Tongan entries in Pollex-Online

Protoform Item Description Source
PN.SAU-QARIKI Houʔeiki Chiefs (pl. of 'eiki). In public speaking it is often equivalent to 'gentlemen' or 'ladies and gentlement' or 'you (pl)'. (Cwd)
OC.FATI.A Fesi-ʔi To break (a stick, rod etc.) (Cwd)
MP.HAGA.1 Hanga fesi Distance measured by spanning and then bending the hand over onto the knuckles, thus adding to the span the length of the two top joints of the fingers (Cct)
MP.MUTU.1A Mutu/kanga Dividing line along the middle of tapa cloth (Cwd)
MP.PAPA.1A Baba Semi-circular frame on which the cloth [tapa] is extended to be printed (Cct)
PN.FUHI.A Lau te/fuhi 100 *langanga* (length of tapa) (Cct)
FJ.MATA-.4 Mata, (-ga)-mata Unit classifier in counting fish (up to 5) (Cct)
PN.HOA (-ga)-hoa Pair classifier in counting fish or yams (6 and over) (Cct)
NP.LAU.1B Mate/lau "Plus one" in counting odd numbers of fish (7 and above) (Cct)
PN.KAU.2C Kau-ika Ten pairs of fish (Cct)
SO.TINO-.B -ga-sino Unit classifier in counting yams (up to 5) Problematic (Cct)
EP.FUA.3C Fuo/fua/vale Almost full moon (Cct)
CE.MA-TOFI.B Matofi/tele The waning of the moon is very apparent (Cct)
FJ.LEKA.2 Leke/leka The moon is very small (Cct)
PN.FAAGOGO.B Pogogo Elever, nourrir Phonologically Irregular (Btn)
PN.TOKO-RUA Tokoua Brother or sister (without regard to sex or age on either side) Uncertain Semantic Connection (Cwd)
PN.MEQA-KAI Meʔakai Food (Cwd)
PN.HAGA.2 Hangee (ko) Be like, resemble Problematic (Cwd)
PN.TAUSI Tauhi To tend, look after, take care of...keep safe, preserve... (Cwd)
PN.FIA-INU Fieinu/a To be thirsty (Cwd)
PN.FAKA-QAROFA Fakaʔofo/ʔofa Lovely (esp. to look at), pretty, charming, beautiful... (Cwd)
PN.MA-LELE Malele To lean to one side or another, to sway; to cave in to some extent; (of crowd) run across this way or that; (of disease) become less serious (Cwd)
PN.TAU-SOA Tauhoa Two by two, in pairs; opposite one another in pairs (e.g., of two parallel lines of trees or posts) (Cwd)
PN.TAU-TASA Taautaha Personal, individual; one by one, one at a time, one in each place, individually (Cwd)
PN.MATA.5 Mata/paa Gate, door, or window (Cwd)
TO.TIQI Siʔi Small, little, young (singular); article indicating sympathy etc. (Cwd)
TO.TIQI Chi Small, little, thin (Mar)
TO.TIQI Chi/chi Softly, slightly, lightly, in a very moderate degree (Mar)
PN.QALU.C ʔAlu Go (Cwd)
PN.QALU.C Aloo To go, or depart; get along! begone!; the gait or walk (Mar)
PN.LAU-MANU Laumanu Flock of birds (Cwd)
PN.FAKA-RAU Faka/te/au To make up to a hundred, to complete a hundred of (Cwd)
CP.TUKU.A Toogoo To lower (a sail) (Mar)
CP.TUKU.A Tuku To lower or let down, or turn down (e.g. a lamp) (Cwd)
PN.TUKU.C Tuku To hand over, give; to leave behind; permit, allow, let (Cwd)
PN.TAPA.1B Taba Border of unprinted cloth (Cct)
PN.SUA.4 Hua Change from one tack to another (Cwd)
PN.KUPU.1A Kupu/ʔi lea Phrase (Cwd)
PN.POO.1B Bo Day (Mar)
OC.TAQU.1 Toʔu Preposed noun: harvest-time, time or season of tuber digging...the crop itself...time or season when birds or fish etc. are plentiful... (Cwd)
PN.TUQA-A-MATA Tuʔamata, tuʔo/tuʔamata Eyelid, esp. the back or higher part (Cwd)
PN.FAKA-RUA.1 Fakaua To repeat, to have or hold a second time (Cwd)
PN.SIKI.1E Hiki To move from one place to another; to die (Cwd)
PN.NANU.A Nenu Speak falteringly or hesitantly. Bredouiller (Rch). (Cwd)
NP.TAE.2A Tae Scoop or scrape together (Cwd)
PN.E.1B (ʔ)E Untranslatable particle used before numerals (Cwd)
PN.MATE-GA Matenga, mateʔanga Source, origin, reason or cause of death (Cwd)
CE.KIMO.* Kimo/kimo Éblouissement des yeux (Btn)
NP.LAKIA Lekia Sorte de mouche qui vole sans cesse; (par fig.) inconstant Problematic (Btn)
PN.LEPE Lepe/si Diviser, déchirer, détruire (Btn)

4323 entries found