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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Emae PN.LOHI Roi/roi Lie, deceive, pretend
Tongan PN.LOHI Loi, lohi (probably older form) To lie, tell an untruth
Takuu AN.TALO.1 Taro Constellation: Three stars in Scorpio rising before dawn
Nukumanu AN.TOLU A/tolu. Tolu (Sar). Constellation: Orion's Belt
Tahitian PN.LOQI Roi Blue-spotted grouper. Mérou, famille des Serranidae (Cephalopholis argus) (Lmt) .
Tokelau PN.LOQI Loi Fish sp.: Blue-spotted Grouper (Cephalopholis argus)
Niue PN.HAFA.B He ute he ha Why? what for?
Tahitian TA.HAFA.C ʔEiaha Terme prohibitif
East Uvea AN.LOQI-MATA Loimata A tear
Emae AN.LOQI-MATA Roimata Tears
New Zealand Maori AN.LOQI-MATA Roimata Tear(s)
Ifira-Mele AN.LOQI-MATA Loimata A tear
Moriori AN.LOQI-MATA Reimata Tear (Wms) Phonologically Irregular
Nuguria AN.LOQI-MATA Loemata Tears
Nukuoro AN.LOQI-MATA Loimada Tears
Luangiua AN.LOQI-MATA Lemaka Tears Phonologically Irregular
Penrhyn AN.LOQI-MATA Roi mata Tears
Vaeakau-Taumako AN.LOQI-MATA Loimata Tear
Pukapuka AN.LOQI-MATA Loimata Tear
Rarotongan AN.LOQI-MATA Roi Teardrop
Rennellese AN.LOQI-MATA Goʔimata Tear (from weeping)
Samoan AN.LOQI-MATA Loimata Tear n
Sikaiana AN.LOQI-MATA Loimata A tear
Tikopia AN.LOQI-MATA Roimata Tear(s)
Tongan AN.LOQI-MATA Loʔimata Tear(s)
Tuamotu AN.LOQI-MATA Roimata Tear(s) (Obs.)
Hawaiian OC.LOKI Loʔi Irrigated terrace, esp. for taro
Tokelau OC.LOKI Loki Be sheltered (from winds) Problematic
Rarotongan CE.ROKO-HIA Roko Overtaken, afflicted caught etc. Passive only
Tahitian CE.ROKO-HIA Roʔohia Etre rattrapé, être rejoint, être atteint
Pukapuka MP.LOKU Lo/loku/ To bend. Concentrate, trust (Sby).
Rennellese CP.LOLI Gogi Kind of seaslug not eaten
Nuguria PN.LOLO.1A Te roro mate lenga Gelbwurzpaste
Takuu PN.LOLO.1A Lloo Coconut cream; coconut oil to which leaf fragrances are added after the meat has been boiled and strained; any expressed food
Tuamotu PN.LOLO.1A Roro Spongy coconut matter
Hawaiian EP.RORO.1 Lolo Bone marrow, brains, spongy matter
New Zealand Maori EP.RORO.1 Roro Brains, bone marrow, spongy matter round gourd seeds
Nuguria CC.KAPU-LOLO Te-ipu-lolu Skull Problematic
Rotuman MP.LOLO.2 Lolo To dip under water
Tuamotu CE.RORO.2 Roro Fish sp. (has deep blue back, white belly, and roundish body)
East Futuna PN.LOLOGO Lologo Accompagner en musique ou en chant; faire l'orchestre; orchestre; batteurs de tambour; choeur
New Zealand Maori FJ.LOLO-QI.A Roroi Grate into a pulp Uncertain Semantic Connection
West Futuna PN.LOLO-QI.B Roroi Grated coconut
Sikaiana FJ.LOLO-QI.A Lloi To sweeten, especially of tea or coffee; to be sweetened; to dip something into water
Tongan FJ.LOLO-QI.A Loloʔi Dilute scented oil by adding more oil; cook in coconut cream
Vaeakau-Taumako NP.LOMA.1 Tai loma High tide or water
West Uvea NP.LOMA.1 Lo/loma Marée montante/haute; inondation de la mer
Mangareva MP.LOMA.2A Ro/roma Mer houleuse qui retourne sur les mers basses. A surging sea drawing back on an ebb tide to deep water (Tgr). Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva NP.LOLE.2 Rore Bruit produit par la chute ou le froissement d'un métal
Rarotongan MP.LOMA.2A Ro/roma Decrease (in size or volume), go down, subside (swelling, water)