Protoform: QASA [FJ] Make one's way (e.g. wading through water or vegetation)
Description: | Make oneʔs way (e.g. wading through water or vegetation) |
Reconstruction: | Reconstructs to FJ: Fijic |
Notes: | *8 Cf. PPN *qasa-ga 'shallow place between islets' |
Pollex entries:
Language | Reflex | Description | Source |
East Uvea | Aʔa | Guéer, passer dans l’eau; fatigant, ennuyeux, importun Borrowed | (Rch) |
Fijian | Yaasa | Wander about from place to place | (Cpl) |
Fijian | Yasa | Go stealthily, as to take a thing by surprise | (Cpl) |
Rennellese | Haka/asa | To clear, as a trail Problematic | (Ebt) |
Samoan | Asa, aasa | Wade through, as water or long grass | (Prt) |
Samoan | Asa | To ford, wade through; make one’s way across (bushetc.) | (Mnr) |
Takuu | Aasa/ki | Swing one's arms briskly while walking; walk quickly through shallow water, using this arm motion to aid progress | (Mle) |
Tokelau | A/aha | Wade through water; make one’s way through bush; come through difficulties | (Sma) |
Tongan | Aʔa(aʔa) | Wade (through water or grass or dry leaves or branches etc.); push one’s way (more or less disrespectfully) through a crowd…. Phonologically Irregular | (Cwd) |
Tuvalu | A/asa | Move quickly, wade, go through bush | (Jsn) |
Waya | (Y)asa | Go, esp. go unnoticed, sneak away | (Ply) |
Waya | (Y)aasaa | Roam, not stay at home, wander about, travel around | (Ply) |
12 entries found
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