Takuu entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
OC.SAAWAKI Saauaki Edible sea urchin sp. Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
XO.SAWA.2 Sava Dance gesture, esp. in sau dances (Mle)
NP.SAWA.1 S/sava Covered or smeared with an undesirable substance (e.g. paint, blood, faeces) (Mle)
NP.SE.1 Se A, an (indefinite article) (Mle)
SO.SEQE.2 See No, not (precedes verb) (Mle)
CP.SEA.2 Sea Lift the leg, as in a stamping movement; any (foreign) dance using this gesture (Mle)
EC.FUI Se/hui- Prefix when counting coconuts in units of ten, or money in units of ten toea (Mle)
FJ.SEKA Seka/a Fine white mould, mildew, or fungus (such as that appearing on leather); salt residue on one’s skin (Mle)
PN.PA-SEKE Paaseke Ricochet, bounce off, graze (Mle)
CP.TAQE-KI Seki Not yet (indicates incompletion of action) (Mle)
PN.KUMI.1 Se/kumi Unit of lineal measure: ten fathoms (Mle)
NP.WEKU.1 Seku/seku Dishevelled, disarranged in appearance, messy or untidy looking, unkempt Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
PN.SEGI.B S/seni Dim, indistinct, almost dark or blind (Mle)
PN.SEGI.A S/seni Dim, indistinct, almost dark or blind; periods before sunrise and after sunset: dawn, dusk (Mle)
PN.SEGA.2 S/sena Stain, spot, discoloration (Mle)
SO.TEQE-MUU Seemuu Quiet, private, secret (Mle)
EO.SELE.2 S/sere Circumcise, operate on someone (Mle)
EO.SELE.3 Sere Dear, beloved, favourite (Mle)
MP.SELU Seru Comb; long tail feathers of rooster and some other birds (Mle)
OC.TAQU.1 Se/tau Year (Mle)
CP.SEU Seu Oval hand net formerly used while perched in a tree for catching edible birds (Mle)
CP.SISI.3 Ssii Scoop out the flesh of coconuts, clams, etc. (Mle)
MP.SISI.2 Ssii Edible shellfish sp. (Mle)
PN.FIHA.B Siaa- A few Problematic (Mle)
CP.SILA.1A S/sila Slanted, crooked; bent; (of one’s eyes) cross-eyed (Mle)
NP.SUMU.1 Simu Lash or tie a three-legged stool (tuai) or oilfish hook (maatau hakasoro) in a prescribed manner Phonologically Irregular (Mle)
PN.GAFULU.* Si/nahuru Ten (Mle)
PN.SIGANO Sinano Flower of the male pandanus tree (Mle)
MP.PULU.1A Si/puru Soft fibres from the inner husk of a coconut, object used to prevent liquid from escaping; menstrual pad, tampon (Mle)
PN.SILI.1 Siri (of sleepiness, hunger, etc.) Decrease, wane, disappear, be gone; (of an entire coconut tree) too old to bear more fruit; (of a coconut, coconut embryo, giant taro, etc.) matured past the point where it is good to eat or drink, overripe (Mle)
PN.SILI.1 S/siri Vegetables left in the ground beyond their maturity (Mle)
FJ.QAA-SIO-SIO Sisioi, siosio/lloa Waterspout, typhoon; dragonfly (Mle)
NP.SOKO-.3A Soko- (with numerals) Only (Mle)
EC.SOLO.5 S/soro Drag a heavy object (Mle)
EC.SOLO.5 Soro/ki Move oneself; move over; move a canoe to water or to the beach (Mle)
AN.SUU.1 S/suu Damp, moist (Mle)
EO.SUA.3 Sua/a, suo Large steering paddle (such as used on ancient canoes) (obs.) (Mle)
PN.SUKE S/suke Reveal things that should remain private or secret (Mle)
EO.TAA.1A Taa Strike, beat, hit, kill; kill fish trapped in shallow water with an implement or by hand (Mle)
EC.TAA.4A Taa Add an extra mesh to a hand net which in turn is attached to the net handle. Mend a hole in a net (Hwd). (Mle)
PN.TAA.2 Taa Hand or row of eight to ten bananas on a bunch (Mle)
PN.TAE.1 Tae Arrive at, reach a destination (Mle)
FJ.TAE.2B Tae Hand net used for catching flying fish (Mle)
SO.TAFA-QATA Tahata Early morning, first light (Mle)
PN.TAFA-QULI Tahauri Fish [Caranx sp.], second growth stage between lluhe and sukimana (Mle)
OC.TAFE Tahe (of current) Flow strongly; current, rise and fall of waves (Mle)
EO.TAFI T/tahi Sweep (Mle)
PN.TAFITO.A Tahito Foot or base of a tree or pole; beginning of a story, history; cause of a problem (Mle)
NP.TAFO-LAQA.* Tahoraa Whale (Mle)
PN.FOLE Ta/hore Shellfish sp., a bivalve with a very sharp edge, formerly used for shaving (Mle)

2219 entries found