Takuu entries in Pollex-Online
Protoform | Item | Description | Source |
OC.SAAWAKI | Saauaki | Edible sea urchin sp. Phonologically Irregular | (Mle) |
XO.SAWA.2 | Sava | Dance gesture, esp. in sau dances | (Mle) |
NP.SAWA.1 | S/sava | Covered or smeared with an undesirable substance (e.g. paint, blood, faeces) | (Mle) |
NP.SE.1 | Se | A, an (indefinite article) | (Mle) |
SO.SEQE.2 | See | No, not (precedes verb) | (Mle) |
CP.SEA.2 | Sea | Lift the leg, as in a stamping movement; any (foreign) dance using this gesture | (Mle) |
EC.FUI | Se/hui- | Prefix when counting coconuts in units of ten, or money in units of ten toea | (Mle) |
FJ.SEKA | Seka/a | Fine white mould, mildew, or fungus (such as that appearing on leather); salt residue on one’s skin | (Mle) |
PN.PA-SEKE | Paaseke | Ricochet, bounce off, graze | (Mle) |
CP.TAQE-KI | Seki | Not yet (indicates incompletion of action) | (Mle) |
PN.KUMI.1 | Se/kumi | Unit of lineal measure: ten fathoms | (Mle) |
NP.WEKU.1 | Seku/seku | Dishevelled, disarranged in appearance, messy or untidy looking, unkempt Phonologically Irregular | (Mle) |
PN.SEGI.B | S/seni | Dim, indistinct, almost dark or blind | (Mle) |
PN.SEGI.A | S/seni | Dim, indistinct, almost dark or blind; periods before sunrise and after sunset: dawn, dusk | (Mle) |
PN.SEGA.2 | S/sena | Stain, spot, discoloration | (Mle) |
SO.TEQE-MUU | Seemuu | Quiet, private, secret | (Mle) |
EO.SELE.2 | S/sere | Circumcise, operate on someone | (Mle) |
EO.SELE.3 | Sere | Dear, beloved, favourite | (Mle) |
MP.SELU | Seru | Comb; long tail feathers of rooster and some other birds | (Mle) |
OC.TAQU.1 | Se/tau | Year | (Mle) |
CP.SEU | Seu | Oval hand net formerly used while perched in a tree for catching edible birds | (Mle) |
CP.SISI.3 | Ssii | Scoop out the flesh of coconuts, clams, etc. | (Mle) |
MP.SISI.2 | Ssii | Edible shellfish sp. | (Mle) |
PN.FIHA.B | Siaa- | A few Problematic | (Mle) |
CP.SILA.1A | S/sila | Slanted, crooked; bent; (of one’s eyes) cross-eyed | (Mle) |
NP.SUMU.1 | Simu | Lash or tie a three-legged stool (tuai) or oilfish hook (maatau hakasoro) in a prescribed manner Phonologically Irregular | (Mle) |
PN.GAFULU.* | Si/nahuru | Ten | (Mle) |
PN.SIGANO | Sinano | Flower of the male pandanus tree | (Mle) |
MP.PULU.1A | Si/puru | Soft fibres from the inner husk of a coconut, object used to prevent liquid from escaping; menstrual pad, tampon | (Mle) |
PN.SILI.1 | Siri | (of sleepiness, hunger, etc.) Decrease, wane, disappear, be gone; (of an entire coconut tree) too old to bear more fruit; (of a coconut, coconut embryo, giant taro, etc.) matured past the point where it is good to eat or drink, overripe | (Mle) |
PN.SILI.1 | S/siri | Vegetables left in the ground beyond their maturity | (Mle) |
FJ.QAA-SIO-SIO | Sisioi, siosio/lloa | Waterspout, typhoon; dragonfly | (Mle) |
NP.SOKO-.3A | Soko- | (with numerals) Only | (Mle) |
EC.SOLO.5 | S/soro | Drag a heavy object | (Mle) |
EC.SOLO.5 | Soro/ki | Move oneself; move over; move a canoe to water or to the beach | (Mle) |
AN.SUU.1 | S/suu | Damp, moist | (Mle) |
EO.SUA.3 | Sua/a, suo | Large steering paddle (such as used on ancient canoes) (obs.) | (Mle) |
PN.SUKE | S/suke | Reveal things that should remain private or secret | (Mle) |
EO.TAA.1A | Taa | Strike, beat, hit, kill; kill fish trapped in shallow water with an implement or by hand | (Mle) |
EC.TAA.4A | Taa | Add an extra mesh to a hand net which in turn is attached to the net handle. Mend a hole in a net (Hwd). | (Mle) |
PN.TAA.2 | Taa | Hand or row of eight to ten bananas on a bunch | (Mle) |
PN.TAE.1 | Tae | Arrive at, reach a destination | (Mle) |
FJ.TAE.2B | Tae | Hand net used for catching flying fish | (Mle) |
SO.TAFA-QATA | Tahata | Early morning, first light | (Mle) |
PN.TAFA-QULI | Tahauri | Fish [Caranx sp.], second growth stage between lluhe and sukimana | (Mle) |
OC.TAFE | Tahe | (of current) Flow strongly; current, rise and fall of waves | (Mle) |
EO.TAFI | T/tahi | Sweep | (Mle) |
PN.TAFITO.A | Tahito | Foot or base of a tree or pole; beginning of a story, history; cause of a problem | (Mle) |
NP.TAFO-LAQA.* | Tahoraa | Whale | (Mle) |
PN.FOLE | Ta/hore | Shellfish sp., a bivalve with a very sharp edge, formerly used for shaving | (Mle) |
2219 entries found