Rarotongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.MATE.1B Mate Unconscious (Bse)
PN.MATE.1D Mate Extinguished (as a light) (Bse)
PN.MATI.1 Mati A tree (Ficus tinctoria) . Aboriginally introduced or perhaps indigenous (McC)
TA.MATIE Matie(e) Green; grass (Bse)
NP.MATI-KAO Matikao Toe, finger (dialectal) (Bse)
PN.MA-TILA Maatira Fishing-rod (Bse)
PN.MATO Mato Cliff, face of a precipice (Sve)
OC.MAATOLU Maatoru Thick through, stout and solid (Bse)
NP.MAA-TOU Maatou We (exc.) (Bse)
CK.MATUU Matuu Fat, fleshy; fat tissue, the fat (Bse)
EP.AWE.B ʔEetuu aave Comet (Bse)
PN.FETUQU-AFIAFI ʔEetuu aʔiaʔi Evening star (Bse)
PN.FETUQU-QAHO ʔEetuu ao Morning Star (Bse)
AN.MATUQA.C Metua Parent (Bse)
AN.MATUQA.C Matua, metua Parent, elder (Sve)
PN.MATUKU.A Maatuku A small dark-grey heron which frequents the seashore... (Sve)
TA.MATUKU.B Motu-taʔotaʔo A place where Rata slays Te Va`ine-`uarei and recovers his mother's eyeballs Problematic (Bwh)
PN.MAQU.1 Mou Fixed, snagged, retained, steady (Bse)
PN.MAQU-A Mou Catch hold of (Bse)
NP.MAA-UA Maaua We two (exc) (Bse)
PN.MAQUGA Maunga Mountain, hill (Bse)
EP.MA-UI Maaui/ui Tired, weary, fatigued (Bse)
EO.MAUII Mauii Left (not right) (Etn) (Sve)
PN.MAAUI Maaui Legendary hero (Bse)
PN.MAUMAU.1 Moumou Waste, excess, extravagance. Grieve for something lost, sorrow for something wasted or gone (Bse). (Sve)
MP.MAQULI Mauri Life principle, spirit, seat of the emotions; spirit, ghost (Bse)
TA.MAURU Maauru/uru Satisfied, gratified, content, well-pleased (Bse)
PN.MAUNU Maaunu Bait; to lure (Mka)
PN.MAUNU Maunu Bait (Bse)
??.MAUTINI Mautini Pumpkin; gourd sp. (Luffa cyclindriea) (Sve)
PN.MA-WAHE Maavae Quick irregular motion; streaming about as of the hair being blown about by the wind; fluttering, as a flag at the masthead; quiver, tremble, shake (Mka) (Sve)
CE.MA-WIRI Maaviri Twist (coconuts) into a bunch;a bunch or cluster (of nuts, fruit, berries) (Bse)
EC.ME.1A Mee If; whether...or; expressing doubt or uncertainty; when (future) (Bse)
FJ.ME.2 Me Verbal particle denoting subjective and operative moods (Bse)
PN.MEQA.A Mea Thing (Bse)
PN.MEI.1 Mei From, since (Bse)
PN.MEI.4 Mei Almost, nearly (Bse)
NP.MELE.2 Mere The star Sirius (Sve)
NP.MELE.2 Miru An evening star Phonologically Irregular (Bse)
PN.MENE Koo/mene/ Contract, draw back, shrink (Sve)
PN.MIGI Mingi Bent, curved, crooked (Bse)
PN.MIGO Mingo(mingo) Curled, curly, rumpled up, wrinkled, crumpled (Bse)
PN.MILI Miri Rub with hands, stroke, fondle, rub (ointment etc.) on (Bse)
TA.MIRI Miri Preserve from decay by aromatic herbs or drugs, as a body (Bse)
EO.MILO.1 Miro An indigenous, medium-sized tree (Thespesia populnea) (Whr)
PN.MILO.2A Miro Roll by hand into a twist (Bse)
CE.MIRU Miru The ancient goddess of the underworld (Sve)
MP.MIMI Mimi Urinate (Bse)
PN.MISI.A Miʔi Grieve for, fret (Bse)
OC.MITI.3A Miti Suck, lick (Bse)

2365 entries found