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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan PN.SU-GALU Sugalu Said of things which are old but still good.
Pukapuka PN.SUKE Yu/yuke Turn over (as a stone, pages of a book)
Easter Island MP.SUKI.A Huki Barreno de mano usado para escarbar la tierra y sacar tubérculos; clavar. Hand-drill used to root out bulbs; to nail. Palo puesto en la popa para colgar la red (*huki kupe9a*); fierro puntiagudo qu sirve para escarbar la tierra (Egt).
Fijian MP.SUKI.A Cuki/ta Loosen ground with a stick
Takuu MP.SUKI.A Suki Insert pointed object into something: impale, pierce (esp. a coconut for drinking), prod for sea worms using a pointed stick, caulk a canoe by pushing koka fibres into joints; tuck in the loose folds of a laplap
Tokelau MP.SUKI.A Huki Pierce, inject, probe; stick used for piercing or probing (e.g. for turtle eggs); sticks which pierce through the ridge thatching to hold roof thatching in place; syringe
Easter Island MP.SULI Huri Banana shoot
New Zealand Maori MP.SULI Huri Young shoot, seed
Mota MP.SULI Suliu Sucker from roots of a plant
Niue MP.SULI Huli Young plants of taro, banana etc.; offspring, shoot, scion
Penrhyn MP.SULI Huri Shoot, seedling, young tree; to shoot (of plants) Problematic
Sikaiana PN.HULI.2* Uli A shoot or root of taro
Pukapuka MP.SULI Yuli A small branch, a sapling, shoots
Rapa MP.SULI ʔUri Young shoot, seed
Rarotongan MP.SULI ʔUri Shoot, sucker, young plant, seedling, sapling; throw out shoots, sprout
Tongan MP.SULU.1A Hulu To repair a mat, by tucking in loose ends; fix loin-cloth by tucking end in at waist;
East Futuna MP.SULU.2 Susulu Light of moon
Niue MP.SULU.2 Hu/hulu Shine (of sun, moon, stars)
Pukapuka MP.SULU.2 Yuyulu Shine ; illuminate, as light of the moon
Samoan MP.SULU.2 Susulu (Of sun and moon) shine
Kapingamarangi NP.SUUMAALIE Humalia Good, goodness; appropriateness; expression used in greeting
Emae NP.SUUMAALIE Suumarie Good
Moriori NP.SUUMAALIE Humarii, humaria Good
Penrhyn NP.SUUMAALIE Suumaaringa Beautiful, clean, good, fine
Tokelau OC.SUNU.2 Hunu/hunu Cook by roasting over hot coals and turning over now and again
Kapingamarangi EO.TAA.1A Taa Beat (as tapa on an anvil); strike, hit; tattoo
Easter Island PN.TAA.1C Taa To tattoo. Refers to body painting, not permanent tattooing (Wbr).
East Uvea PN.TAA.1C Taa/tatau/ Tattoo
Kapingamarangi PN.TAA.1C Daa, taa Tattoo
New Zealand Maori PN.TAA.1C Taa(-ia) Tattoo (v.)
Niue PN.TAA.1C Taa/tatau To tattoo; tattoo (n)
Nukuoro PN.TAA.1C Daa To tattoo
Luangiua PN.TAA.1C Kaa/kaa Tattoo; write
Vaeakau-Taumako PN.TAA.1C Ta/taa, ta/ta/i-a Tattoo (v)
Rarotongan PN.TAA.1C Ta(a)/tatau/ Tattooing
Rarotongan PN.TAA.1C Taa/tatau Tattoo (v); tattooing, tattoo marks
Rennellese PN.TAA.1C Taa To tattoo
Samoan PN.TAA.1C Taa (Of tattoo) apply, put on
Sikaiana PN.TAA.1C Taa/taa To tattoo; a tattoo; to write
Takuu PN.TAA.1C Taa/taa Tattoo
Tikopia PN.TAA.1C Te taa tau Tattooing
Tongan PN.TAA.1C Taa-tatau To tattoo
Hawaiian PN.TAA.2 Kaa Root-cutting, as of breadfruit Problematic
Pukapuka FJ.TAE.2B Tae Net fish in air, make an overhead swoop with net
Tikopia FJ.TAE.2B Tae Scoop fish; take, catch
West Futuna FJ.TAE.2B Tae To net, scoop up; scoop net for flying-fish...
Tokelau AN.TAQE.1 Tae Faeces, stool droppings
Hawaiian PN.TAQE-TULI.1 Kookuli Earwax
Easter Island OC.TAFA.3 Taha Decline (like afternoon sun) Problematic
Hawaiian OC.TAFA.3 Kaha Swoop, as a kite; be poised, soar, as a bird