Samoan entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
NP.QAO.3 | Ao | Excellent, perfect, as a house, boat etc. | (Prt) |
NP.QAO.3 | Ao | It is essential to, one must | (Prt) |
OC.QAOA | A/aoa/ | Banyan tree | (Prt) |
FJ.QAOGA | Aoga/a | Use, value | (Prt) |
NP.APAKULA | Apaʔula | Mother who engages a warrior to avenge her son's death | (Bwh) |
SO.APELE | Apele | To be full | (Prt) |
PN.QAPI.1 | Api | Lodge, lodged, lodging-house | (Prt) |
PN.APO | Apo/apo | Poise the spear | (Prt) |
FJ.QASA | Asa, aasa | Wade through, as water or long grass | (Prt) |
OC.ASI | Asi | (Syzygium spp.) | (Whr) |
PN.QASI | Asi | Visit | (Prt) |
FJ.QASO.1 | Aso | White-tipped Shark | (Hpr) |
AN.QASO.2 | Aso | Day (Date) | (Prt) |
NP.ASOGAA | Sogaa | A shrub (Pipturus sp.), used for cordage | (Prt) |
MP.QASU | Asu | Ladle, dip, scoop out | (Prt) |
SO.ASU | Asu | Smoke | (Prt) |
PN.ATA.1 | Ata/ao | First light | (Prt) |
CE.ATA.2 | Faʔa/ata | To treat with respect while refusing a request Problematic | (Prt) |
AN.QATA | Ata | Shadow, reflection | (Prt) |
NP.ATA-LIKI | Ataliʔi | Son (of a man) | (Prt) |
EO.QATAMAI.A | Atamai | Intelligent, clever | (Prt) |
PN.A-TE-.1 | Ia - te | Form of i 'to' before pronouns. Particle used with oblique cases of pronouns | (Prt) |
MP.ATE.2 | Ate. Ate/ate | A shrub (Wedelia sp.), Beach Sunflower | (Prt) |
AN.QATE.1 | Ate | Liver | (Prt) |
PN.QATE.2 | Ate/vae | Calf of leg | (Prt) |
PN.QATE.2 | Ate/lima | Thick part of the arm | (Prt) |
PN.QAATEA | Aatea | Clear, unoccupied, free from obstruction | (Prt) |
PN.QAATEA | Atea | Lee side of canoe Problematic | (Prt) |
PN.QATE-PILI | Ate pili | Spleen ; pancreas | (Prt) |
PN.ATI.2 | A(a)ti/aʔi | To go softly towards in order to seize, as a bird or an enemy; to take by surprise (Prt) | (Prt) |
PN.QATI.1 | Ati | Go through, pierce, penetrating , pierce | (Prt) |
PN.QATI.3 | Ati | Build (with stones or concrete) | (Prt) |
PN.QATI.4 | Ati | To fetch fire | (Prt) |
NP.AATI | Aati | Pl. particle denoting a number of chiefs of the same name or title; as `o le aati Tagaloa | (Prt) |
ST.ATIGI.* | Atigi | Empty vessel, shell, container | (Prt) |
PN.QATIU | Atiu | Plant sp. (Cucumis acidus) (Prt); liane (Cucumis sp.), a melon (Mnr) | (Prt) |
AN.QATO | Ato | Thatch | (Prt) |
OC.ATU | Atu | Away from speaker | (Prt) |
MP.QATU.2 | Atu | Line, row | (Prt) |
MP.QATUA | Atua | Deity | (Prt) |
SO.ATUA-LOA | Atualoa | Centipede | (Prt) |
MP.QATULE | Atule | Horse mackerel (Trachurops sp.) | (Prt) |
AN.AU.1 | Aʔu | First person singular pronoun (Focus) Problematic | (Prt) |
PN.AQU | Au | To reach to | (Prt) |
PN.QAU.2 | Au | To carry away, as the stones of a wall . Carry (in the hand) | (Prt) |
PN.QAU.2 | Au/au | Pick (by hand) | (Prt) |
PN.QAU.3 | Ou | Bark (of dog) | (Prt) |
MP.QAUA.1 | Aua | Mugil sp. | (Hpr) |
FJ.KAUA | ʔAua | Not, do not; don't! | (Mnr) |
PN.QAUEE | Auee | Alas!, Oh! | (Prt) |
3022 entries found