Pukapuka entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
TA.RIAKI Liaki(na) To put up a sail. Raise up, show (Bge). Lift up, display, expose (Sby). Borrowed (Mta)
OC.LIGI (Li)lingi Spill, pour (Bge)
PN.LIGO-LIGO Tangi te lingolingo Idiom for deserted place; also for ringing in ears (Sby)
AN.LIHA Lia Nit, egg of louse (Bge)
AN.RIKI Li(li)ki/(liki) Small, tiny (Bge)
PN.LIKO.1 Li/liko/ Drip (Bge)
PN.LILI.1 Lili Angry (Bge)
AN.LIMA.A Lima Five (Bge)
MP.LIMA.B Lima Hand-arm (Bge)
MP.LIMU Limu Moss, seaweed (Bge)
NP.LIPO Lipo/lipo To glisten; oily smooth (of sea) Problematic (Bge)
EP.RITE Lite To have no odd shell over (in 6th figure of the game of jackstones) Problematic (Bge)
EP.RITE Nga/lite Alike, the same. Problematic (Sby)
PN.LITO.2 Lito Young leaves at base of innermost taro leaf; a small banana leaf; pandanus leaves (wala) prepared for weaving (Sby)
PN.LIU.1 Liu Inside, interior (Bge)
PN.LIIWAI Liivai Defecate (Bge)
OC.LOO Leo Ant Phonologically Irregular (Sby)
PN.LUKI Luki/poko Challenge opposition to shoulder pushing (Mta)
NP.LUA-KI Luaki Vomit (Sby)
FJ.ROO.1 Lolo Go walk (pl.) (Bge)
FJ.ROO.1 Loo(ma)mai Come (pl.) (Sby)
OC.LOA.1 Loa Long, tall (Bge)
NP.LOA.2 Loa Emphatic postposed particle (Bge)
EP.RUTU Lutu To beat the shark-skin drum (Sby)
AN.ROGO.1A Lango/na Heard (Bge)
AN.ROGO.1B Longo News, report, fame (Bge)
PN.LOHOLOHO Kau/loaloa Flower stem of coconut Phonologically Irregular (Bge)
PN.LOHU Lou Pick or pluck with a stick (Sby)
PN.LOQI Loi Sea bass (Cephalopolis argus) (Hpr)
AN.LOQI-MATA Loimata Tear (Bge)
CE.ROKI Loki Bed Borrowed (Sby)
MP.LOKU Lo/loku/ To bend. Concentrate, trust (Sby). (Bge)
CP.LOLI Loli Beche de mer (Bge)
PN.LOLO.1A Lolo Coconut cream (Bge)
EP.RORO.1 Lolo Brains (Bge)
PN.LOLO-QI.B Loloi Talo wrapped in leaves with Coconut cream ; food dish of taro mixed with coconut cream and baked (Sby)
PN.LOMI Lo/lomi/ Squeeze, press down (Bge)
CE.ROOPAA Loopaa Young man, age grade of young adult men Problematic (Bge)
OC.LOTO.A Loto Inside, middle (Bge)
PN.LOTO.B Loto Pond, pool (whether fresh or salt) (Bge)
SO.LOTU.3 Lotu Try hard until you get something; desire, beseech (archaic) (Sby)
OC.LUU.3 Luu/luu Shake hard (Bge)
MP.LUA.1 Lua Hole, grave (Bge)
OC.LUA.2 Lua Vomit (Bge)
AN.RUA Lua Two (Bge)
TA.RUA-ROA Lua-loa Long days of summer. Problematic (Mkn)
SO.LUATUQU Luatuu East south east wind or direction (Bge)
PN.LUE.1 Lue(lue) Shake, move from side to side (Bge)
EO.RUFI.1 Lui (Caranx lugubris) (Hpr)
PN.LUGA Lunga top, upper part (Bge)

2228 entries found