Rarotongan entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
PN.LOQI | Patuki/roi/ | Fish sp (Cephalopolis sp.) | (Hpr) |
AN.LOQI-MATA | Roi | Teardrop | (Bse) |
CE.ROKI | Roki | Bed (Mangaia, Aitutaki) | (Bse) |
CE.ROKI | Roʔi | Bed (Rarotonga) Borrowed | (Bse) |
CE.ROKO-HIA | Roko | Overtaken, afflicted caught etc. Passive only | (Bse) |
TA.RORE | Rore | Stilts | (Sve) |
CP.LOLI | Rori | Beche de mer | (Bse) |
PN.LOLO.1A | Roro | Coconut milk | (Bse) |
EP.RORO.1 | Roro | Bone marrow, brains | (Bse) |
CE.RORO.2 | Rooroo | Long-mouthed wrasse, a fish whose shape resembles the coconut spathe; cream-coloured with green tip to tail; edible | (Bse) |
PN.LOLO-QI.B | Roroi | A dish of sliced taro or kumara mixed with coconut cream and baked in banana leaves | (Bse) |
MP.LOMA.2A | Ro/roma | Decrease (in size or volume), go down, subside (swelling, water) | (Bse) |
PN.LOMI | Romi | Squeeze | (Bse) |
MP.LOPI | Ropi | Strive, struggle hard, try hard, get something done; treat illness, prepare food | (Bse) |
OC.LOTO.A | Roto | Inside | (Bse) |
PN.LOTO.B | Roto | Lagoon, lake | (Bse) |
PN.LOTO.C | Roto | Disposition, temper, (inward) state of mind | (Bse) |
CE.ROTO-PUU | Rotopuu | The middle, between, among | (Bse) |
FJ.LOTU.2 | Rotu | Catch fish with a rod and line Problematic | (Bse) |
OC.LUU.3 | Ruu(ruu) | Shake | (Bse) |
MP.LUA.1 | Rua | Hole, pit | (Bse) |
AN.RUA | Rua | Two | (Bse) |
CE.RUAHINE | Ruaʔine | An old person (especially an old woman) | (Bse) |
NP.LUA-KI | Ruaki | Vomit | (Bse) |
EO.RUFI.1 | Ruʔi | (Caranx lugubris) | (Hpr) |
PN.LUGA | Runga | Above | (Bse) |
CE.RUHIA | Ruʔi | Large sp. of fish Problematic | (Sve) |
NP.LUU-KAU.* | Ruukau | Edible tops of taro plant | (Bse) |
PN.RUKU | Ruku | Dive under water | (Bse) |
EO.LULU.1A | Ruuruu | Owl | (Bse) |
PN.LULU.2 | Ruru | (Tie together in) bundle | (Bse) |
MP.RURU | Ruru | Shelter | (Bse) |
EP.RUMAKI.* | Ruumaki | Engulf, swallow up | (Bse) |
TA.RUNAGA | Ruunaaʔia | Bind, tie up Problematic | (Bse) |
TA.RUNAGA | Runa | Meddling, interfering Problematic | (Sve) |
PN.LUPE.1 | Rupe | Pacific Pigeon (Ducula pacifica) | (McC) |
EP.RUPE-RUPE. | Ruperupe | Flourishing, luxuriant (of vegetation) | (Sve) |
PN.LUPO | Rupo | Fish sp. (i) | (Bse) |
EP.RUTU | Rutu | Beat, hit, strike, thrash | (Bse) |
OC.MA.4 | Ma(a) | With, and: in company with, together with; indicating concomitant action or state | (Bse) |
OC.MAA.1 | Maa | In numbers, used to link units (1 to 9) to the next higher orders (tens, hundreds, etc.) | (Bse) |
PN.FAKA-MAA | Taa/ʔakamaa | To make somebody ashamed or shy; to embarrass | (Bse) |
NP.MAA.6 | Maa | Used after proper names, pronouns and terms of address to mean those in company with (the aforementioned) | (Bse) |
NP.MATI-KUKU | Matikuku | The claws of animals | (Sve) |
PN.MAQA.1 | Maa | Clean, pure | (Bse) |
OC.MAE.1A | Mae | Withered; wilt, shrivel | (Bse) |
CK.MAEA.2 | Maea/ea | Faint, become depressed | (Sve) |
PN.MA-QENE | Maeneene | To tickle (Etn) | (Bse) |
NP.MA-QEWA | Maeva | Exultation, a shout expressing great pleasure Uncertain Semantic Connection | (Bse) |
NP.MAAFA | Maʔa | Satisfied or satiated, appeased . Satisfied (Bib.) | (Sve) |
2364 entries found