvea XW.WILI-GIA Viligia Etre enlevé, emporé, battu par le vent
East Futuna XW.WILI-GIA Viligia Etre emporté (part le vent)
Samoan XW.WILI-GIA Viligia To dry in the wind; to air; to cool in the wind
Waya CP.LIALIA Lialia Foolish, stupid; mad, insane
Tongan CP.LIALIA Lia-lia Disagreeable to the sight, abominable, brutal, filthy
Rennellese CP.LIALIA Haka/giagia To be afraid, startled, astonished; to frighten, be frightening
Tahitian CP.LIALIA Riaria Shocked, disgusted; detestable, shocking
East Futuna CP.LIALIA Faka/lialia Dégoutant; bêtise; grossièreté
East Uvea CP.LIALIA Faka/lialia Dégoutant, répugnant, détestable, qui donne mal au coeur; avoir des nausées, avoir mal au coeur...
Rapa PN.POKI.1 Aʔa/poʔi To cover an oven with plant material
Tokelau NP.NANA.3 Mata/nana Demanding attention (of adults who are selfish and think they deserve special treatment); cry often, for attention (of babies and young children)
Kapingamarangi XO.PIGI-PIGI Bingibingi Tree sp. (Hernandia sonora)
Luangiua XO.PIGI-PIGI Piŋipiŋi (Hernandia sonora)
Rennellese XO.PIGI-PIGI Pingipingi A beach tree, Hernandia peltata, used for making canoes on Bellona
Takuu XO.PIGI-PIGI Pinipini Tree (Hernandia sonora), used for carving canoes
Nukuoro XO.PIGI-PIGI Bingibingi Tree sp. (Hernandia sonora)
Manihiki-Rakahanga RO.PUKA Puka/ama Lantern Tree (Hernandia nymphaeifolia)
Tuamotu CE.KOOFAI Kofai Sesbania spp.
Tuamotu MP.TAWA.1 Kava (Pometia pinnata) Phonologically Irregular