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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Easter Island PN.LAAKEI Raakei Adorn, decorate, embellish
East Futuna PN.LAAKEI Lakei Se dit seulement du vêtement dont on s'enveloppe: le rendre long à trainer.
East Uvea PN.LAAKEI Lakei Offrande de fleurs et de feuilles a la divinite
Kapingamarangi PN.LAAKEI Laagei Decorate, adorn
Nuguria PN.LAAKEI Lagei te tama Paint (body with turmeric)
Luangiua PN.LAAKEI Hai/laa/laaei, hai/la/laʔi Colour. Variegated colours.
Pukapuka PN.LAAKEI Laakei Decorate, decoration
Tikopia PN.LAAKEI Raakei-a Decorate, adorn, ornament
Tuamotu PN.LAAKEI Raakei Decorated, to be, string together
West Futuna PN.LAAKEI Rakei/a Bedeck, decorate, garland
Anuta OC.LAKI Raki (Wind coming from) northwest; season during which winds from this direction predominate (i.e. monsoon season)
Nuguria OC.LAKI Te raki Nordweststurm
Vaeakau-Taumako OC.LAKI Te/laki Wind from southeast [TAU]
Sa'a OC.LAKI Raʔi/rehi Under the lee, sheltered Problematic
Tikopia OC.LAKI Raki Wind point, approximately west; westerly direction; monsoon season, characterised by weather from generally west direction; variable light winds between south-west and west, with alternating calms and occasional gales
Tokelau OC.LAKI Laki Hurricane season and westerly quarter winds that blow during it
Tuamotu OC.LAKI Raki Wind from south-westerly quadrant
Anuta NP.LAKIA Rakia A type of small bird. White-capped Noddy, Black Noddy
Pukapuka NP.LAKIA Lakia White-capped Noddy/Black Noddy (Anous minutus minutus)
Penrhyn NP.LAKIA Rakia Black noddy, white-capped noddy (Anous tenuirostris). Black Noddy (Anous minutus) (McC).
Rarotongan NP.LAKIA Rakia White-capped Noddy (Anous tenuirostris), which is very common in the Northern Group
Samoan NP.LAKIA Laia Blue-grey Fairy Ternlet, (Procelsterna sp.)
Mangareva CE.RAKO Rako Faire blanchir de l'étoffe au soleil; être tacheté, moucheté, tiqueté. To bleach cloth or stuff in the sun; of different tints; spotted, speckled, mottled; with a white face and a black tail (Tgr).
Tuamotu CE.RAKO Rako Be illumined with the clear white light of day; white, pale, light-coloured
Penrhyn TA.RAKOA.1 Rakoa White-tailed tropic bird (Phaeton lepturus)
Rarotongan TA.RAKOA.1 Raakoa White-tailed Tropic Bird (Phaethon lepturus)
Mangaia TA.RAKOA.1 Raakoa Shearwater, petrel
New Zealand Maori TA.RAKOA.1 Haakoakoa Bird spp.: fluttering shearwater (Puffinus gavia), Southern skua (Catharacta antarctia) Problematic
East Futuna PN.LAKU.1 Laku Jeter; poser sans soin
Mangareva AN.RAKU Raku/raku Scratch. Se gratter, frotter avec les ongles l'endroit qui démange.
Rapa AN.RAKU Rako/rako To scratch, as for flea bites Problematic
Sikaiana AN.RAKU Laku/laku To scratch; to draw someone's attention by scratching them
Tahitian AN.RAKU Raʔu/raʔu Gratter, se gratter
Anuta OC.LALA.1 Rara A small fragrant plant (Vitex trifoliata)
East Futuna OC.LALA.1 Lala/a Plante (Desmodium canum) Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Futuna OC.LALA.1 Lala/a-vao Plante, muscadier (Myristica inutilis) Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Uvea OC.LALA.1 Lala Shrub sp. . Vitex trifolia (arbre), Desmodium umbellatum (arbuste) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Fijian OC.LALA.1 Drala sala A herb (Vitex trifolia)
East Futuna OC.LALA.1 Lala/mea Plante (Aglaia psilopetala) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Niue OC.LALA.1 Lala tea Plant sp. (Vitex trifolia)
Rarotongan OC.LALA.1 Rara A tree (Vitex trifolia)
Tikopia OC.LALA.1 Rara Shrub (Vitex trifolia); also (Halfordia sp.)
Tongan OC.LALA.1 Lala tahi Shrub sp. (Vitex trifolia)
New Zealand Maori AN.RARA.1 Rara Spread out on stage (e.g. to dry or be grilled); be scattered about
Mangareva AN.RARA.1 Rara Faire passer un bois au feu pour le dresser; y passer des feuilles pour les rendre souples; des vêtements pour les sécher; faire voir le feu, i.e. cuire quelque chose à la hâte
Takuu AN.RARA.1 Llaa Heat something over a fire; grill, smoke (fish etc.); warm by fire; heat earlobe with hot oil...; put a crooked stick briefly in the fire then apply pressure to straighten it while still hot
Mangareva EP.RARA.2 Rara Jeter qch. de travers, jeter une lance sans atteindre la cible
Marquesas PN.RAQA-RAQA ʔAʔa Petites branches
East Futuna SO.LAQALAQA-TEA Laʔalaʔatea Midday
Emae SO.LAQALAQA-TEA Raraatea Midday