Nuguria entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
CP.MA-MATA Mmata Look (at), look around (Dvl)
MP.MEA.1A M/mea Red (Dvl)
NO.MINI-MINI Mmini (sg. ob.), minimini (pl.obj.) Wrap (Dvl)
XO.MOTI.1 M/moti (sg. obj.), moti/moti (pl.obj.) Crawl to catch something (e.g. a bird), sneak up on (Dvl)
PN.MURU M/muru Warm up (Dvl)
PN.MULU.1 M/muru (sg.obj.), muru/muru (pl.obj.) Wipe oneself with a towel, wipe a table (Dvl)
AN.MAQOHA Moa Cooked (Dvl)
PN.MOA.4A Moa Banana flower (Dvl)
SO.MOA.5 Moa/moa, moo/moa Buttocks (rump); bottom (lower part) (e.g. of basket) (Dvl)
PN.MOHE-QAHO Moeao A kind of shark (brown) which sleeps all day (Dvl)
PN.MOHE-GA Moena A kind of mat (pandanus) used on floor and to cover dead people (Dvl)
NO.MOSO.3 Moho Button (Dvl)
CE.MOKO.4 Moko New shoot of coconut Problematic (Dvl)
OC.PILI.2 Moko piri Lizard sp.: Brown gecko (Dvl)
PN.MOKOPUNA Mokopuna (Great-)grandchild (Dvl)
MP.MOO-MONA Moomona Fat, grease; fatty (taste and smell, of fish and turtle) (Dvl)
CP.MATA-QI-TALIGA Moomootarina Hammerhead shark Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
PN.MOLE.2 More/more Smooth (Dvl)
AN.MOLI.1 Mori Lemon, orange, any citrus fruit (Dvl)
CK.MOARI Mori/mori Hammock; to swing Problematic (Dvl)
PN.MOTO.2A Moto (pl. m/moto) Unripe (Dvl)
PN.MAQUGA Mouna Mountain, hill (known from other islands); name of an elevated place on the main island...believed to have appeared first from the ocean in creation stories (Dvl)
OC.MUQA.A Mua (Be) first; front, in front of, before; in times of creation (Dvl)
NP.MUI Mui/mui Plenty in one spot (as six coconut trees together) (vi) (Dvl)
NP.MUKA.1B Muka/muka Immature coconut (soft shell, has milk but is not tasty) (Dvl)
MP.MURI.1A Muri Back, in back of, behind (n.loc.); backwards (adv.) (Dvl)
PN.MURI.1B Muri/pura Tail (of birds), rump (Dvl)
PN.MURI-WAQE Murivae Heel (Dvl)
PN.MULU.1 Muru/muru Rub with coconut oil (Dvl)
NP.GUU.2 Muu/kauhoe Small squid (Dvl)
PN.WAI-KELI Naa vai e keri Water well (Dvl)
PN.WAI-PUNA Naa vai e puna Spring (place of bubbling in the sea) (Dvl)
NP.GA-TASI Naatahi Together (Dvl)
FJ.GASAU Nahau Arrow (made of coconut trunk) (Dvl)
MP.NAMO Namu Lagoon Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
PN.MA-QOPO Naopo Stand neatly (vi) Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
OC.NATU.2 Natu A fruit/nut tree and its fruit (edible) (Tok Pisin bukbuk) (Dvl)
PN.GATALA Natura A kind of fish, locally called sweet lips Problematic (Dvl)
OC.GAU Nau Chew (vt) (Dvl)
PN.NEFU.2A Nehu Fog, mist (Dvl)
NP.NEKE.1A Neke Move (vi) (Dvl)
CC.NIGI.* N/nini (pass. niini/a) Empty, pour out (Dvl)
PN.NEFU.2A N/nehu Get dark (in the twilight) (Dvl)
MP.GIGIE Nnia Tree sp. (very hard wood, grows on stones), and its wood Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
AN.QANUFE Nnohe Small insects which eat leaves Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
MP.NOFU Nohu Stonefish (Dvl)
CP.GOGO.1 Nono Bird sp., Noddy (Dvl)
EO.OFAGA Ohana Nest (Dvl)
PN.OFO.A Oho Wake, awaken, wake up (from sleep) (Dvl)
PN.OI.2 Oi Hey! (used to attract attention) (Dvl)

1664 entries found