#82: Times.

Reconstruction Description
PI-PIRI Name of a pair of stars, and a lunar month or season
POGI-POGI Twilight, especially morning
POO-GIA Overtaken by night; continue doing something after night has fallen
POO-TAGOTAGO Intensely dark night
POO.1A Night
POO.1B Day (24 hour period)
PUNI.2 A year of ten months
QAA-I-LAA-NEI Later today, soon *qaa-(i)-laa-(nei)
QAA-MURI Later, afterwards
QAA-NEI Just now, soon, later today *qaa-(i)-n(a,e)i
QAA-POO Tonight (in the future)
QAA-TAEAO Tomorrow morning
QAHO Day (not night)
QALI.1B A stage of the lunar cycle
QANA-I-LAA-NEI Earlier today, not long ago
QANA-NAFI Yesterday: *qana-(n)afi
QANA-NEI Just now, a short time ago, earlier today *qana-(i)-n(a,e)i(-laa)
QANA-POGIPOGI This morning (in the past)
QANA-POO Last night
QANOIHA Day after tomorrow
QASO.2 Day (period of time)
RAAKAU.1 A phase of the moon (full moon and/or third quarter); a series of nights of the lunar cycle (following the middle period).
RAQAA Day (period of time)
REFU.2 Twilight; dim, obscure; rain cloud
REFU.3 Name of a lunar month or season *(CV)-refu
REFUA A star name, perhaps Antares (Mkn) and month name, December, January
ROGO.2 A night or series of two nights in the latter part of the lunar calendar
SILIGA-KELEKELE Name of a lunar month
SILIGA-MAQA Name of a lunar month
SOATA.3 A night near the margin of the lunar cycle
TAAKELO Name of a month; a star name
TAANE Name of a night in the latter part of the lunar cycle
TAFA-QATA Early morning, daybreak (Rby)
TAGAROA A series of nights of the lunar cycle, waning moon
TAI-NAFI Yesterday
TAI-QAO Early morning, dawn; tomorrow
TAKULUA A star and month name, probably Sirius, but with qualifiers the name is used for other stars
TAMATEA A phase of the moon (early in the middle period of the lunar cycle)
TAQU.1 Season, year
TAU-TONU On time, at the right time; at the right time or place, in the right manner
TIREO One of the first nights of the lunar cycle
TURU A night after the full moon
TUU.3 A night or series of nights in the first part of the lunar cycle
UKI Generation, age, epoch
VAE-LUA-A-POO Midnight, the middle of the night
VILU Former times
WAI-MUQA A month name
WAI-MURI A month name

101 entries found