Vaeakau-Taumako entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
FJ.MOKO.1A | Moko | Lizard | (Hvn) |
AN.MOLI.1 | Mol | Orange | (Ray) |
PN.MORI.A | Moli/a | Bring someone, introduce (used e.g. about presenting a girl to her future husband's parents) | (Hvn) |
MP.MOO-MONA | Mnamona | Fat, grease | (Trn) |
MP.MOO-MONA | Momona | Oily, greasy | (Hvn) |
MP.MOO-MONA | Mona | Pudding | (Hvn) |
OC.MOTU.A | Mot | Short | (Ray) |
OC.MOTU.A | Motu | Be cut, be stopped | (Hvn) |
OC.MOTU.A | Motu/motu | Broken | (Ebt) |
OC.MOTU.A | Motu/ia | Cut | (Ray) |
OC.MOTU.A | Mot(u)/ia | Cut, stop | (Hvn) |
OC.MOTU.B | Motu | Island, village | (Hvn) |
MP.MUU.2 | Muu | Big-eye sea bream | (Hvn) |
OC.MUQA.A | Mua | Front, first one, before | (Ray) |
PN.MUQA.B | Mua | Please (postnuclear softening word, mostly used in direct speech in questions and requests, and after (e) ai 'exist') | (Hvn) |
NP.MUI | Mde/mui/mui | Arrow with three or four heads used for fishing Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Hvn) |
MP.MURI.1A | Muli | Behind, back; come back | (Hvn) |
MP.MURI.1A | I muli | At last | (Hvn) |
MP.MURI.1A | A/muli | Later | (Hvn) |
PN.MURI.1C | Muli | Last, youngest | (Hvn) |
PN.MURI-WAI | Mulivai | Mouth of river, river bank | (Hvn) |
PN.MURU | Mulu | Lie by fire | (Hvn) |
EO.MU-MUNI | Muni | Hide (vi), secretly . Hide, take shelter | (Ray) |
MP.MUTU.1A | Mut(u)/ia | Cut off (top of tree) | (Ebt) |
MP.MUTU.1A | Mde/muhu | Blunt | (Hvn) |
PN.GUTU-LIMU | Mutu limu | A parrotfish Phonologically Irregular | (Hvn) |
AN.-NA.1 | Na(a) | That, those (demonstrative pronoun, that near addressee; also the neutral demonstrative) | (Hvn) |
PN.NA.3 | Na | Particle signifying past tense, something preceding in time or being the reason or background for something else, pluperfect | (Hvn) |
PN.-NA.4 | A/na, o/na | Third person singular postnominal posssessive... | (Hvn) |
PN.NAQA.2 | Na | Not, negative imperative particle often used before the TAM particle me or after aua 'don't'; TAM particle signifying irrealis (i.e. a distant or uncertain future, a possibility, something counterfactual) | (Hvn) |
SO.NAQA.4 | Naa | Be placed, put; place, put (upon something else), lift | (Hvn) |
MP.NAMO | Namo | Lagoon. Where large boulders are on reef (Lch). | (Hvn) |
AN.NAMU.1A | Namu-ia | Smell (n,v) | (Hvn) |
MP.NAMU.2A | Namu | Mosquito | (Hvn) |
XO.NANA.1 | Nana | Mother (mainly used by children) [Taumako Dialect] | (Hvn) |
PN.SAQELE | Le/kee | Go out, get away!; oh! (interjection indicating mild surprise) | (Hvn) |
PN.LEA | Le/le/ina | Swear at, talk badly about, judge | (Hvn) |
AN.SALATO | Lau/aloato | Small tree sp....leaves are itchy | (Hvn) |
RO.NANUE | Nanue | A fish, maybe a bream fish | (Hvn) |
OC.NATU.2 | Natu | A tall tree with nuts with edible long big seeds inside | (Hvn) |
NP.NAU.1 | Nau | A tree growing on the shore | (Hvn) |
XO.NAU.2 | Nauu | Term of address for mother | (Grn) |
EP.NAWE | Nave | Resting place Problematic | (Hvn) |
PN.NE | Ne | Particle signifying past tense and punctual aspect | (Hvn) |
NP.NEFU.1 | Nef | Name of a fish | (Ray) |
PN.NEFU.2A | Nehu | Fog, weather | (Hvn) |
NP.NEI | Ne(e), nei | This, now (demonstrative pronoun, this near speaker or focal person) | (Hvn) |
NP.NEI | A/nei | Those, this | (Ray) |
NP.NEI | Nee/nee | Now | (Hvn) |
SO.NI.2 | Ni | Some, article (plural non-specific) | (Hvn) |
2001 entries found