Samoan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.KALISI.1B ʔAalisi Cricket, cicada (Mnr)
PN.-QAKI.1 -aʔi Formative suffix (Prt)
MP.AKO Aʔo Learn, teach (Prt)
OC.AKU Aʔu To scrape the dirt from the hole of the fresh planted taro, and to press down the tiapula (Prt)
FJ.QARA Ala Awake (Prt)
PN.ALAGA.A Aalaga Leg of pig and certain large animals (Prt)
CO.ALAALA-FUTU Alaala/futu, lala/futu Caranx sp. (Hpr)
PN.ALA-TI Ala Scratch (Prt)
OC.QALAWA Alava/ʔula Shark sp. (Prt)
PN.QALELO Alelo Uvula, Adam's apple (offensive word) (Mnr)
OC.ALI.1 Ali Flatfish (Prt)
PN.QALI.1A Ali/ali Visible (Prt)
PN.QALI.1A A/ali/ Appear (Prt)
PN.HAALIQA Aalia Watercourse, dry bed of a river ; brook, creek but example suggests perhaps one subject to drying up (Bgs)
PN.QARIKI Aliʔi Chief (Prt)
MP.QALILI Alili Mollusc (Turbo sp.) (Prt)
PN.QALITO Atilo Dead tissue, dried pus in boil etc. (Prt)
MP.QALO.1 Alo Belly (of fish or chief) (Prt)
EO.QALO.3 Alo Paddle, row (Prt)
MP.QAROFA.A Alofa Love, pity, compassion (Prt)
PN.QAROFA.B Ta/alofa Form of general greeting (Prt)
PN.QARO-FI-WAQE Alofivae Sole of foot (Prt)
MP.QALOGO Alogo Zebra Surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus) (Hpr)
PN.QALUGA.1 Mau/aluga/ High (Prt)
PN.QALUGA.2 ʔAluga Pillow, cushion (Prt)
SO.AMA Sama Turmeric powder mixed with oil and used as a remedy for scabies ; to colour the skin with turmeric (Prt)
PN.QAMANAKI Amanaʔi Stockpile (food, etc.) (Prt)
EO.AMI Ami Crab roe and other crustacean roe; penis (Prt)
PN.QAMIO Aamio/mio Go about (Prt)
PN.QAMIO Aamio Conduct, behaviour; habits, ways Problematic (Prt)
PN.AMO.1B Amo Separate inner fibres of a coconut midrib from the outer fibres (Prt)
PN.QAMO Amo Yoke stick resting on a man's shoulder (Prt)
PN.AMU ʔAmu/amu Mock (Prt)
PN.AMU ʔA/ʔamu Mock, ridicule (Prt)
PN.AMU ʔAmu/sia Be mocked, made fun of (Prt)
PN.QAMU-TIA ʔAmuʔia Lucky, fortunate (of people) (Prt)
PN.QANA.1 Ana Cave (Prt)
PN.QANA-.2 Ana/mua Formerly, in those days (Prt)
PN.QANA-.2 Ana/muaa In days of old, in ancient times (Prt)
PN.QANA-.2 Ana/taeao This morning (referring to the past) (Prt)
PN.QANA-FEA Anafea When (past) (Prt)
OC.QANA-NAFI Ananafi Yesterday (Prt)
PN.QANA-POO Anapoo Last night (Prt)
AN.ANE.A Ane The white ant (Termes) (Prt)
OC.QANU.3 Anu Spit (Prt)
AN.QANUFE Anufe Caterpillar. Worms, including intestinal worms (McP). (Prt)
CP.AO.1 Ao Collect, gather (Prt)
PN.MO-QI Moʔi/moʔi Small (Prt)
OC.QAO.1 Ao Cloud (Prt)
NP.QAO.2 Ao Head (chiefly); title of importance throughout Samoa (Mnr); to have peace (Prt) (Prt)

3030 entries found