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7586 Results matching "oo" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Takuu PN.TATAA Ttaa Bail (a canoe), bailer (of a canoe); scoop up (rice or food mixtures), dish or portion out
Anuta PN.TATAU.1 Tatau Tattoo
East Futuna PN.TATAU.1 Tatau Tattoo
East Uvea PN.TATAU.1 Taa/tatau/ Tattoo
Fijian PN.TATAU.1 Sau To cut reed, bamboos etc.; to prick, as in tattooing; tattoo marks
Hawaiian PN.TATAU.1 Kaakau Tattoo, write, print on tapa
Nuguria PN.TATAU.1 Tatau Tattoo (v)
Niue PN.TATAU.1 Tatau To tattoo
Nukuoro PN.TATAU.1 Tatau To mark, to tattoo
Rarotongan PN.TATAU.1 Ta(a)/tatau/ Tattooing
Rennellese PN.TATAU.1 Tatau Tattooing
Samoan PN.TATAU.1 Tatau Tattooing
Tikopia PN.TATAU.1 Tatau Tattoo marks
Tongan PN.TATAU.1 Taa/tatau Tattoo
Tuamotu PN.TATAU.1 Taatau Tattoo; make designs on, mark (obs.)
New Zealand Maori PN.TATUU Tatu Strike one foot against the other, stumble; tottering
Pukapuka PN.TATUU Waka/tatu Raise one foot after the other Uncertain Semantic Connection
Sikaiana PN.TATAU.2 Tau To be fitted together, in place, as the floor tiles of a house; to be sufficient, enough
Pukapuka FJ.TAU.1 Tau To fit, look nice
New Zealand Maori PN.TAU.2 Tau Loop of cord attaching a club to the wrist; cord handle of a basket
Samoan PN.TAU.2 Tau Hang, as clothes on line, basked on hook etc.
Samoan PN.TAU.12 Tau Leaves used to cover up a native oven of food
Samoan MP.TAU.5 Tau Moor, anchor
Marquesas OC.TAQU.1 Tau Year consisting of ten moons. Année de dix lunes. Saison [Northwest Marquesan Dialect] (Atl).
Pukapuka TA.T-AUA Taua That one understood --- only in a few ancient chants, late 18th C. Problematic
East Futuna AN.TAQUFUFU Taʔufufu Final leaf covering on roof ridge
Manihiki-Rakahanga PN.TAWA-TAWA Tavatava Dogtooth Tuna (Gymnosarda unicolor)
Rotuman AN.TAQUFUFU Fau/a Ridge of roof, ridge-pole
Sikaiana AN.TAQUFUFU Tauhhu Main ridgepole of house, central roof beam
Takuu AN.TAQUFUFU Tauffuu Ridgepole (lower longitudinal beam at the apex of a roof)
Ifira-Mele PN.TAAU-GA.B Taauga Rope or hook for hanging things on. Such food whether hung up or not
Marquesas PN.TATAA Tattá A scoop for bailing canoes; to bail
Luangiua PN.TAAU-GA.B Kauŋa Bags hung from roof for food
Penrhyn PN.TAAU-GA.B Taunga Storage basket (Rasmussen) [also mentioned by a small basket for cooked food, according to student] kind of basket for containing pieces of cooked fish
Rennellese PN.TAAU-GA.B Taaunga Gift, as of left-over food
Samoan PN.TAAU-GA.B Taauga Basket of cooked food (kept against daily requirements or to provide a present if required); contribution of food (given by a guest to his host etc
Takuu PN.TAAU-GA.B Tauna Suspended basket for keeping food; hooked stick suspended from the ceiling on which a basket of food may be hung
Tongan PN.TAAU-GA.B Taunga Basket of cooked food left over and hung up for use later on,
West Futuna PN.TAAU-GA.B Tauga Hanger, hanging pot; contraption for hanging things from ceiling (esp. to keep rats from getting food). Stick or rope for slinging food on, hanger (Cpl).
Luangiua PN.TOO.3 Koo/koo Hanging
Pukapuka CE.TAUIRA Tauila Small fish driven into lagoon and to the beach shallows by electrical storms Problematic
Penrhyn PN.TAU-LAGA Tauranga Roost; landing, arrival; habitat of a particular kind of fish, the fishing point for that kind of fish
Pukapuka PN.TAU-LAGA Taulanga Canoe anchorage; a roosting, resting or dwelling place
Samoan PN.TAU-LAGA Taulaga Anchorage, roost (of bat)
Hawaiian PN.TAUMAFA Kaumaha/ʔai Food offering to gods
New Zealand Maori PN.TAUMAFA Taumaha Spell recited when food offered to gods
Rennellese PN.TAUMAFA Taumaha Dedicate food or hail the gods or ancestors
Tahitian PN.TAUMAFA Taumaha A portion of food offered to the gods, or spirits of the dead
Tikopia PN.TAUMAFA Taumafa Portion of food allotted to a person in a distribution
Tongan PN.TAUMAFA Taumafa Food; drink, smoke (regal)