Takuu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.MOAGA Moana Pale Red Goatfish (Parupeneus sp.) (Mle)
PN.MOHE-GA Moena Bedding, sleeping mat (Mle)
PN.QISI Moo/isi Few, small quantity (Mle)
PN.MOLE.1 M/more Have nothing, be absent or empty, blank (Mle)
PN.MOTI-MOTI Motimoti Technique for taro planting: small amounts of compost are periodically added to hasten growth (Mle)
PN.MOTO.2A Mooto/iake Be a virgin (Mle)
PN.MAQUGA Mouna Mountain, hill, man-made mound (Mle)
PN.MAUNU Mounu Marine worm sp., orange with red stripe...used as bait, etc. (Mle)
MP.MAQULI Mouri The spirit of a person, existing in recognisable human form both before and after death (Mle)
NP.MUI Mui (of people) Congregate, gather (Mle)
PN.MURI.1B Muri, muli Bottom, buttocks (Mle)
PN.MURI-FANUA Murihenua End of an island; division of Nukutoa's community into Sialeva and Taaloki (Mle)
PN.MULU.1 M(u)/muru Rub with something (esp. if one feels chilled), rub with the heel of the hand (as of a length of tobacco) (Mle)
PN.MEQA.B Mee Do, make, create, gather; intend, get ready to do something, (of an event) appear likely to occur; act or behave in a certain manner (Mle)
PN.GANA.2A N/nana Noise (Mle)
PN.GALI.1 N/nani Bite a piece off something; nibble, bite with the front teeth, nip Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
AN.RANO Nano Permanent source of fresh water, perpetually swampy area Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
PN.GAO-HAQA Naoa Period when flotsam arrives (approximately December - May); cluster of floating logs on the ocean; guts of humans, turtles and pigs... (Mle)
PN.GAOFE Naohe (of a house) Sway from side to side (as in a high wind) (Mle)
PN.MA-QOPO Naaopo Gathered or collected together Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
MP.GALU.1 Naru Series of ocean waves breaking in quick succession (Mle)
PN.GATAQA -nataa With difficulty; take a long time to do something or have something done to it (Mle)
PN.GATALA Natara Fish taxon, several species (Mle)
NP.GA-TASI Naatasi Be fair, equal in size (Mle)
PN.GATATA Nattaa Make a rustling noise, as of leaves; sound of wind in the leaves of a tree (Mle)
PN.GAAWARI Naavari Bend, buckle, as a pole under pressure (Mle)
NP.NEFU.1 Nehu Fry of certain fish used for bait (Mle)
MP.NOFU N/nehu Stonefish, scorpion fish Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
NP.GAE.A Neenee Illness characterized by rapid breathing and shortness of breath Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
PN.GA-UE Neu/neuee, ne/neeuee Move, fidget, shake Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
CP.NOQA N/noa Knot; tie a knot; noose for shark fishing (Mle)
OC.NOFO Noho Stay, be situated; be or remain in a particular state....live, dwell; stay behind; sit... (Mle)
PN.FAKA-NOFO Hakanoho Seat, cause to sit down or up; install (a chief, elder, spirit medium), put into office (Mle)
EP.RORO.1 Non/nono Human brain; edible meat inside the head of a fish Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
PN.GOTO N/noto (of wound, hole etc.) Deep (Mle)
PN.GOTO Noto/hia (of canoe) Fully laden; riding low because of the weight of its contents (Mle)
OC.GUU.1 N/nuu Make a whirring or vibrating noise; whimper, whine, (of pig) squeal Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mle)
NP.GUTU.B Nutu-a, u/nutu/a Scold someone (Mle)
OC.QOHO Oo Provisions for a sea journey, comprising coconuts, but no cooked food (Mle)
PN.OO.2 Oo Exclamation of surprise Uncertain Semantic Connection (Mle)
EO.OFAGA Ohana Bird nest (Mle)
PN.OFO.A Oho Awaken, wake up (vi) (Mle)
PN.OKO.1 Oko Gather or collect scattered items to be picked up one or a few at a time (e.g. shellfish, ripe coconuts, firewood) (Mle)
PN.HOKO.2 Oko Adductor muscle of a nakohu giant clam, which holds the two shells together at the base (Mle)
PN.OMA.1 Oma/oma (of a bird) Soar (Mle)
AN.QONE One Sandspit, sand bar, sandy place on the reef (obs.); sandy flat area where the spirits of each clan reside (Mle)
AN.ONO Ono Six (Mle)
NP.OLI.3 Oriori Song type.... (Mle)
PN.OSI Osi Young shoot of a plant that has developed from a sucker of an old plant (Mle)
SO.OSO Oso (of liquid in a container) Overflow (Mle)

2219 entries found