Samoan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.QAO.3 Ao Excellent, perfect, as a house, boat etc. (Prt)
NP.QAO.3 Ao It is essential to, one must (Prt)
OC.QAOA A/aoa/ Banyan tree (Prt)
FJ.QAOGA Aoga/a Use, value (Prt)
NP.APAKULA Apaʔula Mother who engages a warrior to avenge her son's death (Bwh)
SO.APELE Apele To be full (Prt)
PN.QAPI.1 Api Lodge, lodged, lodging-house (Prt)
PN.APO Apo/apo Poise the spear (Prt)
FJ.QASA Asa, aasa Wade through, as water or long grass (Prt)
OC.ASI Asi (Syzygium spp.) (Whr)
PN.QASI Asi Visit (Prt)
FJ.QASO.1 Aso White-tipped Shark (Hpr)
AN.QASO.2 Aso Day (Date) (Prt)
NP.ASOGAA Sogaa A shrub (Pipturus sp.), used for cordage (Prt)
MP.QASU Asu Ladle, dip, scoop out (Prt)
SO.ASU Asu Smoke (Prt)
PN.ATA.1 Ata/ao First light (Prt)
CE.ATA.2 Faʔa/ata To treat with respect while refusing a request Problematic (Prt)
AN.QATA Ata Shadow, reflection (Prt)
NP.ATA-LIKI Ataliʔi Son (of a man) (Prt)
EO.QATAMAI.A Atamai Intelligent, clever (Prt)
PN.A-TE-.1 Ia - te Form of i 'to' before pronouns. Particle used with oblique cases of pronouns (Prt)
MP.ATE.2 Ate. Ate/ate A shrub (Wedelia sp.), Beach Sunflower (Prt)
AN.QATE.1 Ate Liver (Prt)
PN.QATE.2 Ate/vae Calf of leg (Prt)
PN.QATE.2 Ate/lima Thick part of the arm (Prt)
PN.QAATEA Aatea Clear, unoccupied, free from obstruction (Prt)
PN.QAATEA Atea Lee side of canoe Problematic (Prt)
PN.QATE-PILI Ate pili Spleen ; pancreas (Prt)
PN.ATI.2 A(a)ti/aʔi To go softly towards in order to seize, as a bird or an enemy; to take by surprise (Prt) (Prt)
PN.QATI.1 Ati Go through, pierce, penetrating , pierce (Prt)
PN.QATI.3 Ati Build (with stones or concrete) (Prt)
PN.QATI.4 Ati To fetch fire (Prt)
NP.AATI Aati Pl. particle denoting a number of chiefs of the same name or title; as `o le aati Tagaloa (Prt)
ST.ATIGI.* Atigi Empty vessel, shell, container (Prt)
PN.QATIU Atiu Plant sp. (Cucumis acidus) (Prt); liane (Cucumis sp.), a melon (Mnr) (Prt)
AN.QATO Ato Thatch (Prt)
OC.ATU Atu Away from speaker (Prt)
MP.QATU.2 Atu Line, row (Prt)
MP.QATUA Atua Deity (Prt)
SO.ATUA-LOA Atualoa Centipede (Prt)
MP.QATULE Atule Horse mackerel (Trachurops sp.) (Prt)
AN.AU.1 Aʔu First person singular pronoun (Focus) Problematic (Prt)
PN.AQU Au To reach to (Prt)
PN.QAU.2 Au To carry away, as the stones of a wall . Carry (in the hand) (Prt)
PN.QAU.2 Au/au Pick (by hand) (Prt)
PN.QAU.3 Ou Bark (of dog) (Prt)
MP.QAUA.1 Aua Mugil sp. (Hpr)
FJ.KAUA ʔAua Not, do not; don't! (Mnr)
PN.QAUEE Auee Alas!, Oh! (Prt)

3022 entries found