Nuguria entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.OFO.A | Oho | Wake, awaken, wake up (from sleep) | (Dvl) |
PN.OI.2 | Oi | Hey! (used to attract attention) | (Dvl) |
PN.HOKA.1 | Oka | Rafter of house | (Dvl) |
PN.HOKO.2 | Oko | Shell muscle | (Dvl) |
PN.OKO.1 | Oko/oko | Gather, collect, pick up (shellfish, fruits on the ground) | (Dvl) |
AN.QONE | One | Sand islets in the sea | (Dvl) |
OC.QONO.1 | Ono | Fish sp.: Barracuda | (Dvl) |
PN.OO.1 | Oo | A kind of small fish used as bait | (Dvl) |
PN.OO.3 | Oo | Go (plural) | (Dvl) |
PN.OO.3 | Oo mai | Come (from) (plural) | (Dvl) |
PN.QOPO | Opo (sg.obj.), opo/opo (pl.obj.) | Cover (e.g. earth oven), wrap (vt) Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvl) |
PN.OLA.1 | Ora | Life; live, be alive | (Dvl) |
FJ.OLO.3 | Oro | Whet, sharpen (knife, axe) | (Dvl) |
FJ.OLO.3 | Oro/oro | Grate (swamp taro) | (Dvl) |
AN.QOTA.1 | Ota | Eat raw fish | (Dvl) |
AN.QOTI.A | Oti | (Be) finished, ended | (Dvl) |
AN.QATO | Oto | A kind of rafter (house roof); to thatch (vt) Phonologically Irregular | (Dvl) |
MP.PAA.1 | Paa/nihi | Fence, paling (around a village or house) | (Dvl) |
AN.NIFI.1 | Paa/nihi | Fence, paling (around a village or house) Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvl) |
PN.PALA.4 | Paara/i | Paint (vt) | (Dvl) |
PN.PALE.1A | Paare/a | Push (away) (vt, pass.) | (Dvl) |
PN.PAQAUA | Paaua | Fish sp.: Needlefish | (Dvl) |
OC.PAE.1A | Pae | Fish trap made of stones; sea garden (of giant clams); sea wall (to prevent the sea from coming) | (Dvl) |
PN.PAQIKEA | Paekea | Sea crab Phonologically Irregular | (Dvl) |
NP.PAKA-PAKA | Pakapaka | Skinny (a boy) | (Dvl) |
NO.PAKILAGI | Pakilani | A kind of strong tree | (Dvl) |
PN.PAKUU.A | Pakuu | Noise, sound; bang something to make noise; hit, strike against; land ashore (a boat) | (Dvl) |
NP.PANOKO | Panoko | Fish sp., Blenny | (Dvl) |
PN.PAGOGO | Panono | A kind of mangrove fish | (Dvl) |
MP.PAPA.1A | Papa | Plank (of wood), timber | (Dvl) |
PN.PALA.1B | Para (pl. ppara) | Rotten, rot (humans, animals) | (Dvl) |
PN.PALAA | Paraa | Feather | (Dvl) |
PN.PALA.4 | Para/i | Paint one's own or another person's body (e.g. with kaauna) | (Dvl) |
NP.PALE.3B | Pare | Lean (vi) | (Dvl) |
PN.PALU.1 | Paru/mea | Snapper sp. | (Dvl) |
OC.PEAU | Peau | Wave; rough (of sea) | (Dvl) |
OC.PEQE | (P)pee | Fart Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Dvl) |
PN.PEE-HENA | Peenaa | Like that | (Dvl) |
PN.PEE-HENI | Peenei | Like this | (Dvl) |
NP.PESE.1 | Pehe | Song | (Dvl) |
OC.PEKA.1 | Peka | Bat (generic); flying fox (caught and eaten) | (Dvl) |
OC.PELA | Pela | Mud | (Dvl) |
PN.PENA.1B | Pena | Make, form, build (house); continue | (Dvl) |
OC.PENU.A | Penu | Clam shell | (Dvl) |
NP.PETI | Peti (pl. ppeti) | Big and robust (person) | (Dvl) |
MP.PIA.1 | Pia | Sago palm, sago | (Dvl) |
MP.PIA.1 | Pia kerekere | Arrowroot | (Dvl) |
SO.PIA.2B | Pia/pia | Foam (n,v) | (Dvl) |
CC.PII.2B | Pii | Full, filled; high (of tide) | (Dvl) |
MP.PIKO.A | Piko | Crooked, not straight | (Dvl) |
1664 entries found