Pollex Reconstructed Protoforms

Level Reconstruction Description
TAMAKI.2 Exceedingly, extremely: *ta(a)maki
TAMANU A tree (Calophyllum sp.)
TAMATEA A phase of the moon (early in the middle period of the lunar cycle)
TAMI Taste food
TAMOLE A fragrant plant (Portulaca sp.)
TAMUMU Make low continuous noise
TANA.A Third person singular a-class possession
TANA.B Third person singular neutral possession
TANE Skin disease, tinea
TANE-TANE A shrub (Polyscias multijuga)
TANIFA Shark sp
TANO.1 Correct
TANO.2 Burial place
TAO Spear, lance
TAOGA Treasured possession, especially a garment: *ta(a)oga
TAOTAO Fish sp. (Fistularia and Aulostomus spp.) (Hpr.1994): *ta(')ota(')o(ama)
TAPA-SI Split, cut, break
TAPA-TAI Sea shore: *tapa-(a)-tai
TAPA-TAPA.1 Slipper lobster (Parribacus sp.) (Scyllaridae)
TAPA-TAPA.2* Groin, crotch: *tapa(-tapa)
TAPA.1A Bark-cloth
TAPA.1B Edge, border, or small piece of cloth
TAPA.1C Edge, margin, border, rim; small piece
TAPA.2 Labia
TAPA.3 Shine, flash
TAPA.4 Announce, proclaim, give or use a name
TAPAIRU A woman of high rank
TAPAKAU Coconut leaf plaited to form a mat
TAPAKI Take roughly, seize
TAPAPA Shark sp
TAPARURU Buzzing, whirring; unsteady; uncontrolled behaviour
TAPATUU.* Fish (Sphyraena sp.) (Hpr)
TAPE.1 Part, bit
TAPE.2 Basket variety
TAPERE Temporary structure
TAPI.1A Wash with water; clean by rinsing or splashing with water
TAPI.1B Wash genital area (of women)
TAPI.1C Bail out, empty out
TAPU Prohibited, under ritual restriction, taboo
TAPU-AFI Fireplace
TAPU-TOKI A tree (Alectryon sp.)
TAPU-VAQE Lower leg including foot and ankle and perhaps calf
TAPU-WAQE Footprint, sole of foot
TAPUHI To nurse, tend
TAPUTAPU-ATEA Place name (probably the name of a marae)
TAQA.1 Armoured Soldierfish (Holocentrus spinifer) [Forskal] (Hpr)

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