Nuguria entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.OFO.A Oho Wake, awaken, wake up (from sleep) (Dvl)
PN.OI.2 Oi Hey! (used to attract attention) (Dvl)
PN.HOKA.1 Oka Rafter of house (Dvl)
PN.HOKO.2 Oko Shell muscle (Dvl)
PN.OKO.1 Oko/oko Gather, collect, pick up (shellfish, fruits on the ground) (Dvl)
AN.QONE One Sand islets in the sea (Dvl)
OC.QONO.1 Ono Fish sp.: Barracuda (Dvl)
PN.OO.1 Oo A kind of small fish used as bait (Dvl)
PN.OO.3 Oo Go (plural) (Dvl)
PN.OO.3 Oo mai Come (from) (plural) (Dvl)
PN.QOPO Opo (sg.obj.), opo/opo (pl.obj.) Cover (e.g. earth oven), wrap (vt) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvl)
PN.OLA.1 Ora Life; live, be alive (Dvl)
FJ.OLO.3 Oro Whet, sharpen (knife, axe) (Dvl)
FJ.OLO.3 Oro/oro Grate (swamp taro) (Dvl)
AN.QOTA.1 Ota Eat raw fish (Dvl)
AN.QOTI.A Oti (Be) finished, ended (Dvl)
AN.QATO Oto A kind of rafter (house roof); to thatch (vt) Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
MP.PAA.1 Paa/nihi Fence, paling (around a village or house) (Dvl)
AN.NIFI.1 Paa/nihi Fence, paling (around a village or house) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvl)
PN.PALA.4 Paara/i Paint (vt) (Dvl)
PN.PALE.1A Paare/a Push (away) (vt, pass.) (Dvl)
PN.PAQAUA Paaua Fish sp.: Needlefish (Dvl)
OC.PAE.1A Pae Fish trap made of stones; sea garden (of giant clams); sea wall (to prevent the sea from coming) (Dvl)
PN.PAQIKEA Paekea Sea crab Phonologically Irregular (Dvl)
NP.PAKA-PAKA Pakapaka Skinny (a boy) (Dvl)
NO.PAKILAGI Pakilani A kind of strong tree (Dvl)
PN.PAKUU.A Pakuu Noise, sound; bang something to make noise; hit, strike against; land ashore (a boat) (Dvl)
NP.PANOKO Panoko Fish sp., Blenny (Dvl)
PN.PAGOGO Panono A kind of mangrove fish (Dvl)
MP.PAPA.1A Papa Plank (of wood), timber (Dvl)
PN.PALA.1B Para (pl. ppara) Rotten, rot (humans, animals) (Dvl)
PN.PALAA Paraa Feather (Dvl)
PN.PALA.4 Para/i Paint one's own or another person's body (e.g. with kaauna) (Dvl)
NP.PALE.3B Pare Lean (vi) (Dvl)
PN.PALU.1 Paru/mea Snapper sp. (Dvl)
OC.PEAU Peau Wave; rough (of sea) (Dvl)
OC.PEQE (P)pee Fart Uncertain Semantic Connection (Dvl)
PN.PEE-HENA Peenaa Like that (Dvl)
PN.PEE-HENI Peenei Like this (Dvl)
NP.PESE.1 Pehe Song (Dvl)
OC.PEKA.1 Peka Bat (generic); flying fox (caught and eaten) (Dvl)
OC.PELA Pela Mud (Dvl)
PN.PENA.1B Pena Make, form, build (house); continue (Dvl)
OC.PENU.A Penu Clam shell (Dvl)
NP.PETI Peti (pl. ppeti) Big and robust (person) (Dvl)
MP.PIA.1 Pia Sago palm, sago (Dvl)
MP.PIA.1 Pia kerekere Arrowroot (Dvl)
SO.PIA.2B Pia/pia Foam (n,v) (Dvl)
CC.PII.2B Pii Full, filled; high (of tide) (Dvl)
MP.PIKO.A Piko Crooked, not straight (Dvl)

1664 entries found