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16158 Results matching "te" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Samoan MP.LOMA.2A Loma To be quiet, to cease, to intermit (as the wind, war, etc); to desist, in the tattooing process; to wait to see who would have the first cup of *'ava*
Tahitian MP.LOMA.2A Roma To shrink, become less, as water in a pond, oil in a lamp, &c.; to fall, as a swelling
Niue PN.LOOMAKI.* Lomoki To dip, submerge, duck (under water) Phonologically Irregular
Tokelau PN.LOOMAKI.* Loomaki Lower into water (of a noose to trap fish)
Tongan PN.LOOMAKI.* Loomaki/ʔi Hold a person under water
Tongan PN.LOTO.C Loto Mind, temper, idea, opinion, disposition
New Zealand Maori PN.LOMI Romi Squeeze, suffocate, engulf
Mangareva PN.LOMI Romi/romi Cover, press upon. Couvrir, presser, fouler (se dit surtout d'une personne nageante, d'une embarcation que les vagues poussent et pressent)
Takuu PN.LOMI L/lomi, romi Press down, plant (taro...), push or hold under water, submerge, drown an animal...
Tuamotu PN.LOMI Romi(Romi) Press down in water
Hawaiian CE.ROOPAA Loopaa Tenant farmer
Marquesas MP.LOPI ʔOpi/ʔopi Se frotter avec de l'eau, se laver
Easter Island OC.LOTO.A Roto Inside, lining. Interior (Wbr).
Marquesas OC.LOTO.A ʔOto Inside. Cavité, contenant, intérieur, dans (Lch).
Mangareva OC.LOTO.A Roto L'intérieur; l'intestin, boyaux, entrailles
Nuguria OC.LOTO.A A/roto te hare Innenraum
Rennellese OC.LOTO.A Goto Inside, interior, centre
Marquesas PN.LOTO.B Eo te wiae Fresh lake
Hawaiian PN.LOTO.C Loko Character, disposition, heart
Nukuoro PN.LOTO.C Lodo Want, desire; [also character, temper -- in compounds]
Rarotongan PN.LOTO.C Roto Disposition, temper, (inward) state of mind
Rennellese PN.LOTO.C Goto Thought, intelligence; to think, want, desire; to agree, as lovers
Tikopia PN.LOTO.C Roto Mind and associated internal faculties of human being; have in mind, occ. desire
Tongan PN.LOTO.C Loto Mind, heart (seat of affections); desire, will, purpose; anger, ire, temper; to be minded to, desire to, consent, assent
East Futuna PN.LOTU.1 Lotu Religion, culte
Easter Island FJ.LOTU.2 Rotu/rotu Clap one's hands together. Strike lightly, tap (an object to repair or straighten it) (Wbr).
Mangareva FJ.LOTU.2 Rotu Frapper la mer avec les mains pour diriger les poissons vers le filet. To beat the sea to frighten fish into the nets (Tgr).
Samoan FJ.LOTU.2 Lotu Make a hollow sound in the water with the hand
Tahitian FJ.LOTU.2 Rotu To smite or strike
Rennellese SO.LOTU.3 Gotu/ʔaki Work to finish; desire or do persistently and with fervour
Tikopia SO.LOTU.3 Rotu/rotu Basic meaning of looking after people, having a care for them
Sikaiana AN.KITE Kite To see, to find
East Uvea AN.KITE (Ki)kite Apparaitre de loin, commencer à paraitre
Fijian MP.LUU.2 Luu Leak out (of water)
Hawaiian MP.LUU.2 Luu Drip (as water)
Marquesas OC.LUU.3 ʔUu. ʔU (Lch). Tremble. Trembler, être agité; craindre, redouter, être inconstant (Lch).
Tongan PN.LAU.2A Low To discourse, to relate; hearsay, report. To calculate.
Easter Island MP.LUA.1 Rua Cave, hollow, ditch, pit, hole, beaten path, grave. Hole, grave (referring only to the open grave pit) (Wbr).
Mangareva MP.LUA.1 Rua Hole, pit. Trou en terre pour conserver la nourriture.
Nuguria MP.LUA.1 Keri te/luo Graben
Rotuman MP.LUA.1 Te/lua/ Hole, pit Problematic
Nuguria OC.LUA.2 Te lua Sich erbrechen
West Futuna OC.LUA.2 (H)lua To heave, vomit; to burst out; to topple down, be ejected
Tikopia AN.RUA Rua Two; both; double; second; equivalent; substitute
Tahitian NP.LUA-KI Ruai To vomit; the matter thrown in vomiting
New Zealand Maori TA.RUA-ROA Maa/rua-roa The second month of the Maori year during which the winter solstice occurred
Hawaiian NP.LUA-NI Lua Companion, mate
Rennellese NP.LUA-NI Guani Associate with (demeaning); tend, as a baby; have as servant; servant
Tikopia SO.LUATUQU Ruatu East, easterly, north of easterly
Nuguria PN.LUE.1 Luhe henua Erdbeben (Erschütterung des Bodens) Phonologically Irregular