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4903 Results matching "ia" in entry:

Language Reconstruction Reflex Description
Mangareva PN.MAQA.1 Ma/raga Maison où les femmes se purifiaent selon la coutume
Mangareva NP.MALA-TEA Maritea Poisson: Hemigymnus fasciatus (Labridae) (plus connu) Phonologically Irregular
Mangareva MP.MALU.A Maru/ga La partie extérieure au-dessous du sein; diaphragme
Mangareva PN.MATA-QELE Mata/ʔere Poisson: Myripristis murdjan (Priacanthidae) Problematic
Niue PN.MATA-MATA Faka/matamata To kindle (traditionally associated with 'small pieces' of kindling materials used to start the 'eye' of a fire)
Marquesas AN.MAQOHA Móà To dress food thoroughly, especially in the oven
Mangareva NP.MOAGA Moaga Poisson: barbe rouge (Pseudupeneus multifasciatus) (Mullidae)
Tongan PN.QOTI.B Ko hono ʔosí ia. That's the lot; that's all there is of it.
Mangareva PN.KAU-MAFUTE Moʔute Pièce d'étoffe offerte aux dieux au cours de la cérémonie de l'initiation des prêtres
Rennellese PN.OFO.B Oho/kia To shout, as in rituals
Marquesas PN.OFO.B Oho/ia, oho/kia Tressailler de peur
Mangareva CE.PAE.1B Pae/a Pierre lancée qui ne tombe pas vite, qui va en biaisant; marcher difficilement et biaiser pour cause de maladie
Mangareva CE.PAA-TIA Paatia Fourchette, fourche; piquer
Anuta OC.FISI Piti/piti Difficult in the extreme, used especially with respect to worship and church related matters Uncertain Semantic Connection
East Futuna PN.FISU Fiu Décoration en liane entourée de fleurs ou de feuilles, déposée le long de la route lors d'une procession ou de la visite de l'évêque Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva NP.PILI.1B Piri/tia Placer un objet contre un autre, en rangs serrés
Mangareva NP.PUSI-A Puʔia Etre emporté par le vent ou le courant (embarcation); être rebroussés (cheveux, vêtements)
Tahitian NP.PUSI-A Puhia To be blown away or driven, as by the wind
Tokelau NP.PUSI-A Puuhia Be blown away (e.g. by the wind)
Tongan PN.LAGI.5 Langi Raised and terraced burial place of sovereigns (in days gone by)
Takuu PN.LAGI.5 Lani/tia Receive something when things are divided or distributed; not be left out, but included in a group
Rennellese PN.TUSU.B Maniaa ngima tusi (BEL) First finger
Samoan FJ.LUFA Lufa A large black siapo Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva OC.FANO.4 Taa/ʔano Arbuste: Guettarda speciosa (Rubiacées)
Mangareva OC.TAFA.2 Taʔa/taʔa Couper en morceaux le poisson ou la viande; ouvrir une nacre; entailler pour enlever une épine etc.; faire une autopsie
Mangareva EC.MITI.4 Ta/miti/ʔia Etre salé Borrowed
Hawaiian CE.PAE.1B Kaa/pae To set aside, turn aside, deviate from, eliminate, discard...
Mangareva NP.TAU-SINU.* Toʔunu Arbuste: Tournefortia argentea (Boraginacées)
Mangareva NP.LEI.2 Tu/reei S'échapper (en parlant d'un poisson qui s'échappe de l'hameçon, d'un mariage projeté qui n'a pas lieu) Uncertain Semantic Connection
Easter Island NP.SUE.2 Hue Amontonar; dejar varias cosas juntas. To accumulate, heap, leave several things together
Hawaiian CE.WEKE Weʔa/weʔa To help, abet or tempt, especially in love affairs; accomplice, accessory in crime; one who aids or incites but does not share; procurer, pimp; to procure
Mangareva AN.TIA.2 Tia Bas-ventre, lower abdomen
Mangareva PN.MANIA.1 Mania te niʔo (Dents) agacées par un aliment; set one's teeth on edge
Easter Island PN.GAOFE ŋaoho Name of the bush Caesalpinia bonduc...
Mangareva EP.MAMAIA Mamaia Radoter, tenir des discours dénués de sens; agir sans but
Tahitian EP.MAMAIA Mamaiâ A party formed some time ago at Tahiti...who professed to improve upon the received Religion, and to be given to extraordinary prayer; they discarded some of the essentials of Christianity, and were immoral in their conduct
Tuamotu EP.MAMAIA Mamaiaa A religious sect; the people in it persisted in the worship of the ancient gods...
Rarotongan EP.MAMAIA Mama-ʔia Disseminate by word of mouth Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako MP.MALU.A Malu/malu/ia Mad, insane Uncertain Semantic Connection
Mangareva EP.MAALOO.C Maro Distance (E 'ia maro no te ra? A quelle altitude est le soleil?)
Easter Island CE.POOTIKI.A Poki Cria, criatura, feto, hijo, nene, niño. Baby, child, infant, creature; foetus; offspring; son. Problematic
Tikopia PN.RAQA-KAU.B Rakau Material: wood, timber, stick; in names of building parts and implements
Mangareva OC.MAE.1A ʔAka/mae/mae Anémie, anemia.
Mangareva PN.FEKE-FEKE Veʔeveʔe Filariose, filariasis. Phonologically Irregular
Mangareva PN.HURU.B ʔUru/ʔia te tiaporo Etre possédé; be possessed.
Kapingamarangi SO.FAI-FEKAU Hai heegau To be a Christian; to do the work
Anuta SO.FEKAU.B Pekau Work (n); worship (particularly Christian); the Church
Rennellese FJ.LIKA Gika/tia To be feared, to be frightening
Mangareva MP.SAPAI ʔApa/ʔia kiruŋa Etre soulevé; be lifted up Problematic
Vaeakau-Taumako CO.KAPIA Kapia (TAU) Lime