Rarotongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
EP.NO Noo Belonging to, of (where the possession is...inherent, inalienable, non-agentive); for (the future inherent possession of); for (a particular purpose); engaged in (an activity); from (a place); because of, as a result of, for (a reason); (Bse)
EO.NOA.1 Noa Ordinary, not sacred, unsanctified, free from tapu (Bse)
PN.NOA.2 Noa atu In spite of, notwithstanding, no matter (Bse)
OC.NOFO Noʔo Sit, dwell (Bse)
MP.NOFU Noʔu Stonefish (Bse)
EP.NOQI.* Noi/noi Desire greedily (Bse)
TA.NOKO.1B Noko Stern, stern decking of a canoe (Bse)
FJ.NONI.1 Noni A tree (Morinda citrifolia) (arch.) (Bse)
CE.NONO.2* Nono The aboriginally introduced Indian Mulberry (Morinda citrifolia) (Whr)
PN.NOU.1 Tuu/ngou/ Give a quick nod with the head (Sve)
NP.NUI.1 Nui Vast, large, important, plentiful, loud (Bse)
CC.NUI.2* Nuu Coconut palm Problematic (Bse)
CE.NUKA.2 Nuka Terrace, ledge (Bse)
FJ.NUKU.1 Nuku Earth, land (Bse)
EC.NUKU.2 Nuku Crowd, regiment (Bse)
CK.NUKU-ROA. Nukuroa An old name for Mitiaaroo (Bse)
CE.NUMI.2* Numi Disappear (Bse)
PN.OQO Oo Find room, fit into, get into, become involved in (Bse)
PN.OQA Oa Sideboards of a canoe (Bse)
CE.OGAOGA Ongaonga Any biting midge or sandfly (Bse)
CE.OGAOGA Ongoongo Any biting midge or sandfly (Bse)
OC.OI.1 Oi Move while in a sitting position (Bse)
CK.OI.3 Oi A kind of rush (Bse)
PN.OQI.A Oi To knead (Bse)
NP.OQI.B Oi Agitate, movement of bird's wing (Bse)
LO.OIRE ʔOoire District, town, village (Bse)
PN.OKO.1 Oko-ʔia Gather (from the ground), pick up (Bse)
PN.OLA.1 Ora Live, survive, be alive, living; get better (of an illness); be safe; lively, vigorous, energetic, expressive... (Bse)
PN.OLI.1 Ori Move, stir (Bse)
MP.QOLOGAA ʔOrongaa Small tree sp. (Pipturus argenteus) (Whr)
PN.OMA.1 Oma Move quickly, run (Sve)
PN.OMA.2 Oma Sponge (Bse)
PN.OMA.2 Oma/oma Lungs (Sve)
EP.OMA.3 Oma Lose flesh, grow thin (of the body) (Bse)
AN.QONE One Soil, earth, sand (Bse)
OC.QONO.1 Ono Barracuda (Sphyraena sp(p).) (Bse)
PN.QONO.2 ʔOno-ʔia To replace (torn cord or thread, esp. repair the meshes of a fishing net, or strips of leaf in a plaited net, or a plant or post missing from a row) (Bse)
PN.QONO.3 Ono Appear, show, come into view (Bse)
EP.OPE.1 Ope-a Sweep or scoop up (Bse)
EO.OPE.2 Ope-a Wash something up (of waves) (Bse)
AN.QOTA.1 Ota Raw (Bse)
EO.QOTA.2 Ota Dregs (Bse)
AN.QOTI.A Oti Finish, finished, to be (Bse)
CE.OTI-RA Ooti/ra Used as a concluding formula at the end of letters (Bse)
CE.OTI-RA Tira/ raai All that there is, the last one(s) (Bse)
MP.PAA.1 Paa Row, line, column; door, gate, dam, fish-weir (Bse)
PN.PAA.2B Paa-ria Be smitten by disease (Bse)
PN.PAA.2B Paa-ia Touch, strike (Bse)
NP.PAA.2C Paa-ia Be buffeted by wind (Bse)
PN.PAA.4 Paa Bowl, basin, tub (Bse)

2365 entries found