Vaeakau-Taumako entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
FJ.MOKO.1A Moko Lizard (Hvn)
AN.MOLI.1 Mol Orange (Ray)
PN.MORI.A Moli/a Bring someone, introduce (used e.g. about presenting a girl to her future husband's parents) (Hvn)
MP.MOO-MONA Mnamona Fat, grease (Trn)
MP.MOO-MONA Momona Oily, greasy (Hvn)
MP.MOO-MONA Mona Pudding (Hvn)
OC.MOTU.A Mot Short (Ray)
OC.MOTU.A Motu Be cut, be stopped (Hvn)
OC.MOTU.A Motu/motu Broken (Ebt)
OC.MOTU.A Motu/ia Cut (Ray)
OC.MOTU.A Mot(u)/ia Cut, stop (Hvn)
OC.MOTU.B Motu Island, village (Hvn)
MP.MUU.2 Muu Big-eye sea bream (Hvn)
OC.MUQA.A Mua Front, first one, before (Ray)
PN.MUQA.B Mua Please (postnuclear softening word, mostly used in direct speech in questions and requests, and after (e) ai 'exist') (Hvn)
NP.MUI Mde/mui/mui Arrow with three or four heads used for fishing Uncertain Semantic Connection (Hvn)
MP.MURI.1A Muli Behind, back; come back (Hvn)
MP.MURI.1A I muli At last (Hvn)
MP.MURI.1A A/muli Later (Hvn)
PN.MURI.1C Muli Last, youngest (Hvn)
PN.MURI-WAI Mulivai Mouth of river, river bank (Hvn)
PN.MURU Mulu Lie by fire (Hvn)
EO.MU-MUNI Muni Hide (vi), secretly . Hide, take shelter (Ray)
MP.MUTU.1A Mut(u)/ia Cut off (top of tree) (Ebt)
MP.MUTU.1A Mde/muhu Blunt (Hvn)
PN.GUTU-LIMU Mutu limu A parrotfish Phonologically Irregular (Hvn)
AN.-NA.1 Na(a) That, those (demonstrative pronoun, that near addressee; also the neutral demonstrative) (Hvn)
PN.NA.3 Na Particle signifying past tense, something preceding in time or being the reason or background for something else, pluperfect (Hvn)
PN.-NA.4 A/na, o/na Third person singular postnominal posssessive... (Hvn)
PN.NAQA.2 Na Not, negative imperative particle often used before the TAM particle me or after aua 'don't'; TAM particle signifying irrealis (i.e. a distant or uncertain future, a possibility, something counterfactual) (Hvn)
SO.NAQA.4 Naa Be placed, put; place, put (upon something else), lift (Hvn)
MP.NAMO Namo Lagoon. Where large boulders are on reef (Lch). (Hvn)
AN.NAMU.1A Namu-ia Smell (n,v) (Hvn)
MP.NAMU.2A Namu Mosquito (Hvn)
XO.NANA.1 Nana Mother (mainly used by children) [Taumako Dialect] (Hvn)
PN.SAQELE Le/kee Go out, get away!; oh! (interjection indicating mild surprise) (Hvn)
PN.LEA Le/le/ina Swear at, talk badly about, judge (Hvn)
AN.SALATO Lau/aloato Small tree sp....leaves are itchy (Hvn)
RO.NANUE Nanue A fish, maybe a bream fish (Hvn)
OC.NATU.2 Natu A tall tree with nuts with edible long big seeds inside (Hvn)
NP.NAU.1 Nau A tree growing on the shore (Hvn)
XO.NAU.2 Nauu Term of address for mother (Grn)
EP.NAWE Nave Resting place Problematic (Hvn)
PN.NE Ne Particle signifying past tense and punctual aspect (Hvn)
NP.NEFU.1 Nef Name of a fish (Ray)
PN.NEFU.2A Nehu Fog, weather (Hvn)
NP.NEI Ne(e), nei This, now (demonstrative pronoun, this near speaker or focal person) (Hvn)
NP.NEI A/nei Those, this (Ray)
NP.NEI Nee/nee Now (Hvn)
SO.NI.2 Ni Some, article (plural non-specific) (Hvn)

2001 entries found