Tongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
NP.KUUKUU.1 Kuukuu To coo (of the kulukulu) (Cwd)
XW.MATE-GUUGUU Mate-nguunguu To be tired out and moaning or groaning with exhaustion; also said of one's hand or arm when stiff or insensate after being lain on or anaesthetized (Cwd)
PN.TUQU-KEHE Tuʔukehe To stand apart or on one's own; to take a different view... (Cwd)
PN.TE-QA Heʔe- Possessive (dominant) prefix with pronouns (Cwd)
PN.HUI-TUQA Hui tuʔa Backbone (Cwd)
PN.TOKA.1 Toka Run aground (Cwd)
PN.TOKA.1 Toca, tocca Aground; to get aground, to lie on the ground (Mar)
PN.WA-WAA Vavaa Space between the earth and the sky (Cwd)
PN.LAU-HAKAU Lauhakau Area (in the sea) more or less covered with reefs (Cwd)
PN.MAQU-A Moʔua Encumbered, busy, engaged, occupied; in debt; convicted, found guilty (Cwd)
PN.TO-TOLO Totolo To creep or crawl on all fours; to grovel or "crawl" to a person; to go or come stealthily...; (of plants) to creep, trail or climb; to spread or extend gradually (Cwd)
PN.TO-TOLO Totolo To crawl, to grovel (Mar)
PN.WAI-A Vaia To become wet or watery; to be affected or damaged by wetness; to become liquid.... (Cwd)
PN.FAKA-KITE Fakakite To loom ahead, to appear to be approaching (in time, not space); to presage, augur, suggest, or be an omen of (Cwd)
PN.FIA-MOHE Fie mohe Want to sleep (Cwd)
PN.FIA-MOHE Fiemohe/a To be sleepy (Cwd)
EP.PUA.B Puo/pua (Of kape) To have reached the stage at which it is flowering (Cwd)
PN.MATE.1E Mate (of wind) To die down, cease (Cwd)
PN.FAKA-AGI Fakaangiangi, fakaangi/na To hang up or hoist where it can be blown about by the wind (Cwd)
PN.FISU Fihu-ʔi To turn the edges of a mat over and plait them in and so finish the mat off (Cwd)
XW.KELO.3 Kelo(kelo) Reddish brown (Cwd)
XW.KELO.3 Ke/kelo Somewhat *kelokelo*: brownish with a tinge of red (Cwd)
PN.MATA-MATA Matamata/ʔau Ruffling or rippling of the sea where two currents meet, or where the current meets with obstructions (Cwd)
PN.QOTI.B Ko hono ʔosí ia. That's the lot; that's all there is of it. (Cwd)
PN.QOTI.B ʔOsi/ki To get through the whole of, to do (use, eat, learn, etc.) the whole or of all of. (Cwd)
PN.OFO.B Ofo To feel surprise, be surprised, get a surprise (Cwd)
PN.OFO.C Ofo (of *kape*) To start sending out shoots again because left in the ground too long (Cwd)
PN.OFO.C Ofo/ofo (of plants) To revive after being apparently dead (Cwd)
PN.OFO.B Ofo/ngi To hail, to call out when someone or something suddenly comes into view (Cwd)
NP.NAPAQA Napaʔa Endommager (Btn)
PN.FATU-TILI Fétatechili To lighten, (to flash with lightning), lightning (Mar)
FJ.FIHI Fihi Tangled, intricate, complicated, problematical (Cwd)
FJ.FIHI Fihi To tangle, to entwine, to twist (Mar)
PN.PUOU Puou Kind of breadfruit (mei) (Cwd)
FJ.PUTU-KI Putuki Plant close together (Cwd)
PN.LAGI.5 Langi Raised and terraced burial place of sovereigns (in days gone by) (Cwd)
PN.LAGI.5 Langi (of kings or queens) Eyes, face, mouth, ears, or head (Cwd)
AN.TUSU.A Tuhuʔi To point to, point at, or point out (Cwd)
PN.TUSU.B Tuhu Finger, esp. forefinger, index finger (Cwd)
PN.TUSU.B Toohoo The forefinger (Mar)
PN.LOLO.1B Lolo To taste oily (Cwd)
PN.WOKE Voke(voke) To pinch and twist at the same time; to tweak (Cwd)
CE.MA-TOFI.B Matofi A certain stage of the waning moon (Cwd)
AN.KUMI-KUMI Kumukumu Chin; pendulous lichen (Cwd)
AN.KUMI-KUMI Coomoo-coomoo The chin (Mar)
PN.RAQA-KAU.B ʔAkau-taa Club (weapon); bow (of violin) (Cwd)
SO.FAI-FEKAU Faifekau Minister (of religion), clergyman, missionary (Cwd)
PN.TOLO.2B Tolo/i To lengthen, draw out, extend (Cwd)
PN.WAHA-WAHA Vahavaha (of three or more) To be spaced out, to be well-spaced (in place or time) (Cwd)
PN.TAA.4B Taa ..scooping up fish with a hand-net... (Cwd)

4323 entries found